Paper 1 Case Studies Figures Flashcards
What were the primary effects of hurricane Katrina?
1,800 dead
150,000 houses destroyed
3 million without electricity
What are the secondary effects of hurricane Katrina?
2,400 buisinesses bankrupt
Damage of 125 billion
-hundreds of thousands made homless
What was the immediate responses to hurricane Katrina?
1.7 million evacuated
700 buses sent, only 100 arrived
Long term responses to Hurricane Katrina?
- congress give 62 bn to feed and rehouse victims
- 20 billion on rebuilding flood defences
What were the effects of cyclone Nargis?
140,000 dead
53,000 missing
65% of paddy fields destroyed
10 billion worth of damage
What was the response to cyclone Nagis?
- goverment initally refused entry to aid agencies
- they only allowed the first agencies in 1 week later
Magnitude of the Hati earthquake?
Social impact of the Hati earthquake?
316k dead
1.5 mil homeless
105k houses destroyed
18K houses damaged
Economic imoact of Hati?
1/5 jobs lost/destroyed
30k buisinesses damaged
(Dispite 1.1 billion charity donations)
What is the stunning figure abkht hati?
230k in temporary houses 4 yrs later