PAPER 3 - RELATIONSHIPS - parasocial relationships Flashcards
what are parasocial relationships?
one way (unreciprocated) relationships where an individual is attracted to a media figure (usually a celebrity) who is unaware of the existence of the person who has developed the PSR
why do we form parasocial relationships?
PSR may be particularly appealing to some as the relationships make few demands and do not run risk of criticism or rejection as in real relationships
who proposed the 3 levels of parasocial relationships?
Giles & Maltby (2006)``
what are the 3 levels of parasocial relationships?
level 1 - entertainment or social level
level 2 - intense personal level
level 3 - borderline pathological level
what is involved in level 1 (entertainment or social level)?
- less intense level of celebrity worship
- celebrities viewed as sources of entertainment
what is involved in level 2 (intense personal level)?
- intermediate level of PSR reflecting greater level of personal involvement
- intensity engaged with chosen celebrity e.g. consider them to be their soulmate
what is involved in level 3 (borderline pathological level)?
- strongest level of PSR - uncontrollable fantasies & extreme behaviours
e.g. try to contact them, where they live etc.
what is the celebrity attitude scale (CAS)?
- survey identifying views about a famous person
- 5 point scale
what are the strengths of the CAS as a measure of PSRs?
- allows us to measure the intensity of PSRs in a quantitative way
- can answer anonymously (may be more truthful than face to face interview)
what are the limitations of the CAS as a measure of PSRs?
- self report data
- vulnerable to SDB and may lack validity
what are the 2 explanations of parasocial relationships?
- attachment theory
- absorption-addiction model
what does attachment theory of parasocial relationships refer to?
- PSR being linked to atatchment problems in childhood
- might form PSRA to meet need for attachment/affection
- attachment behaviours can be seen in those with PSR e.g. proximity seeking (following on social media) etc
how does Bowlby’s internal working model and Ainsworth’s attachment styles relate to attachment theory of PSRs?
- we develop IWM of relationships in early childhood and continues through adulthood
- also develop particular attachment style
- IWM and attachment style are thought to impact development of parasocial relationships as PSRs may function similarly to real-life relationships in terms o fattachment behaviours
what is an example of proximity seeking, secure base, and separation protest within PSRs?
proximity seeking - following on social media
secure base - celebrity acts as a secure base
separation protest - grief at loss of celebrity
what are the strengths of attachment theory?
- Cole & Leets - partial support - found insecure-resistant most likely to enter PSR
- Cohen - found link between security of attachment and negative responses to loss of PSR - insecure-resistant anticipated more negative responses
- Kinlen - argued insecure attachment styles were more likely to for PSRs as theyre more attractive to insecurely attached people due to little chance of rejection/disappointment