Part 91 General OPS & Flight Rules MOS 2020 Flashcards
NVFR Alternate minima
Ceiling 1500’
Vis 8000m
VFR alternate minima in Class G
Ceiling 1000’
Vis 3000m
IFR alternate minima
AD with IAP = as published
AD with IAP but no or provisional TAF = alternate required
AD without IAP = final route LSALT + 500’, vis 8000m
VMC Class G
Below 10,000ft = 1000ft vert, 1500m hori + 5000m vis
By day only
At or below higher of 3000ft AMSL or 1000ft AGL = clr of cld, in sight of gnd/water + 5000m vis
Below 700ft AGL = clr cld + 800m vis
Special VFR
By day only
Clr of cld
Vis not less than 800m
VFR flight can be conducted:
a. in VMC
b. when at/blw 2000ft AGL, can nav visually
c. sub sonic
d. IAW ENR 1.4 speed limits
Visual approach by day IFR requirements
- Within 30nm of AD
- Clear of cloud
- In sight of gnd or water
- Vis 5000m, or helicopter VMC or AD in sight
Maintaining the abv,
- maintain 500ft abv CTA and min VFR altitude till circling area, or for helicopters
- maintain helicopter VMC till HLS
- track as cleared until within 5nm.
Visual approach requirements by Ngt IFR
- clear of cloud
- insight of gnd/ water
- vis 5000m, and
- maintain 500ft abv CTA steps until
- within circling area and AD in sight
- within 3nm and AD insight
- within 5nm (7nm ILS) on centre line and not below on slope indications of PAPI
- within 10nm est on ILS (less than full scale azimuth)
- track as cleared until within circling area and AD in sight
The met forecasts required prior to flight to a dest with IAP are
For the route = GAF and Wind/temp forecast valid for entire flight.
For aerodromes (dep, dest and alt) = GAF, or TAF, or TAF3 and valid for eta - 30 / +60
The met forecasts req’d prior to flight to an AD without IAP are
Planned destination - TAF or GAF only
Planned alternate - TAF
A VFR flight at night, operating under AWK, must not be conducted unless the forecast indicates …
…the flight can be conducted in VMC, at/abv 1000’ abv obstacles within 10nm either side of track.
What is TAF validity for a flight?
AD and alt AD TAF valid for planned ETA -30mins / +60mins
Requirements to fly IFR at night to an AD without IAP
a. alt fuel carried
b. able to nav to AD and Alt using area nav or radio nav
c. No descent below LSALT until:
1- positive fix within 3nm of AD
2- AD lighting in sight
3- maintain VMC through out descent
4- remain within 3nm at all times blw LSALT
d. PIC aware of all obs within 3nm of AD, and maintains obs clr as specified for circling 300ft
On approach to an AD, descent below LSALT/ MSA is only to occur when..
a. c/o visual approach
b. DME/GPS arrival
c. ATC clearance
d. cross over IAF or facility
Visual circling within no-circling areas is prohibited by..
.. day less than VMC or at night
What is the basic assumption of a circling approach after initial visual contact?
That the rwy environment ( threshold, approach lights or identifiable markings with rwy) are kept in sight when circling at MDA
During visual circling, descent below MDA can occur when the pilot..
a. maintains AC within circling area
b. maintains vis along intended flight path not less than specified on chart
c. maintains vis contact with landing rwy environment
d. by day or night while complying with a/b/c, intercept a position on downwind, base or final from which a continuous descent can be made, maintaining normal RoD and OBS clearances, until aligned with landing rwy
e. by day only while complying with a/b/c, maintains visual contact with obs along intended flight path, not less than performance cat, until aligned with landing rwy
Minimum obstacle clearance requirements per category are..
Cat A + B = 300’
Cat C + D = 400’
Cat E = 500’
Circling area radii are..
Cat A = 1.68nm = 3,111m
Cat B = 2.66nm = 4,926m
Cat C = 4.20nm = 7,778m
Cat D = 5.28nm = 9,779m
Cat E = 6.94nm = 12,853m
Descent below straight-in MDA or below DA can only occur when..
a. vis ref can be maintained
b. met conditions equal/exceed published approach minima
c . AC is continuously in a position from which a landing in the touchdown zone can be achieved using normal RoD and manoeuvres
A missed approach must be executed if..
a. During final segment, AC is outside navigation tolerances for the aid in use
b. during app and below MSA, aid becomes suspect or fails
c. not visual at or before the MAPt or DA
d. Can not land off rwy approach, unless weather conditions allow for a circling approach
e. visual reference is lost whilst circling
Define “visual reference” for rwy and circling approaches.
Rwy approach - vis not less than specified
Circling approach - clear of cloud, in sight of ground/water and vis not less than specified
State the missed approach obs clr
100ft if missed approach commenced from MAPt or DA at 2.5% gradient (RoC = 2. 5 X 70gs = 175fpm)
Expectations when conducting a missed approach whilst circling.
Initiate a climb and turn towards the landing rwy and aerodrome IOT intercept the missed approach track
When does a loss of RAIM or RAIM warning result in a MAP?
Any time after IAF
Can you use GPS guidance if a RAIM warning ceases after a missed approach is initiated?
Yes, otherwise use DR to effect missed approach procedure
What are the CAT A handling speeds?
Vat = <91
IAF = 90-150 (max 110 for reversals)
FAF = 70-100
Circling = 100
Missed approach = 110
Describe reversal procedures
45/180 = track outbound for published time, then turn away 45deg for 1 min from start of turn, reverse turn through 180 deg and intercept inbound track
80/260 = track outbound for published time. Turn away 80 deg then turn immediately opposite direction to intercept
Define “established”
Less than half scale deflection for the ILS, VOR and GNSS,
within +/- 5deg of required NDB bearing, or
within +/- 2nm of DME arc.
Procedures are based on what bank angle?
25deg or rate one
whichever is less
SID = 15deg
Name the four categories of approach procedures
PA - Precison approach (ILS)
APV - App procedure with Vertical guidance
NPA with - Non precision app with dist measuring (VOR/DME, LOC/DME, GNSS)
NPA without - non precision without dist measuring (NDB and VOR)
An aircraft may commence the approach without entering a hold (assuming no height need to be lost) if:
a. Received ATC clearance
b. completed: reversal, DME arc, or within 30deg of the app’s first track
c. GNSS: within capture region for an initial app waypoint, or receiving ATC vectors
Note: can request a ‘direct to’ intermediate fix (IF) provided the subs track change within 45deg
The standard holding direction and timing is
1 min (wind adjusted)
When does outbound timing commence during a hold?
Abeam the fix or on attaining the outbound heading, whichever comes later