Paracitism Flashcards
ox peckers
- -“clean” ticks from animal orifices
- have taste for blood
- keep wounds open
- not mutualistic
lives on the body
lives in the body
lives inside the body and kills the host
-limit to growth because of limited resourse
Brood parasites
Invade the nest
plant emits pheremones to let wasps know that there’s an aphid
- wasp lays eggs inside aphid
- wasp eggs hatch and larva eat aphid
Don’t kill host because they need it for survival
parrots vs lice
light parrots selected for light ticks on their body
- big enough to see with eyes
- don’t multiply inside of host
- aggregate –> “clump distribution”
- worms are common
tapeworm life cycle
- person eats bad hotdog
- passes tapeworm in stool
- pig ingests tapeworm
- eggs hatch and invade pig’s muscle tissue
- larva form cysts in muscle tissue
- cysts can survive being undercooked
Nematod that infects people and blocks their intestines
- macroparasite
- intermediate host = snails
- definitive host = people (vertebrates)
- immune system forms calcareous deposits around it, blocking spleen and excretory passages
3 methods of mind control
- Release chemicals that stimulate neuro-motor control
- Highjack central nervous system
- molecular mimicry proteins that are used to manipulate behavior
Horsehair worm
- eggs laid in water
- larva infect aquatic insects (intermediate)
- cricket (definitive) eats intermediate
- develops inside cricket and makes it commit suicide in water
spiny headed worm
makes isopods have risky behavior
-more succeptible to starlings
- parasites for killfish
- increase conspicuous behavior
- killfish get eaten by birds (definitive hosts)
- more parasites = more conspicuous
Mustard plant
- gets infected with rust fungus
- fungus divides meristems
- pseudo-flowers grow on top
- pollinators help spread fungus
mange mites
- hair loss and deterioration in foxes
- affects hare population too
How do hosts avoid brood parasitism
- aggressive behavior
- nest abandonment
- remove parasitic egg
- remove parasitic chick
How do brood parasites do what they do
-rapid egg laying and thick eggs
-rapid development
-sometimes more colorful mouths or louder begging
baby cuckoo kicks other eggs out of the nest
punishment for avian brood parasite hosts
cowbird will kill all of magpie (or curtland warbler)’s offspring if its own egg is rejected