Parliament Flashcards
What does the Speaker do?
- The Speaker presides over debates in the chamber, selects MPs to speak,maintains order + suspends MPs who break parliamentary rules
- The Speaker is elected in a secret ballot through AV + allows MPs to rank the candidates in order of preference
What do the whips do?
- They issue instructions on how MPs should vote - each week MPs receive instructions on how they should vote + ‘three-line whip’ is a strict instruction to attend + vote according to the party line or face disciplinary action
- They enforce **discipline the whips persuade wavering MPs to vote with the party **- whips provide certain assurances, make offers or threats
What is the job of an MP including the job role and pay
- MPs are paid a salary of £86,584 a year
MPs have parliamentary privilege (legal immunity MPs have) -
1. Freedom of speech - members of both houses are free to raise any issue in parliament without fear of prosecution
2. Execlusive cognisance - the right of each house to regulate its own internal affairs without interference from outside bodies (e.g courts)
Explain the key details of John Bercow’s time as Speaker
- Bercow was seen as a reform Speaker - allowed** urgent questions several times a day** compared to his predecessor Speaker Martin
*Key Ruilings *
* Bercow allowed an extra amendment to the 2013 Queen’s Speech which gave** backbench Tory Brexiteers a chance to express their disappointment **that there weren’t propsals for an EU referendum - coereced Cameron into the referendum
* Allowed emergency motions to go beyond the normal formulation - paved the way for the Bean-Burt Bill to prevent a no-deal Brexit - gave the Commons leverage over the cource of events = angered ministers
- Coup Attempt - relations with the Speaker + the government deteriorated when the government organised a last-day to coup through a secret ballot of MPs (making it easier for MPs to remove him)
Explain the key modernising initiatives under Bercow
- Allowed for a Common’s creche and for **parents to carry small children into the lobbies **
- Allowed for proxy voting for pregnant MPs + new mothers
- Bercow was also praised for his reaction to **Labour MP Jo Cox’s murder as he visited her constituency **
Explain the key details of Lindsay Hoyle’s time as Speaker
- Hoyle was elected as Speaker as he was an experienced MP since 1997 + had been deputy speaker since 2010 among 3 in total (most senior + experienced of the 3)
- Hoyle promised that he would improve the safety measures for MPs + their families - he presided over procedings after the 2017 Westminster terrorist attacks + placed the Commons in lockdown
- Hoyle also promised to restore the reputation of the Commons after accusations of **bias + bullying under Bercow **
- Hoyle said that he would publish clerk’s advice making it harder for him to** depart from conventions** (Bercow was often accused of this - allowed MPs to control the parliamentary timetable) - suggests he **won’t break procedure to challenge the government + Leader of the Commons **(Ress-Mogg) wants to review the Speaker’s ability to dictate Commons rules + how **long someone can serve as Speaker **
Explain the role of hereditary peers and legal reforms taken regarding hereditary peers
- Hereditary peers = House of Lords Act 1999 **ended the right of all but 92 hereditary peers **before there were 750
- **Peerages Act 1963 **- allowed hereditary peers to renounced their titles + membership in the HOL + allowed women to be hereditary peers
- HOL Act 1999 has transformed the hereditary element into ‘elected hereditary peers’ - 15 hereditary peers who became **deputy speakers were chosen in a ballot of the whole house **
- 2 other hereditary peers had royal appointments + the remaining 75 were elected by ballots of hereditary peers from their party + crossbench groups
- When a **hereditary peer dies or resigns a by-election **is held in which peers from the same group choose a replacement from the register of hereditary peers - 30 by-elections had been held by Aug 2016
Explain the role of bishops in the HOL
Lords Spirtual = 26 bishops + archbishops of the Church of England
Explain the role of life peers and legal reforms taken regarding hereditary peers
- Life peers = Life Peerage Act 1958 gave the PM the right to appoint members for life - that title + membership cannot be inherited - life peers include former MPs (20% of the members in the HOL)
- Life peers are often **appointed when a PM is leaving office **
- Independant HOL Appointments Commission recommends individuals for appointments as **non-party peers + vets those nominated by political parties **
Explain the reforms taken regarding HOL members post 1999
- Free vote, 2003 - MPs had a free vote on 7 options proposed by a parliamentary joint committee - none secured a majority + the peers voted for a wholly appointed House
- White Paper, 2007 - proposed a **hybrid House - 50% appointed + 50% elected **+ a series of votes on reform were held - a wholly elected House was approved by MPs but the Lords supported a wholly appointed House
House of Lords Bill, 2012 - proposed a chamber of 360 elected members, 90 appointed members, 12 bishops + 3 ‘ministerial members’ - was approved MPs but **91 Conservative MPs rebelled **+ Labour indicated that it would **vote against a ‘programme motion’ **+ **prevent the bill from passing **
