parasit quiz 1 Flashcards
what is the resistant, resting but infective stage of protozoan?
what is term for free living or infective stage of protoaoan?
what modes of locomotion of protozoans are by flexing and gliding?
undulating membrane and subpellicular microtubules
what are the 3 ways of asexual repro of protozoa?
binary fission
multiple fission or schizogony (nuclear division precedes cytokinesis)
what are the 2 ways protozoa reproduce sexually?
syngamy - forms zygote
what is a paratenic(transport) host?
non essential host, no development within body
what is a mechanical vector?
non essential host, passively carries infective stage
What is a biological vector?
usually arthropod, maybe intermediate host or mechanical vector
Life cycle where transmission of parasitic infection from one host to another without intermediate host
Direct life cycle
Life cycle where there is one or more essential intermediate hosts
indirect life cycle
Time period between ingestion and invasions of infective stages of a helminth in its definitive host until eggs or larvae are produced
pre-patent period
Period of the life span of adult parasite in host
patent period
How many types of protozoa are parasitic?
Are protozoa prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
eukaryotes (have organelles)
Free-living or infective stage of protozoan
Resistant, resting but infective stage of protozoan
What is the morphology of T. foetus?
pyriform with 1 recurrent flagellum with undulating membrane
Where is T. foetus found in the bull?
preputial cavity
Does T. foetus have a cyst stage?
no, also direct life cycle by sexual contact
What are the clinical signs of T. foetus in cows?
early abortion