Part 2 Flashcards
Decrepit transport, former warship used to house prisoners in the eighteenth and nineteenth century These were abandoned warships converted into prisons as means of relieving congestion of prisoners They were also called “Floating hells”
Long, low, narrow, single decked ships propelled by sails, usually rowed by criminals. A type of ship used for transportation of criminals in the sixteenth century
Pretrial detention facilities operated by English sheriff.
GAOLS (Jails)
Death penalty became prevalent as A form of punishment.
17th Century to Late 18th Century
Transportation of criminals in England was authorized.
16th Century
Tortures as a form of punishment became prevalent.
1468 (England)
Criminal could avoid punishment by claiming refugee in a church for a period of 40 days at the end of which time he has compelled to leave the realm by a road or path assigned to him.
Securing Sanctuary
Is the sending or putting away of an offender.
Banishment or Exile
Another type of corporal punishment use in ancient and medieval societies. Archeological evidence shows that Pharaohs of ancient Egypt, or their representative often ordered mutilation and it is according to the law of retaliation.
The early punishment were considered synonymous with slavery, those punished even had their “heads shaved” indicating the mark of the slave.
Polo y Servicio
extensive use in Roman days, the offenders property was confiscated in the name of the state and that his wife was declared a widow, meaning she is eligible to remarry. To society the criminal in effect “dead”.
v-shaped yolk worn around the neck and where the outstretched arms of convict were tied to.
The cruel form of whip their knout was made of leather strips fitted with fish hook.
Russian Knout
got its name from the marks it left on the body which were like the scratches of a cat.
Traditional form of whip consisting nine knotted cords fastened to a wooden handle.
Cat-o-nine tails
Most common physical punishment through the ages. The Mosaic code, for example authorized flogging and the Roman law specified flogging as a punishment for certain forms of theft.
It is Common in England during the Middle Ages as chastisement for a wide variety of crimes; the women were flogged in private, while men were whipped publicly.
Those physical torture by means of mutilation, whipping or flogging, stocks, furca, stoning, branding, mutilation flogging/whipping
Corporal Punishment
Death by means of burning at stake, beheading broken on the wheel, garroting (strangulation by a tightened iron collar), and other forms of medieval executions. Broken on the wheel, crucifixion, stoning, etc.
Capital Punishment
What are the Capital Punishment
Burning at Stake
Death by Hanging
Death by Garroting
Death by Crucifixion
Death by Quartering
Death by Flaying
Death by boiling
Death by Spanish Donkey
Death by Brazen bull
Death by Fed to Animal
Death by breaking the wheel
Death by Beheading
it is the establishment of the usefulness and responsibility of the offender. Society’s interest can be better served by helping the prisoner to become law abiding citizen and productive upon his return to the community by requiring him to undergo intensive program of rehabilitation in prison.
The public is Protected if the offender has been held in conditions where He can not harm others especially the public. Punishment is Effected by placing offenders in prison so that society is Ensured from further criminal depredations of criminals.
punishment gives lesson to offender by showing to others what would happen to them if they violate the law. Punishment is imposed to warn potential offenders that they can afford to do what the offender has done.
punishment in the form of group vengeance where the purpose is to appease the offended public or group.
the punishment should be provided by the state whose sanction is violated, to afford the society or the individual the opportunity of imposing upon the offender suitable punishment as might be enforced. Offenders should be punished because they deserve it.
It is the redress that the state takes against an offending member of society that usually involved pain and suffering. It is also the penalty imposed on an offender for a crime or wrong doing.
Specified punishment according to the social class of offenders, dividing them into: nobles, middle class, and lower class and specifying the value of the life of each person according to social status.
Burgudian Code A.K.A ?
Lex Gundobada, Gundobads code, Gundobalds code
Burgudian Code was revised by _____?
King Sigismund
This law repealed Draco’s laws and allowed capital punishment only for a limited number of serious offenses, such as murder or military or political offenses against the state. It also gave the right of representation, of every person to claim redress on behalf of another to whom wrong was being done.
Solon’s Law
the first society to allow any citizens to prosecute the offender in the name of the injured party
The Greek
Harsh code that provides the same punishment for both citizens and the slaves as it incorporate primitive concepts (Vengeance, Blood Feuds).
Greek Code of Draco
Represented the earliest codification of Roman law incorporated into the Justinian code. It is the formulation of all public and private law of the Romans until the time of Justinian. It is also a collection of legal principles engraved on metal tablets and set up on the forum.
The Twelve Tables (XII Tabulae)
Formally Corpus Juris Civilis (“Body of Civil Law”)
Justinian Code
The oldest code prescribing savage punishment, based on the principle of Retaliation or “lex taliones” which means an eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, but in fact, Sumerian codes were nearly one hundred years older.
Code of King Hammurabi
Oldest Code known to man
Code of Ur-Nammu
three main legal systems in the world, which has been accepted to and adopted by all countries aside from those that produced them. In their chronological order they are the;
Mohammedan or Arabic and;
Anglo-American laws
most lasting and the most prevailing influence.
Anything approved by the majority which is believed to be beneficial to the common good. These things include marrying; having children, crop production, growing food, etc…
Encourage Acts
those that can be beneficial to the welfare of the society such as early traditions and practices, folkways, norms, those That are controlled by social rules, and laws.
Accepted Acts
Crimes, violence, rebellious acts and other acts, which are expressly prohibited by the society fall as ______
Forbidden Acts
acts are characterized by behavioral controls categorized as
Forbidden acts, accepted acts, and Encourage acts.
Other important dates and events in the history of Correction
13th century
16th century
17th century to late 18th century
In the beginning of civilization, acts are characterized by behavioral controls categorized as: forbidden acts, accepted acts, and those acts that are encouraged.