* (Prior to this many hereditary peers took the Conservative whip - their removal ended the Conservative majority) - The HOL has 784 members - 227 of them are women (29%) - the **HOL Act 2015 **meant that members **convicted of serious criminal offences would be expelled or suspended **
Explain the power and limitations of the House of Commons
HOC Powers:
1. The right to ‘veto’ any legislation as the elected House with a **mandate from the electorate **
2. Call a vote of no confidence in the gov to remove them from power
3. Accept, amend, delay + reject legislation put forward from the gov
4. Scrutinise the government through a range of methods including slect committees + questions
5. **Power of monetary legislation due to 1911 Parliament Act **
HOC Limitations:
1. Government usually** holds a majority + use the whips to limit the effectiveness of the scrutiny **
Explain the powers + limitations of the House of Lords
HOL Powers:
1. The** powers to scrutinise legislation + suggest amendments**
2. Delay the passage of legislation for up to 1 year, due to 1949 Parliament Act
3. Hold the government to account through question time + debates
4. An absolute veto on Parliament extending its life beyond 5 years
5. Lords may have expertise in policy areas that MPs don’t have
HOL Limitations:
1. 1911 Parliament Act - removed the Lords’ power to reject money bills + allowed the Lords to** delay a bill by only 2 years **
2. 1949 Parliament Act - **removed the Lords’ power to delay bills to just 1 year **
3. Salisbury Convention - a convention that the Lords will not reject a bill put forward in a government’s manifesto **
4. The Lords cannot question the PM or other government ministers only government spokespeople **
5. **Select committees don’t scrutinise the work of departments **
Explain how select committees function
- Select committees scrutinise government departments by establishing inquires, gathering evidence + producing reports
- Select committees - have a minimum of 11 MPs/peers who question government ministers, civil servants + often appoints **experts + invite members of the public **to give evidence
e.g A candidate for the **Bank of England Deputy Governor resigned in 2017 following criticism from the Treasury Select Committee of her ‘incomplete answers ‘** to them
e.g The Environmental Audit Committee interviwed the Environment Secretary George Eustive in the summer of 2022 - following **headlines about raw sewage being released into rivers + the sea in the UK **
Explain the types of roles that select committees can be tasked with
- ** Pre-legislative scrutiny **- **gathering information before the drafting of new legislation **(or while a Bill is in the early stages) - **Media Bill is being currently scruntised by the HOC Committee on Culture, Sport and Media **
- Post-legislative scrutiny - evaluates the impact + function of a new Act of Parliament+ whether it has** achieved its purpose**
- Scrutiny of an individual minister,agency or department’s performance - shadowing ministers work + examining policy issues
Explain how House of Common select committees function
- The HOC select committees focus on **specific departments **(e.g Education Committee)
- Several committees are cross-departmental - Public Accounts Committee which monitors how **money is spent on public services **+ the Environment Audit Committee who check how well **government policies comply with sustainability **
- Once a topic of enquiry has been determined, a list of preliminary questions are drafted + published in a press release to** call for evidence **
- Professional clerks then sift through all the evidence submitted in the 1st stage + make recommendations on who should be invitied to give oral evidence to the committee
- The committee then concludes its findings + produces a **report of recommendations **which the **government have to respond to in 60 days but don’t have to implement **
Explain how House of Lords permanent select committees function
- **Permanent or ‘sessional’ committees **- concentrate on six different themes; communications, the constitution, economic affairs, internal relations, science + tech + the EU
- These committees members develop **specialist knowledge + can check back periodically to see how government has responded to its recommendations **
- e.g the select committee on** Artifical Intelligence uses Twitter** to** inform the public **on how its work has been acted upon + is shaping government policy
Explain how House of Lord Ad hoc select committees function
- **Ad hoc committees **are set up to examine a specific issue within a predetermined timeframe
- They consider a **wide range of evidene, perspectives + publish reports with recommendations **
- e.g the 2004 Brodcast General Elections Debates Report was carried out by the Communications Committee - its recommendations informed broadcasters + helped to improve the format of televised pre-election debates in 2015
How are select committees less adversarial than the normal work of the Commons?
What can happen if a minister does not provide satisfactory answers to a select committee?
