Parasitology Midterm Flashcards
Mesocestoides Anoplocephala perfoliata Moniezia Diphyllobothrium Spirometra fluke stages Fasciola hepatica Fascioloides magna Paramphistomum Dicrocoelium Schistosome stages (don't memorize schistosome species!) Heterobilharzia Nanophyetus Paragonimus Alaria Acanthocephalan stages Macracanthorhynchus
What are the DH of Mesocestoides corti?
dogs, cats, wild carnivores
What are the 1st and 2nd IH of Mesocestoides corti?
1st - insects or mites (cysticercus)
2nd - mammals and reptiiles
What happens when 2nd IH gets infected with mesocestoides corti?
tetrathyridia in lungs –>pleural effusion
What is the IH of Anoplocephela perfoliata?
forage (orbatid) mites or soil
Where are A. perfoliata found in the horse?
cecum and ileocecal valve
What does A. perfoliata increase the risk of in the horse GI ?
intussecption of the ileum into the cecum
How is A. perfoliata diagnosed?
ELISA or PCR (can not see eggs in feces!)
What is characteristic of both Anoplecephala and Moniezia eggs?
triangle/square shape with pyriform apparatus
What is the DH and IH of Moniezia?
DH - ruminants
IH - soil or orbatid mites
What is the DH of Spirometra mansonoides?
bobcat, cats, dogs, raccoon
What is the 1st and 2nd IH of S. mansonoides?
1 - copepods (procercoids)
2 - vertebrates except fishes (plerocercoids(spargana))
What can S. mansonoides cause in humans?
“sparganosis” - SQ tissue
What are the DH of Diphyloobrothrium latum?
DH - humans and fish eating mammals
What are the 1st and 2nd IH of D. latum?
1st - copepod (procercoids)
2nd - freshwater fish
What are the CS of D. latum?
megaloblastic anemia (takes vit B12)
What stage of Pseudophyllidea (Spirometra and Diphyllobothrium) comes out of the egg?
What are monogeneans?
trematode ectoparasites of cold blooded vertebrates with a direct lifecycle
What are the different life stages of trematodes starting with egg (7 stages)?
Egg >miracidium>sporocyst>rediae>cercariae>metacercaria>adult
What is characteristic of trematode eggs?
operculum at one pole and contain embryo
What life cycle stage of trematodes penetrates the skin of the mammalian host or encysts on vegetation?
TQ: Diagnose: Cow with edema, large eggs in feces, elevated liver enzymes,
Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke)
What is the IH of liver flukes?
mud snails
What does the clinical signs of liver flukes depend on?
presence of C. novyi (black disease)