Paper 3 - Forensics Flashcards
What is offender profiling?
A behavioural and analytical tool that is intended to help the investigators accurately predict and profile the characteristics of unknown criminals.
What is the top down approach to offender profiling?
- Based on in-depth interviews with sexually motivated serial killers, including Ted Bundy. - It starts with a general classification of the crime scene into organised and disorganised. - Profilers will match what is known about the crime to a pre-existing template. - Once profilers have matched the crime to a pre-existing template they can now construct a profile. This includes a hypothesis about the offender’s background, habits, beliefs.
What is the difference between organised and disorganised offenders?
Organised offenders tend to plan their crimes and the victim is specifically targeted, and the body is often moved from the crime scene. Such offenders are generally high in intelligence, socially and sexually competent, usually live with a partner and have a normal life. Disorganised offenders don’t plan their crimes, random selection of victim, sexual acts are performed after death. The crime scene is likely to include lots of clues such as blood, semen, finger prints.
The top down approach evaluation
+ Still used in creating criminal profiles in the type of crime it is applicable. - David Canter et al (2004) analysed data from 100 murder cases. The case details were examined with reference to 39 characteristics thought to be typical of organised and disorganised killers. The findings did suggest evidence of a distinct organised type of offender, however this was not the case for disorganised. Evidence does not support the disorganised offender. - Based on the assumption that behavioural and motivation remains consistent across all situations. Critics suggest this is very naive and based on old fashioned models of behaviour that see behaviour as stable dispositional traits. - Only applies to particular crimes. Best suited to crime scenes that reveal important details about a suspect such as rape, murder, arson. Also the sample is based on serial killers. Therefore, limited approach as it can’t be applied to all offenders.
Key study: Canter (2004)
Aim: To test the reliability of the top-down by applying them to 100 cases. Procedure: A content analysis of 100 cases of serial killers from the USA. The cases came from published accounts of serial killers and were cross-checked with court reports and officers. Findings: 2x as many disorganised than organised were identified, suggesting that disorganised are more common or easier to identify. In 70% of organised cases, the body was concealed and in 75% of cases, sexual activity had occurred. Conclusion: It would be better to look at personality differences between offenders.
Describe the bottom-up approach to offender profiling
- Canter’s bottom-up approach looks for consistencies in the offenders behaviour during the crime. These can be inferred from the crime scene or surviving victims accounts. - No initial assumption is made about an offender until a statistical analysis has been carried out on the details of the cases. - The approach relies heavily on computer data bases. - This approach is considered to be more objective and reliable.
What is investigative psychology and geographic profiling?
Investigative psychology: The aim is to establish behaviour patterns that are likely to occur across crime scenes. This is to develop a statistical database. Specific details of an offence can the be matched against this database to reveal important details about the offender. This may also determine whether a series of offences are linked. Geographic profiling: Uses information to do with the location of linked crime scenes to make inferences about the likely home of an offender. The assumption is that serial offenders will restrict their ‘work’ to geographical areas they are familiar with. It may also help to let investigators make guesses about where an offender will strike next.
What is a commuter and marauder and circle theory?
The commuter - who is likely to have traveled some distance from their home. The marauder - who operates in close proximity to their home. Circle theory - overtime crimes build around your base in a circle.
Bottom up approach evaluation
+ Wider application than the top down approach as it can be applied to other crimes, not just sexually motivated killers like the top-down approach. + Caner argued the bottom-up approach is more objective and scientific than the top-down approach as it is more grounded in evidence and psychological theory, and less driven by speculation and hunches. - Profiles can be useful, but police must be careful not to be blinded to other possibilities by them. Occasionally criminals do not fit the profile. Over use could lead to miscarriages of justice. - One possible issue is the probability of human error. For example, incorrect info can be inputed into the computer data base.
Explain Lombrosso’s Atavistic Form
Lombrosso thought criminals were a separate species of man kind. He suggested that criminals were throwbacks to an earlier species. Atavistic means a tendency to revert to an ancestral type. He suggested that criminals could be identified by physical characteristics. Such as: asymmetrical face, a low receding forehead, unusually large or small ears . Lombrosso went on to identify 3 types of criminals: 1) Born criminal - the atavistic type 2) Insane criminal - suffering from mental illness 3) Criminaloids - mental characteristics predispositioned them to criminal behaviour under the right circumstances.
Evaluation of Lombrosso’s atavistic form
+ Lombrosso is praised for bringing science to the study of crime. Lombrosso based his theory on his own research using post-mortem examinations of criminals and studying the faces of living criminals. He made precise measurements of skulls and other physiological characteristics. He is regarded as the father of modern criminology. + Lombrosso claimed that some people are born to be criminals. Much like modern genetic research would suggest. - Lack of adequate controls. When Lombrosso studied prisoners he didn’t pay the same attention to non-prisoners. If he had done he might have found similar characteristics between them. (Lacks validity). - He believed women were less evolved. He believed they were less likely to commit crimes because they were passive, low intelligence. (Gender bias).
What is a gene?
A unit of heredity which is transferred from a parent o offspring and determines characteristics of the offspring.
What does the genetic explanation of crime suggest?
The genetic explanation for crime suggest that would-be offenders inherit a gene, or combination of genes, that predispose them to commit crime.
Key study: Lange (1930)
Lange conducted the first study into twins and criminal behaviour. 13 MZ twins and 17 DZ twins where in each pair had served time in prison. 10 MZ vs 2 DZ twins had their co-twin who was also in prison.
What do MAOA and CDH13 genes do? - Genetic explanation
MAOA regulates the metabolism of serotonin in the brain. Low levels of serotonin are linked with impulsive and aggressive behaviour. CDH13 is linked to ADD and substance abuse.