part 8 frasi 2 Flashcards
Do you have any regional dishes?
Kono chiou meibutsu ryori ga arimasuka?
special spot
change job/change school
Tenshoku suru/tenko suru
Taishoku /Teenee
He often eats out on Saturday nights
Gaishoku suru
as a matter of fact
Jitsu wa
Tschuschi su
He’s in his library
kare wa shosai ni iru
study abroad
Ryugaku suru
She took me by surprise
kanojo wa boku o odorokaseta
The waves swelled up the boat
nami ga kono booto o nomikonde shimatta
We’ll eat on the way
shokugi wa iku tochiou de tabeyou
studio linguistico
I met Tom on the way
Boku wa tochiou de Tom ni atta
No left turn
sasetsu kinshi
mio scopo
jibun no mokuyou
Yokou ni naru
In the morning the air is fresh
asa wa kuki ga shinsen da
I love fresh vegetables
Shinsen kuki o suou
interesse nella lingua
Gengo no kyomi
o ikusu desuka?
Nansai desuka
They reached their aim
karera wa mokuhyo tassei shimashita
raggiungere (scopo
Tassei suru
I’ll take in the laundry before it rains
ame furu mae sentakomonu o torikomu
I bought this book the other day
boku wa senjitsu kono hon o katta
He is depressed lately
kare wa saikin ochikondeiru
The teacher is in charge of the class
Sensei wa boku no clasu no tanin desu
He goofed on the job and got fired
kare wa shigoto o sabotte kubi ni natteshimaimashita
She lives in poor circumstances
Kanojo wa mazushi kyogu de kurashiteiru
He changed school last year
kare wa kyonen tenko shita
He was living alone in a hut
kare wa koya de hitoribochi de kurashiteita
He was too honest
kare wa amari ni mo shogiki sugita
He was too honest
kare wa amari ni mo shogiki sugita
In fact i’m happy
jissai shiawase nano desu
I was raised in bias
henken o ukeru
He’s very busy writing stories
kare wa kiji o kaku noni totemo isogashi
He’s prejudiced against her
kare wa kanojo ni henken o motteiru
I was born in Lugano
boku no jimoto wa Lugano
fare ma forma cortesia
study foreign languages
gokaku suru
He’s very active
Kare wa totemo katsudouteki desu
I can’t see the movie screen
eiga no gamen ga yoku miemasen
I was the result of your exam?
shiken no kekka wa do datta?
School festival, open day, cultural festival
I accepted the challenge
chousen o uketemita
He fortunately didn’t see me
kare ni mirarenakute saiwai data
Fortunately nobody was hurt
Saiwai daremo kega o shinakatta
Both my parents are at home now
Boku no ryoushin wa futari tomo ima jikka ni imasu