human paper Flashcards
when was treaty of westphalia
percentage of South Sudan population which is Dinka vs nuer
dinka 36%
nuer 16%
kurdistan % that voted for independence and when
93% voted in favour of independence in 2017
kurdistan population
7.8 million
Basque region population
terrorist attacks
3.1 milliion
up until 2011
when was ken saro wiwa executed
Nigeria oil figures
Africas leading oil producer
8th biggest oil exporter in the world
accounts for 8% of all US oil imports
when was Greece’s debt crisis
what did Brexit benefit
vaccine rollout: uk had 40% vaccinated when EU only had 14%
negatives of brexit
14% fall in UK exports to EU in 2021
GDP grew 3.8% since referendum but EU’s has grown by 8.5%
when was Tuareg rebellion
when was MINUSMA
what % of Crimea is ethnically Russian
what % speak Russian as their native language
ukraine population ethnic split
17% russian
77% ukrainian
election political results in Ukraine 2004 and 2010
2004: Crimea and Donbass voted for yanukovych, Kiev voted pro-EU and all numbers were over 60% majorities except 3 regions
2010: Donbass and Crimea voted yanukovych, Kiev voted pro-EU
ukraine was part of USSR until when
when did Russian parliament approve Putins request to use Russian forces across ukraine (esp in Crimea)
1st march 2014
ukraine demonstrations
2004 Orange Revolution
2013 euromaidan
ukraine evacuation stats
1.5m of 5m inhabitants of Lugansk and Donetsk regions are IDPs, having fled Crimea since April 2014
600,000 moved to neighbouring countries
ukraine deaths and injuries
7000 deaths
13900 injuries
298 shot down in a civilian aircraft in July 2014
when was India partition
when was Indus water treaty
indus water treaty division of water
indus and 2 W tributaries (80 MAF) to pakistan
3 E tributaries (33 MAF) to India
% of water inputs of the Indus River used for human usages in Kashmir?
60% therefore is vital
kishanganga dam impacts
leaves Pakistan with 27% less flow than natural
number of member states:
EU Nobel peace prize
un security council
5 permanent members: France, China, USA, Russia and UK
examples of UN vetoes
Russia used 117 times
UK France Suez crisis 1956
UK France USA in Panama invasion by USA in 1989
Russia blocks intervention in Georgia Ukraine and Syria
when did South Sudan gain independence from Sudan
number killed and displaced by South Sudan conflict
50,000 dead
2.3 million displaced
biggest interregional flows of migrants
5 million S to W Asia
3 million C to N America
10 million to Europe
biggest intraregional flows of migrants
4 million within sub-saharan africa
3 million within south and south-east Africa
USA and Tonga % of remittances for GDP
0.1% USA
38% Tonga
what % of spending in Opole region comes from remittances
immigration contributes how much to UK economy
£25 billion
Malawi people per doctor
1 doctor per 40,000 people
migrant stock among ASEAN members
6.5m in 2015
S-S vs S-N flows of migrants
S-S: 36% of migrants (83m)
S-N: 35% of migrants (82m)
fraction of remittances sent along S-S flows
worlds 3rd largest bilateral flow of migrants
3.3m migrants
e.g. of conflict increasing S-S flows
2.3m from Afghanistan to Pakistan
Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast stats
1m BF citizens in IC
250,000 IC citizens in BF
when was White Australia Policy
when was operation sovereign borders established
number of Pakistanis working abroad
% in gulf
remittances value
7 million
$11.5b in 2013 (5th in the world)
% of women migrants
> 50% in 2016 for first time
70% or 80% in some countries
greek women migrants 2016
doubled from 11% to 22%
% of migrants working in education and health in Middle East
2.6% education
3.6% health
number of refugees globally
15.7m in 2012
26m in 2019
