Paper 8 Flashcards
Buffer nerves
Nerves supplying baroreceptors & chemoreceptors are buffer nerves becoz these nerves regulate heart rate blood pressure & respiration
Buffer nerves are IX CN also called hering nerve , X CN - aortic nerves
Buffers - which resist change when acid or alkali is added
Buffer system or acid base buffer system - which act immediately to prevent change in PH by binding to free H+
Types of buffer systems
1) bicarbonate buffers system
2) phosphate buffer system
3) protein buffer system
Accumulation of end products of protein metabolism ie, urea nitrogen creatinine in blood
Causes of uremia
common features
Failure of kidney to excrete metabolic end products & toxic substances
Common features - anorexia, tiredness, nausea, vomiting, pain or cramps, lack of concentration, tetany
Atrial flutter
Arrhythmia characterised by rapid ineffective atrial contractions
Muscle tone definition
Continuous & partial contraction of muscles with certain degree of vigor & tension
Maintenance of muscle tone
1) skeletal muscle
2) cardiac muscle
3) smooth muscle
1) skeletal muscle - neurogenic, continuous discharge of impulse from gamma motor neuron in SP controlled by higher centers of brain
2) cardiac - myogenic, muscles themselves control tone, not under nervous control
3) smooth muscle - myogenic, it depends on Ca, no.of cross bridges