Parasitology Final Flashcards
Common name for Musca Autumnalis

What type of Muscoid fly is the Facefly?
Non-biting muscoid –> sucking labia (no piercing parts)
L.C. of Musca autumnalis?
Lay eggs in cattle dung < 1 h. old
eggs hatch w/in a few hrs.
maggots emerge & feed on fecal matter
Grow to 3rd instar stage & pupate
10-20 d. later emerge as adults
M. autumalis is the IH of what?
Thelazia (cattle eye worm)

What is M. autumalis a biological vector of?

Morxella bovis
causative agent of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis or pink eye.
What is the habitat of M. autumnalis?
prefer cattle & horse faces
fence & vegatation
Key characteristics of Stomoxys

biting muscoid fly
protruding bayonet-like mouthparts
males & females suck blood
checkerboard pattern
Where do Stomoxys prefer to lay their eggs?
decaying vegetative matter
What is Stomoxys the IH for?

Habronema (horse stomach worm)
cutaneous deposition of L3 Habronema can cause skin ulcers if enters broken skin
What is the common name for Stomoxys?
stable fly
What is the common name of Haematobia?

horn fly
Characterisitics of Haematobia?
Biting Muscoid fly
bayonet-like mouth parts
male & females suck blood
Habitat of Haematobia?
prefer pastures
toplines of animals (whithers) and around the horns of cattle
cattle > horses
Where do Haematobia like to lay their eggs?
fresh manure < 30 min old
What are Haematobia the IH of?
Stephanofilaria stilesi
(filarial parasite of skin of cattle)
What is the economic importance of Muscoid flies?
- decreased production
- meat, milk, hide
- allergies
- stinging
- annoyance
- blood loss
- parasite & dz vectors
What is the common name of Melophagus ovinus?

sheep ked
Characteristics of Melophagus ovinus?
Hippoboscid fly
wingless dipteran
male & females suck blood
Habitat of Melophagus ovinus?
live entire life in the wool of sheep
L.C. of Melophagus ovinus?
“Modified” complex metamorphosis
larvae develop inside female
extruded larvae pupate w/in few hrs
pupul case remains glued to wool
adult fly emerges in 3-6 wks
(temp dependent)
How do you spell Dr. P’s last name?
What is Facultative Myiasis?
a. k.a Secondary Myiasis
* Musca domestica*, blow flies or bottle flies
normally free-living
Under certain circumstances they may adapt themselves to a parasitic existence
What is myiasis?
parasitic infestation of a living organs or tissues by dipteran larvae
What is “Strike”?
any cutaneous myiasis in sheep
What is Obligatory Myiasis?
a.k.a Primary Myiasis
parasite is dependent upon the animal for a certain portion of its L.C.
MUST utilize a host to complete its L.C.
What is the common name of
Cochliomyia hominivorax?

Primary (American) Screwworm
Characteristics of Cochliomyia hominivorax?
any warm-blooded animal (humans!)
metallic blue, green body and reddish orange face.
mature larvae –> distinct bands of spines w/ 2 deeply pigmented breathing tubes 1/3 of their length
(looks like screw)
Is Cochliomyia hominivorax reportable if found on lifestock?
How can we control & eradicate
Cochliomyia hominivorax?
sterile male release technique
females only breed once then die
Where do Cochliomyia hominivorax prefer to lay their eggs?
in clean (fresh) wounds
require living tissue
Characteristics of Complex Metamorphosis
- Developmental stage bears no resemblance to adult
- Worm like larva
- Pupa is the resting stage
- Adult emerges from pupa
Characteristics of “Modified” Complex Metamorphosis
- Female retains larvae in her body
- Eggs laid on host
- Eggs pupate shortly after being laid
What is the common name for Hypoderma**?

- Cattle Grub
- Cattle Heel Fly
- Ox Warble
- Warble Fly
What is the characteristics of Hypoderma?
- Complex Metamorphosis
- Obligatory Myiasis
- Bumble bee- like appearance
- NO fxning mouth parts
When do you treat Hypoderma?
Summer or Early Autumn
(will get esophagitis, bloat or spinal canal lesions if TX during winter)
Which Hypoderma stages cause pathogenesis in cattle?
Adults - fright b/c look like bumblebees
Young- “Gadding” (severe damage to hide)
What happens if you rupture the larva of Hypoderma?
Localized inflammation & abscess formation
What species are affected by Oestrus?

Sheep & Goats
Characteristics of Oestrus?
- No fxning mouth parts
- Active during summer months
- Modified Complex Metamorphosis
- Obligatory Myiasis
- RARELY parasitize humans & other domestic animals
What is “False Gid”?
when Oestrus larvae penetrate the cribiform plate & mirgrate to the brain
What is the common name of Gasterophilus?
Horse Stomach Bot Fly
Characteristics of Gasterophilus?
- Honeybee like appearance
- No fxning mouthparts
- Complex Metamorphosis
- Obligatory Myiasis
- Long prepatent period (10-12 mo)
- No issues unless purfurate the stomach
L.C. of Gasterophilus?
- Females lay eggs on legs, nostrils or lips of horses
- larva migrate to stomach & mature
- Larva crawl back up esophagus & expelled
- Larvae pupaute in ground
- Emerge as adults
What is the common name for Cuterebra?

Wolves worms
Characteristics of Cuterebra?
- Black & white looking honeybee
- No fxning mouth parts
- Mature larva are black w/ spines
- Complex Metamorphosis
- Obligatory Myiasis
What is the L.C. of Cuterebra?
- Lay eggs near rodent borrows
- Larva catch rides on passing rodents
- Larva enter through physiological orifices
- Larva migrate in SQ tissue & generate large inflammed cysts
- Drog out & pupate on ground
What can Cuterebra cause in cats, dogs & humans?
- CNS signs b/c moving through cribiform plate
What are all maggots?
Characteristics of fleas?
- Not host specific
- Both sexes are bloodsuckers
- ONLY adults are parasitic
- Larvae are “maggot like” & eat flea dirt
Which flea commonly infects Poultry?
Common name for Echidnophaga?
Stick-tight fleas
What flea transmits the Plague?
What are some C.S. of Echidnophaga in birds?
Lesions on comb & wattles
What insect is the culprit of a “Bubo”?
What is the difference between Sucking & Chewing lice?
Chewing lice have big, fat heads that are wider than their thorax
What type of lice is Trichodectes? Who does it affect?
Chewing louse of the Dog
(remember it’s an insect- has 6 legs!)
What type of lice do birds get?
Chewing Lice ONLY