parte 10 passiv, ecc Flashcards
Let me eat please, let me go please
tabesasete kudasai, ikasasete kudasai
Domani va a Lugano? (forma cortesia x altri si usa passivo)
Ashita Lugano e ikareru’ndesuka
Può farlo x me?
iatte itadakemasuka?
Ha studiato assieme a me (x farmi un piacere)
issho ni benkyo o itadakimashita (itadaita)
Me l’ha insegnato (forma cortesia)
Oishiete itadakimashita
I received the mail
I received the mail
Can you show me your ticket?
Kippu o misete itadaite mo ii desuka?
long distance /mid distance
Choukyouri /chukyori
Please open your eyes
me o hirakinasai
Japanese don’t open their heart right away
Nihonjin wa sugu kokoro o hirakanai
I want to increase my bodyweight
jibun no taijou o fuyashitai
Last week I opened an account on my daughter’s name
senshou musume no namae de ginkokoosa o hiraita
hamburger o tabesugita kara, taijou o fueta
Because i ate to many hamburgers, I put on weight
I usually wear jeans on Sunday
Maishu nichiobi wa taitei jeansu o haitteimasu
I opened an account on my daughter’s name
senshou musume no namae de ginkokoosa o hiraita
Excuse me, is this seat free?
sumimasen, kono seki wa aitemasuka?
Bank account
Ginkokoosa, yokinhoosa
She’s behind in her rent (payment)
Kanojo wa yachin no shiarai ga okurete imasu
The room rent is paid for half a year
heyaday wa hantoshibun shiharai desu
room rent
my grandmother is from Tokyo
sobo wa Tokyo no shusshin desu
my grandfather is super healthy
Sofu wa higiou ni kenko desu
estremamente, molto
Her occupation is teaching
kanojo no shokugyou wa sensei desu
It is difficult to get along with someone with different values
kachikan no chigau hito to umaku yatte iku no wa musukashi
valori personali e culturali
each other
Her occupation is teaching
kanojo no shokugyou wa sensei desu
She’s not the girl that you imagine
kanojo no shokugyou wa sensei desu
The result was positive
kekka wa yousei datta
Don’t make a fool of the poor
Mazushii hito o baka ni shinai de kudasai
His desire is to go into business
kare no gambou wa shoubai o hajimeru koto desu
desire to get married
The students show respect for the teacher
seitotachi wa sensei o sonkei suru
I’m fed up with his vulgar jokes
kare no gehin no joodan korigori desu
to be fed up, yannachau
korigori desu
When is cold I can’t start my car
samui toki wa, kuruma o hasshin saseru koto ga dekinai
this evening I want to go out for dinner
konya gaishoku suru tsumori desu
If I weren’t poor, i would buy a car
mazushikunakereba, kuruma o kau noni
I will give up drinking at any cost
boku wa nantoshite mo sake o yameru tsumori desu
Questa sera uscirò ad ogni costo
Boku wa konya toshitemo gaishutsu suru tsumori da
sanka suru
to be affected
Let’s ask to the boy who lives next door
tonari sundeiru shounen ni kite mioka
The total bill is 5 man
o kanjou ga goukei 5man ni naru
Her manner of speaking gets on my nerves
kanojo no iikata wa boku no shinkei o togaraseru
it was no bother at all
The boy acknoledged having lied
shounen wa uso o tsuita o mitometa
The call has come through
denwa ga tsunagatta yo
It’s not your business
Sonna koto wa yokeina osewa da
go out
She’s humble about her achievement
kanojo wa jibun no kyouseki ni kenyo de aru
calm down!
She didn’t feel comfortable with my friend
Kanojo wa bokushujun to issho de wa ochitsukanakatta
yarinikui, iinikui
Yarizurai ; iizurai
south east
She has a lot of valuable books
Kanojo wa ooku no kooka na hon o motteiru
The sun melted the snow
taiyo ga yuki o tokashita
Because of the war I’m confined in my home
Sensou de uchi ni todomatteiru
Her family moved to Japan
kanojoikka nihon e hikkoshi shite ita
My room is a little small but comfortable
watashiheya wa sukoshi semai keredomo kaiteki de aru
less than 10 degreed
judou miman
more than 10 degreed
judou ijou
Passare il tempo assieme
Isshou ni yatteiku