Parathyroid: Calcium & phosphate regulation Flashcards
How does Ca2+ exist in the body?
body has to regulate plasma conc of free ionised Ca2+
- free ionised Ca2+
- bound to serum proteins (e.g. albumin)
- complexed (with organic anions) e.g. citrate / oxaloate
how is Ca2+ & phosphate homeostasis linked?
- both major components of hydroxyapatite crystals –> bone mineralisation
- both regulated by parathyroid hormone (PTH) & calcitriol (some calcitonin) - hormone acting on bone, kidneys, GI tract to control plasma levels of Ca2+ & Pi
List the hormones involved in the control of Ca2+ levels in serum
- PTH: increase PTH increases Ca2+
- vit D: active form = calcitriol
- Calcitonin: preserve maternal skeleton during pregnancy
Describe the hormonal regulation of serum calcium
high Ca2+ negatively suppresses PTH release (neg feedback)
chief cells of parathyroid gland releases PTH
chief cells have unique G-protein Ca2+ receptors on cell surface
PTH from chief cells induce serum conc. of Ca2+, but at high conc of Ca2+, suppresses PTH release (neg. feedback)
Describe the series of events that happens when the serum Ca2+ raises
increase Ca2+ –> binds to G-protein receptors on chief cells of parathyroid –> stimulates PLC –> inhibits adenylate cyclase –> decrease cAMP –> decrease PTH
Explain the interaction of parathyroid and vit D
vit D: not regulated, made in skin (sunlight) / absorbed from gut (diet), short 1/2 life
vit D converted to calciferol in liver (longer 1/2 life about 2 weeks)
calciferol converted to calcitriol in kidney (calcitriol regulated by PTH)
when PTH increase/decrease can affect conc. of Ca2+
explain the regulation of parathyroid hormone and vit D
PTH regulates calcitriol (activated), Ca2+ regulates PTH (neg feedback)
Explain where Vit D2, D3, calciferol & calcitriol & PTH are produced and their action
Vit D2: diet gut, D3: sunlight skin, Calciferol: 1st hydroxylation of vit D
Calcitriol: kidney (2nd hydroxylation of vit D), increases Ca2+ absorption (binds to Ca2+ in the gut)
PTH: parathyroid gland, increase conversion to calcitriol, increase Ca2+ release from bones, increase Ca2+ reabsorption in kidney
Explain the significance of renal function on Ca2+ metabolism
PTH: increase Ca2+ reabsorption in distal convoluted tubule (DST) - tubule cells through NCX (3Na+ Ca2+ exchanger)
Pi removed from circulation by inhibiting the proximal tubule (PT) reabsorption - prevents Ca2+ store formation (hydroxyapatite crystals)
Describe the disorders of Ca2+ metabolism & metabolic bone disease: hypocalcaemia
Low Ca2+ bind to neuromuscular membrane - Na+ depolarises membrane more readily (more negative)
decrease Ca2+ –> increase PTH –> increase reabsorption in kidney of Ca2+ –> increase calcitriol –> increase Ca2+ from gut absorption
results in hyper-excitability: 1. paraesthesia 2. tetany (muscle spasm) 3. paralysis 4. convulsions
What is deficiency of Ca2+ in children called? How does it present itself?
- bowed legs (knees bend out)
- soft spot on head slow to close
- bony neckline
- big, lumpy joints
Describe the disorders of Ca2+ metabolism & metabolic bone disease: PTH deficiency. What can cause it? what does it lead to?
surgical removal of PT glands –> cause hypocalcaemia symptoms within 48 hrs
- hyper-excitability of NMJ & paraesthesia
- tetanic contraction of skeletal muscle
- convulsions, if affect respiratory muscles –> death
Describe the disorders of Ca2+ metabolism & metabolic bone disease: hypercalcaemia
Moans, Groans, Stones: constipated & dehydration, depression & tiredness, kidney stones (renal calculi) & kidney damage
increase plasma Ca2+ –> decrease PTH secretion –> kidney decrease reabsorption of Ca2+ –> decrease calcitriol –> decrease Ca2+ from gut
What is PTHrP? what can it lead to?
parathyroid hormone related peptide: peptide hormone (similar to PTH) produced in tumours can lead to unexplained hypercalcaemia, is secreted by some cancer cells –> humeral hypercalcaemia of malignancy (HHM)
increase Ca2+ release from bones, decrease renal Ca2+ excretion, decrease renal phosphate reabsorption (no Ca2+ stones),
does NOT increase C-1 hydroxylase –> NO increase in calcitriol conc.
Explain the significance of maintaining serum Ca2+ levels within set limits
Ca2+ in: hormone secretion muscle contraction - remove tropomyosin from actin filament binding site nerve conduction - depolarise membrane activation of enzyme exocytosis