% of refugees in global south
syria civil war refugee stats
march 2011 began
6.6m IDPs
5.6m international refugees (900,000 to Lebanon(2015 visa required), 3.6m to turkey)
EU russia sanctions
2014 econ sanctions following Crimea annexation
UNMISS figures
2011 started
16000 troops
2000 police (large scale)
unsuccessful bc 2012 violence
PoC camps figures
2013: 6 PoC camps built for 220,000 IDPs
old South Sudan peace treaty dates
2015 one violated in 2016
new South Sudan peace treaty police numbers
GESS funded how much by UK gov
how many children educated
£100 million
500,000 children in 4000 schools
South Sudan famine figures
over 7.1m people: half the country’s population- are facing extreme and deadly hunger
mali independence from france
Tuareg insurgence dates
grew from 1990 onwards
2007: sped up fuelled by Libyan civil war and islamist groups supplying arms
when did Tuareg gain control over azawad
growth in economy of Mali since end of conflict
GDP recovered to pre-conflict level of $495 in 2015
1ary/3ary sectors have grown by 6-7% since 2014
when was Mali peace accord
life expectancy increase in Mali since 2015
55 to 57 years
MINUSMA number of military
UN peacekeepers death toll in Mali
100 died since 2013
French troops in Mali
world bank investment in Mali job training and education
$63 million
access to health clinics in urban vs rural Mali
89% vs 48%
emigration from Brazil to Portugal
140,000 in 2013
emigration from Brazil to USA
emigration from Brazil to Japan
immigration from Portugal to Brazil
immigration from Japan to Brazil
188,000 between 1908 and 1941
immigration from Haiti to Brazil
135,000 immigrants in Brazil in 2020
increased from 1700 in 2010 to 11000 in 2013
Brazil economic connections caused by migration: companies in brazil
> 450 Japanese companies in Brazil
Brazil value of migrant remittances in 2020
$3.8b (0.25% of GDP)
laos vs Thailand daily wages
3x higher in thailand
laos migrants per 1000 of population
1.1 migrants per 1000 of population in 2014 (v high)
laos emigration numbers
930,000 to thailand
200,000 to USA
immigrants to Laos
10,000 from vietnam
laos population structure
1/3 below 15 years old
laos value of migrant remittances
8% of GDP
laos % below poverty line
laos % employed in agriculture
laos human trafficking victims numbers
from 2001 to 2011, >1500 victims
what % of USA immigrants are Mexicans
number of Mexicans migrating to USA in 2013
green card visas per year
family reunification visas per year
how many Mexicans in USA
how many Americans in Mexico
11.5m m in USA
1m USA in M
remittances from USA to Mexico
$22b in 2013 (2% of GDP)
NAFTA trade deal led to two much reciprocal merchandise per day between USA and Mexico
$1.4b daily
in 2013, what % of Mexicans in USA work in services, and what % in nat resources, construction and manufacturing
31% in services
25% in nat resources, construction an manufacturing
stokes croft demographics figures
50% white (86% nat average)
influx of students and young profs over last 10 years
stokes croft crime rate
11 crimes per 1000 people (2.5 nat avg)
2019 named as one of UKs most dangerous streets
stokes croft house price
average £71000 (low compared to rest of Bristol)
75% flats
PRSC campaign and riots
2008 to buy turbo island
2011 tesco riots
Lansdown employment stats
main job sectors= professional (34% vs 17% nat avg) and managers/senior officials (19% vs 10% nat avg)
unemployment: 5% vs 8% nat avg
students 14% vs 7% nat avg
lansdown ethnicities
93% white vs 86% nat avg
7.5% BAME vs 14% nat avg
Lansdown average house price
£875000 semidetached or £1.3m detached vs BANES £300000
J Road 230k
Hamilton Road 2.1m
use of Catalan language
37% claim it as their own language (esp in rural areas)
catalan referendum?
