paper 2 January mock figures Flashcards
x/10 of the warmest years since 1880 have occurred since 2000?
ever since 1977 every year has been warmer than what average
2oth century average
athabasca glacier rate of retreat
1870-1950: 8m/year
1950-2005: 22m/year
montana glacier national park stats
used to have >150 glaciers in 1800s, now has 25
warming at 2-3 times the speed of global avg temp rise
average sea level rise since 1900
rate now
now 3mm/year
ice loss form Greenland ice sheet increase
has increased seven-fold from 34b tonnes/year between 1992 and 2001 to 247bn tonnes/year between 2012 and 2016
sea level rise in dover vs Sweden
2.4mm rise per year
7.8mm fall per year in some areas eg furuogrund
atmospheric water vapour conc change
for every 1C rise in temp, x2 warming rate due to WV
4% conc in 1976 to 17% conc in 2016
earth temp without GHE
-18C (rather than 15C)
GWP of methane vs CO2
CH4: 25
CO2: 1
fraction of GHG emissions from land use changes/deforestattion.wetland dev/agriculture
% of land surface covered by agriculture
% of worlds energy production from burning fossil fuels
87%, contributing 3/4 of worlds atmospheric carbon
global pop growth
1bn in 1800
8.1bn in 2024
eccentricity differences in solar radiation
30% between perihelion and aphelion
eccentricity time scale
LT 100,000 years
obliquity time scale and angle
41,000 year cycle
22 to 24.5 degrees
precession time scale
22,000 years
solar output time scale of cycle
11 years
% change in solar output min to max
Laki eruption volcano stats
lava and poisonous gases for 8 months
1/4 of Icelands population died from resulting famine
2 rainy summers across Europe
John Murray quote
volcanic eruptions have sig effects on weather patterns for 2 to 4 years which in turn have socioeconomic consequences (and political)
mount pinatubo eruption stats
20 million tonnes SO2 into stratosphere, earths climate cooled by 1.3C over a 3 year period
when did continents break up from Pangea
250 million years ago
when did N America and S America join at the Isthmus of Panama
5 million years ago
GHE cycle timescale
every 100,000 years
little ice age dates
1550 to 1850
medieval warm period dates
1100 to 1300
icehouse vs greenhouse average temps fluctuation
quaternary period spans how long
2.6 million years
glacials and interglacials cycle time scale
every 100,000 years fluctuates
china increase in emissions 2000 to 2016
have increased by 2.5 times
when did china become greatest GHG emitter in the world?
china vs USA emissions per capita
china 7.4t
usa 16.5t
UK decrease in emissions
CO2 emissions have fallen by 40%
“ “ fell by 9% in 2015
when was uk mild winter (caused by CC)
uk increase in co2 emissions 1750 to 1900
1750: 2.3m tonnes
1900: 115m tonnes
uk coal production peak
1916: 137m tonnes
still over 120m tonnes 1961
since 1971, how much have UK emissions decreased by
service sector= how much of UK GDP
uk pharmaceutical and aerospace industries and London economy
A= 2nd largets globally
P= 10th largest globally
London= largest economy in Europe by GDP
when emissions linked to imported goods to UK are included how much does carbon footprint rise by
kyoto protocol
did uk achieve Kyoto protocol targest
yes comfortably met pledge: emissions 23% lower than 1990
china change in co2 emissions 1899 to 2013
1899: 26000 tonnes
2013: 2.5bn tonnes
china GDP per capita rise
$300 in 1980
$12800 in 2012
china % of emissions for outsourced stuff
20% for producing clothes, furniture, solar panels shipped to Europe and usa
emissions in Europe would be 30% higher if goods produced elsewhere were accounted for
china controls how m much of world exports
1% in 1970
when did chinas emissions per head surpass EU’s
china 7.2t
EU 6.8t
world avg 5t