Miku 2 Flashcards
i’m not good in the honorific language
keigo o nigate desu
there is a wall between me and the other person
kabe ga aru
why don’t we go together ….if you like it? INFORMAL
moshi yokattara, issho ni ikanai?
why don’t we go together ….if you like it? FORMAL
moshi yokattara, issho ni ikimasenka?
i will study as much as possible
dekiru dake takusan benkyio suru
i try to eat vegetables as much as possible
dekiru dake yasai o taberu yooni shiteiru
try to do consistently, habit
i try to wake up daily at 6
I try to run every morning
Mainichi asa 6 ji okiru yooni shite iru
Maiasa ashiru yooni shite iru
I will go as soon as possible
dekiru dake hayaku iku
I like to buy it as cheaply as possible
dekiru dake yasuku kaitai
i like to make my luggage as small as possible
dekiru dake nimotsu o chisaku shitai
as clean as possible
dekiru dake kirei NI (adjective)
i like to keep my room as clean as possible
dekiru dake heya o kireiNI tamotsu (suru) yooni shite iru
start off with nama beer
toriaezu nama beeru de
Let’s just first do this to start off with
toriaezu mazu kore o shio
that’s enough for now
toriaezu sore de jubun
let’s just try doing it
toriaezu yatte miyou
I try to ask but i don’t know….
toriaezu kite miru
zenzen iiyo
assolutamente nessun problema
zenzen taijoubu desu
se qualcuno ci dice grazie o ci fa dei complimenti come si risponde? INFORMALE
i wonder if Yoko already came
Mo Yoko kita kana?
can we catch it? time
maniau kana
when do you come to Japan? Maybe next year
Itsu Nihon ni kuru no? Tabun rainen kana
what do you like about Japan? Maybe that it is safe
Nihon no doko ga suki? n….anzen na tokoro kana
what was the name? when was it? what was it? at what time was it? where was it? INFORMAL
Namae nandakke? itsu dakke? Nanji dakke? dokodakke?
what was it? at what time was it? where was it? FORMAL
Namae nandeshitakke Nanjideshitakke, Dokodeshitakke
I might not make in time INFORMAL /FORMAL
Maniawanai kamo /maniawanai kamo shiremasen
Please try it if you like (food)
yokattara, tabete mite
i wonder if i can pass the exam
goukaku dekiru kana
i might not be able to go today INFORMAL/FORMAL
kyou ikenai kamo / kamoshirimasen
i gave my tie to Marco
Marco NI nekutai o ageta
Satoshi gave a ring to Ami
Satoshi wa Ami ni yubiwa o ageta
Yoko received a present from Paolo
Yoko wa Paolo ni presento o moratta
Marco gave me a neckless (2 ways)
.Marco ni neckless o moratta (more formal moraimashita)
.Marco ga neckless o kureta (more formal kuremashita), x enfatizzare Marco
.receiving something who the other person doesn’t know
.receiving something who the other person knows
Mike gave me this present (enphazise Mike)
Mike ga presento o kureta
my brother received a game from my friend
tomodachi ga ototo ni gemu o kureta (as ototo is part of my family)
i gave you the key (just a few minutes ago)
saki gaki o watashita yo
honorific language
casual language
without saying anything
nanimo iwazu ni
Miki went home WITHOUT sayING anything
Miki wa nanimo iwazu ni kaetta
quando abbiamo suru diventa….
…zu ni … (PIÙ FORMALE) oppure nai de (MENO FORMALE)
i went to school without doing my homework
shukudai sezu ni gakko e itta (suru diventa “sezu”)
today i will study without sleeping
kyou nenai de benkyo o suru
I slept without thaking a shower
showa o abizu ni neta
i go to work without having breakfast
asagohan o tabezu ni shigoto e iku
i went out without tidying up my room
heya o katatsukezu ni dekaketa
make plan
yotei o tateru
i like to travel without making plans
yotei o tatezu ni ryoko suru no ga suki
Deposit money
Withdraw money
chokin suru
amari chokin SEZU NI nihon ni kita
i came to Japan without saving much money
.being nervous for something
.A nervous person
.kinchou suru
.shinkeishitsu na hito
I could give a presentation without being nervous
kinchou sezu ni presen dekita
particolarmente, specialmente
toku ni
to study
both spirit and appearance
kokoro mo mitame mo
The reason why
Nante ka to yu to
sleeping pill