71% of pop want a referendum
2017 illegal referendum held followed by general strikes
census how often/ since when
every 10 years since 1801
people per doctor in Malawi vs uk
1 in 40,000 vs 1 in 400
uk vs malawi GDP per capita
$40000/capita UK
$400/capita malawi
cost of beenfits/subsidies to uk gov
cost= 1/4 of tax spending
how many firms at Bristol & Bath science park
> 50
fraction of Italys villages at risk of depopulation
stokes croft vs lansdown digital divide
33% vs 100% superfast broadband
stokes croft vs Lansdown % with degrees
15% VS 53% (nat avg 27%)
air pollution stokes croft vs lansdown
82nd percentile v high
medium in N vs sig in Julian road
Lansdown crime rates
bath safest major city in country
lansdown rd= top 10% safest roads in UK
higher at J road
Detroit population growth 1900 to 1950s
<500k to 1.8m
Detroit car factory wages 1900-1950
double the wages than in any other industry
no qualifications needed, low-skilled
Detroit ranked as biggest cities in USA
1900-1950: 4th biggest
influx of African American pop to Detroit
5700 to 120,000 in 1930
race riots Detroit
Detroit population collapse
1.8m to 700k (now 900k)
Detroit murder capital?
600 people shot to death per year
murder capital of USA 1995
Detroit poorest city USA
2005: half of pop below poverty line
Detroit street lights
half of cities 85k streetlights out of service
grosse pointe vs highland park détroit stats
avg income $160k vs $20k
pop 90% vs 10% white
(<3% unemployed GP)
HP highest % of abandoned plots in city
abandoned buildings/ vacant lots Detroit
70,000 abandoned buildings
90,000 vacant lots
London docklands investment
£3900m invested to generate £8000m private investment
London docklands housing units and job
24000 extra housing units
80000 jobs
Hulme Manchester % on benefits
Hulme Manchester mugging/murder
30 times more likely to be mugged/murdered here than UK avg
new development affordable housing requirement
new developments must have at least 20% affordable housing (can still be unaffordable bc 60-80% of market value)
24 hour city boost to London economy
stats on why Barca needed to rebrand
19th century industrialisation
2nd 1/2 of C19 Catalan resurgence
1963 Spanish civil war
barca rebranding success stats
tourism worth 2% of city pre-olympic GDP, now 12.5%
airport handled 2.9m passengers 1991, now 42m
unemployment dropped from 128,000 1986 to 61,000 1992 (olympic infrastructure 220k jobs)
stats on how Barca rebranding changed perceptions
5th most pop city destination in europe
tourist no.s increased from 1.7m in 1990 to 9m in 2017
branded as biz destination: no1 attractive European city for biz conferences, 8th most attractive for investors
la raval stats
1995, 1700 residential/commercial properties demolished (£5m, 80% from EU) for pedestrianised space
2 flagship hotels
gov/eu in barca rebranding stats
7 year plan from 1980
80% of £5m for la raval regeneration from EU
2014 European capital of innovation
corporations in barca rebranding stat
2014 Barcelona Open Challenge
private uni/hotels in barca rebranding stats
2 top biz schools in EU
2008 Barceló raval renovation
unsuccessful barca rebranding stat
tourism= 2nd largest issue for residents
sport strategy for rebranding egs
London E end 2012
Barcelona 1992 relaunched city
BUT Rio facilities shut post 2016
Qatar not seeing positives
hull city of culture
1.5m visited (over double usual numbers)
bullet points for economic boom
strong economy so more taxes, spent on healthcare (NHS), schools, infrastructure so increased QoL. ALSO less demand for services during boom bc less people on benefits
economic growth: higher employment and wages so PME
small businesses more secure w more investment and innovation
SPATIAL VARIATION centred on core areas e.g. London. peripheral benefits less
economic boom specific stats
1973 UK joined EU so businesses could export products w/o taxes, more earning
1997 new labour government so banks earned more and paid tax for more government spending
1997-2003: unemployment constantly below 1.5m reduced inequality
economic bust bullet points
life expectancy drops, mortality increases as gov cut spending in NHS
unemployment/pay freezes so disposable income drops leading to a spiral of decline bc less spending inhibiting PME
graduates leaving uni post-recession face uncertainty getting job: socio-economic implications, unemployment and student fees lead to debt. impacts ability to get onto housing ladder causing generational inequalities
economic bust specific stats
1974 Israel syria war oil crisis
1992 unemployment rose to over 10%
2001-3 £14bn diverted from spending on services to Afghanistan and Iraq wars
2008 property market fell 20% increasing inequality, young people has high levels of unemployment. in Europe and usaf extra 10000 suicides in this period
2011 2.7m unemployed in UK