- Unlike debates in the chamber and PMQT, which are brief,** far greater depth of scrutiny** can be achieved and over a much longer period (several months)
- Committees work is consensual rather than combative in nature, MPs are far** less concerned with political point-scoring**
- Government ministers cannot so easily use rhetoric to evade scrutiny as they have to provide** accurate and relevant evidence **+ be forced to explain their actions
- If a minister fails to provide satisfactory answers to a select committee, or demonstrates a lack of understanding, it can have serious repercussions- e.g Home Affairs Committee questioned former home secretary, Amber Rudd in 2018. She denied knowledge that the Home Office had set migrant removal targets, which conflicted with evidence provided in a previous statement heard by the committee + resigned as a result
What are the strengths of select committees?
- They interview government ministers in public hearings
- They respond to current controversies with their inquiries
- They appoint recognised experts to assist inquiries
- Chairs can be of high quality - MPs may select a departmental expert (Sarah Wollaston, Health Committee), an energetic newcomer (Tom Tugendhat, Foreign Affairs Committee), or an** experienced politician (Yvette Cooper, Home Affairs Committee**)
- The composition of members + chairs encourages **cross-party cooperation **
- The **influence from government, shadow cabinet or party whips **on the **selection of committee members + chairs **is limited - leads to **genuine scrutiny **
- Studies from **2015 estimated that 30-40% of committee recommendations end up as government policy **
What are the limitations of select committees?
- The government has **60 days to respond to reports **but its not compelled to take up any recommendations, select committees can only advise not force the gov to take up their non-binding recommendations
- Interviewing by ministers can end up as an interrogation in order to gain media coverage
- The turnover of members damages committee effectiveness - the Defence Committee saw an 83% turnover from 2010-2015 - the replacements may not be as invested or informed
- The Existing EU Committee chaired by Labour’s Hilary Benn tested the limits of cross-party cohesion. May 2018 the Conservative committee members John Whittingdale, Andrea Jenkyns + Jacob Rees-Mogg all publicy criticised it for being** too pro-Remain**. According to Jenkyns only **7 of the 21 committee members voted Leave **
- The Treasury committee called then chancellor, George Osborne over budget cuts in 2010, he was able to evade answering questions on the impact of the cuts by focusing instead on the budget deficit itself, which he blamed on the previous Labour government.
- When Boris Johnson (as mayor of London) was under the scrutiny of the Transport Committee in 2009, which was investigating the** impact of heavy snow on public transport in the capital**, he simply called time and walked out
Explain how members are selected to be members of select committees and how the select committees are composed
- The Wright Reforms (2010) made important changes to select committees; have to have a **minimum of 11 members **one of whom is the committee chair
- The membership of each committee reflects the** party political balance** in the HOC -** 5 Conservative, 4/5 Labour + 1/2 smaller parties** (SNP, Lib Dems)
- Committee members are selected by MPs from their party +** chairs are elected by a secret ballot of all MPs **
- Committees are seated in a hemicycle which** promotes collaborations **
Explain the 4 cross-departmental select committees,their functions and an example of them being effective or ineffective
- The** Liason Committee** (members are** all the committee chair**s) exits to coordinate select committee activity + meet twice a year to scrutinse the work of the PM
e.g In July 2022 PM Johnson was scrutinised by the LC about ‘Partygate’ while dozens of ministers were resigning from gov -
Public Bill Committees - these are committees set up to **scrutinise proposed legislation **
e.g most amendments made to bills are made from the party in gov - 84% of amendments in 2018 -
Backbench Business Committee - control the subjects Parliament will debate for 35 half days each Parliamentary session - MPs can apply to this committee for a** certain debate to be held**
e.g in **2011 the committee scheduled a debate **on holding a referendum on the UK’s EU membership which while defeated saw 81 Tories defy the whip - Petitions Committee - reviews the e-petitions on the HOC website for government response + debate - in 2017 a petition to** prevent President Trump from having a state visit** to the UK gained** 2 million signatures + a 4-hour debate was held on it **
Explain the role of the chair on a select committee
The chair has a key role in directing the committee’s inquiries, they largely determine how the committee uses its time effectively to ask questions, develop lines of enquiry + challenge sources of evidence that appear contradictory or unreliable before they produce the report with their recommendations
Explain the ways in which Parliamentary debates are effective
- Backbench Business Committee - allows MPs to shape the parliamentary debate - decide the topics for 1 day per week
- MPs can request an **emergebcy debate on a specific matter that needs ‘urgent consideration’ **(approved by the Speaker)
