Miku Flashcards
Mecchia hekomu
Even though yesterday i stayed up all night…
Kinou tetsuya shita noni
Let’s move on change one’ way of thinking, next time you will make better
Ma…kirikaete, tsugi gambaro
Earn money
Okane o kasegu
Be broke
Even though I ordered an hour ago but they still haven’t come yet
Ichijikan mae tchumon shita noni mada kitenai
Even though I studied abroad i forgot almost everything
Sekkaku ryugakilu shita noni hotondo zembu wasureta
I wanted to eat it too
Tabetakatta noni
I want to earn money
Okane o kasegitai
I got bored
Even though is 15, he looks like an adult
Mada 15 sai nanoni otonappoi
Tend to get angry
Tendency of forgetting
Get bored quickly
Might have caught a cold
It’s a typical spring day
Harurashi hi
Oggi è come un giorno d’estate (SOLO SE POSITIVO)
Kyoo natsu rashii hi da ne
It’s typical of Yoko (ONLY POSITIVE)
Yoko rashii ne (ne per far si che l’altra persona sia d’accordo)
I want to live as I am
Jibun rashiku ikitai
I can be myself when I am with Ken
Ken to iru to jibun rashiiku irareru
It seems they are having a fight
Kenka shiteiruppoi
it’s a typical spring day
Harurashi hi
typical, ideal (only positive meaning)
wakaretappoi (si usa anche se non corretto)
.contains a lot of
. color like
. like season
. tendency of personality (negative)
.haruppoi fukuso
.wasureppoi, okorippoi, akippoi
How would you like me to call you?
nanteyobeba iidesuka
call me paolo
Paolo te yonde kudasai
friendly to call Paolo
friendly to call Paola
Paolo kun
Paola tchan
karera (not used…)
sono hitotachi
that people over there
ano hitotachi
that people in the group of Yoko
even the friend of Paolo will join the party
Paolotachi mo paati ni kuru yo
watashitachi more informal
even less informal oretachi
sorry, what is your name? INFORMAL
gomen, namae nandakke
sorry, i forgot…what is your name? FORMAL
sumimasen, o namae wa nandeshita kke
became fashionable
oshiare ni natta
i’m getting sleepy
nemukunatte kita
my pronunciation got better
hatsuon ga yoku natte kita
learning Japanese is becoming more fun
nihongo no benkyo ga tanoshiiku natte kita
I started to like Satoshi/fell in love
Satoshi no koto ga shiki ni natta
like a lot of thing about (person); romantically
no koto ga
thanks for inviting me
shotai shite kurete, arigatou
marco cooked a pizza for me
Marco GA pizza o tsukke kureta (no need to use watashi ni…in quanto ho messo il GA)
kureru anche x i membri della mia famiglia
il mio amico ha comprato un gioco per mio fratello (past)
tomodachi ga itoto NI geemu o katte kureta (i show appreciation)
My friend is helping me with my work
tomodachi ga shigoto o testudatte kureteiru (si pronuncia tetsudattekureteru)
Saki is playing with my kids now
Saki ga kotomotachi to asondekureteiru
my boyfriend
Consistently: my boyfriend cooked dinner every night for us
Mainishi kareshi ga bangohan tsutte kureteiru (kureteru pronuncia)
My friend will pick me up (future)
tomodachi ga mukai ni kite kureru
oh, you made it for me?
eh…tsutte kureta NO? (no x sorpresa)
A bit more formal: did you reserve for us? thank you very much
yoyaku shite kuretandesuka. arigato gozaimasu
Formal: Tanaka san came to the party
Tanaka san ga paati ni kiite kudasaimashita
formal: thank you for letting me know
oshiete itadaite, arigato gozaimasu
formal: boss, thank you for coming
shaichou kite itadaite, arigatou gozaimasu
can you hold it for me?
chotto motte kureru
I withdrawed 10000 yen
Juman yen o hikiotoshita
I deposited 1000 yen
Sen yen o chokkin shita
Save money
Setsuyaku suru
Non c’è opposizione
Igi arimasen
Supportare qualcuno, fare il tifo per
Oen suru
fissare qualcuno, staring
giro giro miru
sguardi incrociati
me o awaseru