Paper 1 Questions Flashcards
Carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14.
The symbol for nitrogen-14 is 14/7 N
Explain what happens in a carbon-14 nucleus when it decays to a nitrogen-14 nucleus. [2]
neutron (decays) to proton (1)
beta emitted (1)
Describe the process that then occurs to produce the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion in a new star. [3]
a description to include:
nebula collapses (1) under gravity (1)
plus any one from:
GPE converted into KE (1)
(very) high
temperatures/pressures reached
Explain how vibrations from earthquakes may be used to study the core of the Earth [4]
use of seismometers (1)
- waves can be refracted in the interior of the earth (1)
- (showing) different densities (1)
- some seismic waves are longitudinal and some transverse (1)
- S/transverse waves cannot pass through liquid (1)
- S wave / transverse wave shadow zone shows part of the earth must be liquid (1)
- P / longitudinal waves can go through the core/liquid (1) mention S and P waves (1)
The force that the rocket engines produce remains constant during the first few seconds after take-off
Explain what happens to the acceleration during the first few seconds (3)
- acceleration increases (1)
- because F = ma (1)
- and the mass decreases (1)
- due to some fuel being used up (1)
Before a car brakes it has kinetic energy.
The kinetic energy decreases as it brakes.
State what happens to the kinetic energy during braking [1]
one from
- causes heating of surroundings [1]
- transferred to thermal energy of surroundings [1]
- increases kinetic energy of molecules in break pads [1]
When white light crosses the boundary between air and glass, it can split up into the colours
of the spectrum.
Explain, in terms of speed, why the light behaves like this. [3]
- (colours have) different wavelengths [1]
- colours travel at different speeds [1]
- so will refract by different amounts [1]
Some television remote controls use infrared radiation and other remote controls
use radio waves.
Explain why an infrared remote control may not switch on the television from behind an armchair but a radio wave remote control always will. [2]
an explanation linking:
infrared is absorbed / blocked (by the
armchair / objects) / cannot pass through
radio waves can go through (the
armchair/objects) (1)
(infrared and radio have) different
wavelengths / frequencies
OR infrared requires ‘line-of-sight’ (idea)
OR radio waves do not require ‘line-ofsight’ (idea)
OR diffraction (idea)
Carbon-14 decays into nitrogen-14.
The symbol for nitrogen-14 is 14/7N
Explain what happens in a carbon-14 nucleus when it decays to a nitrogen-14 nucleus. [2]
neutron (decays) to proton (1)
beta emitted (1)
mass number stays the same but atomic number increases by 1
beta decay / β seen
NOT β+/beta plus
allow (fast) electron emitted
A long time ago, scientists believed that the Earth was at the centre of the Solar System.
Evidence has since proved that the Sun is at the centre of the Solar System.
State one other idea about the Solar System that has changed over time. [1]
planets have moons (1)
the Earth rotates (spins) (1)
planets orbit the Sun (1)
Pluto is no longer a planet (1)
orbits are elliptical (not circular) (1)
there are more planets than
previously thought (1)
ours is not the only solar system (1)
Earth is {round/spherical /not flat} (1)
planets are not wandering stars (1)
Some sunglasses have photochromic lenses.
Photochromic lenses are clear when the lenses are indoors but they darken in bright sunlight to reduce the effects of the sunlight.
Photochromic lenses react to ultraviolet light.
Suggest a benefit of making the lenses go dark with ultraviolet light. [2]
(ultraviolet/UV) is (the most) harmful
to the eyes (1)
protects eyes from damage/harm
(from UV rays) (1)
Describe the process that then occurs to produce the conditions necessary for nuclear fusion in a new star. [3]
nebula collapses (1)
under gravity (1)
plus any one from:
GPE converted into KE (1)
(very) high
temperatures/pressures reached
State an example of a use of infrasound. [1]
- studying the Earth’s structure
accept other examples e.g. - detect meteor(ites)
- seismic activity
- named animals communicating e.g. elephants ;giraffes; whales
Describe how a teacher should use a Geiger-Müller (GM) tube to compare the count-rates from two different radioactive rocks [4]
a description that combines 4 points from the following:
1. put rock(s) in front of/near tube (1)
2. measure (count rate) separately for the two different rocks (1)
3. measure each count for the same time period (1)
4. keep source-detector distance the same for both rocks (1)
5. take (into account)/measure background count (1)
6. repeat readings and take average(s) (1)
When the prongs of the tuning fork are struck, the prongs vibrate in the directions shown by the arrows on Figure 7.
Describe how the vibrating tuning fork causes a sound wave to travel through the air. [2]
a description to include:
(the prong makes the) air vibrate/oscillate (1)
in the same direction as/parallel to the wave travels (1)
When white light crosses the boundary between air and glass, it can split up into the colours of the spectrum.
Explain, in terms of speed, why the light behaves like this. [3]
an explanation linking:
- (the colours have) different wavelengths (1)
- different wavelengths / colours travel at different speeds (1)
- so refract by different amounts (1)
Fusion and fission are nuclear reactions in which large amounts of energy are released.
In a fusion reaction, two hydrogen nuclei are forced together to form a helium nucleus.
Explain why a very high temperature is needed for this reaction to happen. [3]
an explanation linking:
- (high temperature means) high energy (1)
- (needed) to overcome (force of) repulsion (1)
- between nuclei / because they both have the same charge (1)
The deflection of α-particles by a thin metalfoil is investigated with the arrangement shown in Figure 1. State the environmentthe apparatus must be enclosed in and explain why this is required forthe experiment. [2]
The apparatus must be enclosed in:
- A vacuum; [1 mark]
- α-particles travel / are absorbed by a short distance in air; [1 mark]
Describe how medical instruments are sterilised [3]
Any three from:
- Medical instruments are sterilised by irradiation; [1 mark]
- They are exposed to radiation to kill any micro-organisms present on the surface of the instruments; [1 mark]
- Irradiation takes place in an enclosed chamber / box; [1 mark]
- Steam / liquid is used to transport the radiation to the surface of the instruments more effectively; [1 mark]
Describe the process of nuclear fission, including what material is used for the fuel rods [5]
- The fuel rods are made of uranium (235); [1 mark]
- A nucleus of uranium absorbs a (thermal / slow moving) neutron; [1 mark]
- The nucleus formed splits (because it is unstable); [1 mark]
- Into two smaller nuclei called daughter nuclei AND two or three neutrons; [1 mark]
- The energy released is transferred into the kinetic energy store of the fission products; [1 mark]
Radiowaves are produced by electrons in circuits. Explain how?
Radio-waves are emitted when
* electrons oscillate in electrical circuits
oscillations are
* current (flow of electrons) that continually change direction
* current flows up and down in a (transmitting) aerial
* alternating current (AC)
* this generates radio waves in the air around the aerial
* the frequency of the radio waves corresponds to the oscillation frequency
How are X-rays produced when an atom goes through energy changes?
X-rays are emitted when electrons change energy
levels because
* electrons in lower energy levels can absorb energy
* the electrons move to higher energy levels
* when the electrons return to a lower energy level
* the electrons lose energy as radiation.
* the electrons need to lose a large amount of energy
* (so that) they emit x-ray radiation of high energy/frequency