Part 3 Flashcards
Endocrine communication
the signal uses the bloodstream as a channel to reach the target cells
entrance of substances into the cell by membrane invagination to form an internal vesicle
single cell layer forming the internal lining of blood vessels
Eosinophil granulocyte
white blood cell containing vesicles stained by eosin (acidic stain)
lowest energy state of a system that may result from opposing forces arising from within the system
normal breathing
Evans blue
blue stain that cannot penetrate the capillary wall: used for measuring the blood volum
transport of substances stored in internal vesicles from the cell to the surroundings by fusion of the vesicles with the cell membrane
Expirational reserve volume
additional volume that can be expired at the end of a normal expiration
excitation and contraction of the heart not corresponding to the normal sinus rhythm
Faciliated diffusion
passive transport of a molecule across a membrane along the concentration gradient thus not using energy, but requiring a transporter to help the passage of the molecule
temporal increase of synaptic efficacy due to preceding activation of that synapse
flavin-adenin-dinucleotid, coenzyme
rapid, irregular, unsynchronized contraction of muscle fibers in the atria or ventricles of the heart
protein component of the blood plasma; its polymerization to fibrin is the most important step of blood coagulation
thin fiber made up of protein; sliding of actin and myosin filaments on each other explains muscle contraction
movement of water and small molecules trough a membrane (capillary wall) because of the pressure difference