- Intro of Grand Committee Room - increaed the **range + number of issues discussed **- deal with non-controversial issues
- From 2015 E-petitions which have** more than 100,000 signatures must be debated in Parliament = increased public engagement **
- Ministerial Question Times rotate every 4 weeks for each department - members can submit their questions in advance or they can be drawn in the ballot for ‘topical questions’ at the end of the session + ask any questions they please
Explain the ways in which Parliamentary debates are ineffective
- The government can** ignore motion spassed in debates** - e.g the motion for lowering the voting age to 16 (2013)
- In the BBBC smaller parties are under-represented - 7 BBC members are Conservative or Labour MPs
- In 2012 the government changed the way BBBC members are elected - are now elected within party groups not the whole house - makes it more difficult for independant MPs to be selected + MPs opinions may not be their own not the party’s
- There is often** poor attendance** at debates -** ammnedments can’t be tabled or voted on in 2015-16 **sessions there were 113
Explain the ways in which MPs are effectively recruited
- MPs must have excellent communication skills in order to gain public support + confidence - **television, social media are the main arena where MPs display their skills **
Explain the way in which MPs are ineffectively recruited
- Experience - there is a high turnover of MPs - 227 new MPs in 2010,185 in 2015, 98 in 2017, 140 in 2019 - 1 in 5 MPs worked in politics before being an MP
- Conformity -** loyal MPs are more likley to progress to minsterial** posts - means they **don’t challenge legislation beforehand **
Explain how PMQ’s provides effective scruntiny
- Corbyn tried to change the style of PMQ’s by asking questions sent in by the public
- Speaker Bercow called more backbenchers during PMQ’s + required ministers to answer urgent questions more frequently
- PMQ questions are set the day before which gives the government time to draft their responses in order to give** detailed answers** of what the gov is doing in that department
- Effective scrutiny is also dependent on the abilities of the backbenchers and Leader in Opposition - Corbyn was seen as a very poor performer
- The ability to question the PM directly + the public often watch which means that the **public get more engaged with politics + scrutiny
Explain how PMQ’s provides ineffective scrutiny
- Government backbenchers ask questions **drafted by the whips **(often flattened + don’t prove)
- PMQs are often very boisterous and much more parliamentary theatre than effective scrutiny occurs - particularly between the two main parties - the Leader of the Opposition gets 6 questions + the leader of third-largest party gets 2 questions
- Political pundits often assess who **‘won’ PMQs each week **+ thus it has become increasingly about grabbing media attention for ‘winning’ rather than raising issues in the media
Explain the Opposition provides effective scrutiny
- **Leader of the Opposition **asks 6 questions at PMQ’s + responds first to the PM on major statements
- Opposition parties choose the topics for debate 20 days in a parliamentary year - **17 days **allocated to the **main opposition **
- Opposition party appoints a **Shadow’s cabinet **to **follow the work of government departments **+ provide their **own policies for their topic areas **
- On the **19th of October 2022 Labour **used its opposition day bring forward a vote to ban fracking (the motion allowed the vote to be effectively binding) - the Conservative ‘whip’ said that this meant it was a **vote of no-confidence in Truss + ordered MPs to vote against it **
* A number of Conservative MPs especially those who had constituencies in which fracking could take place - looked to the **Conservative manifesto which pledged a ban on fracking **
* The Conservative MP seemed to have resigned following a statement from No.10 saying it was not a vote of no confidence - the motion was defeated 230-326 votes but 36 Conservative MPs abstained + the chaos of the day was the **trigger point for ending Trus’s premiership + she resigned the next day **
Explain how the Opposition provides ineffective scrutiny
- Opposition cannot claim a mandate on their on their policies after losing in the GE
- Oppositon party are state funded by ‘Short money’ - 2015-16 Labour gov receeived £6.8 million in funding but the Conservatives have propsed reductions in funding
- They cannot change government policy + generally look to criticise
Explain the delegate, trustee and constituents model of representation
Delegate model - an **individual who acts on behalf of other on the basis of clear instructions **+ they **shouldn’t depart from thise instructions **or vote based on their own personal views
Trustee model - MPs are responsible for representing their constituents interests - decide on matters based on their independant judgements but take on baord their constituents views + **can vote based on their conscience **
Constituency model (Trustee + Delegate) - MPs reprent the collective intersts of the constituency they represent + the views on individual constituents - MPs hold regular surgeries where constituents discuss problems or concerns - take these **grievances to a public authority, writing to a minister or raising it in the Commons **