Paper 7 Flashcards
Functions of nucleus
Nucleus is considered as brain of the cell also called “control center “
1) control of cell activity ie,growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, reprod
2) synthesis of RNA
3) formation of ribosome subunits
4) genetic infor to cytoplasm for protein synthesis through mRNA
5) cell division through genes
6) storage of hereditary information
Kupffer cells
These are tissues macrophages of liver
-These are present in between the endothelial cells of sinusoids ie, blood space b/w hepatic plates of liver
-function destroy senile RBC,imp role in defense of body,involved in detoxification of foreign bodies
Marey’s law
Pulse / heart rate is inversely proportional to BP
-baroreceptors induce marey’s reflex only during resting conditions. So, in many conditions ie, exercise there is ⬆️in both BP & HR
Frost bite
Freezing of surface of body when it is exposed to 🥶cold, occurs due to sluggishness of blood flow
-most commonly exposed areas ie, ear lobes, digits of hands, feet
-prolonged exposure leads to damage of cells permanently (death & decay)
40 to 60 tropomyosin molecules are situated along the double helix of actin
Molecular weight = 70,000
Relaxed state, tropomyosin molecules cover all the active sites of F-actin
Vital capacity
Maximum vol of air that can be expelled out of lungs forcefully after deep or maximal inspiration
= 3.3L + 1L + 0.5L
= 4.8L
Physiological variations of vital capacity
1) ♂️ more than ♀️
2) more in body built persons
3) posture - standing > lying
4) more in athletes
5) more in wind instrument music players ie, flute
Pathological variations of vital capacity
#how VC is measured?
VC ⬇️in following respi diseases
Asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, pneumothorax, pulmonary edema, TB
# measured by spirometry, subject is asked to take a deep inspiration & expire forcefully
Ultra filtration or glomerular filtration
Called so, becoz even minute particles are filtered, but plasma proteins are not filtered due to large molecular size
- thus glomerular filtrate contains all substances of plasma except plasma proteins becoz these are larger than filteration pore present on capillary endothelium