Pap Smear Flashcards
What are the two types of epithelial tissue near the cervicial os?
- Columnar and stratified nonkeratinizing squamous epithelia
Where does a majority of cervical neoplasia arise?
- Squamocolumnar junction
What is HPV?
- Cervical cancer and CIN are caused by HPV
- About 100 types and 30 of them affect anogenital tract
- 15 are associated with cancer and called high risk types
What types of HPV cause a majority of cancers??
- 16, 18, 31, and 45
What types of HPV are associated with genital warts and low grade lesions?
- 6 and 11`
What are some risk factors for cervical neoplasias?
- Multiple sexual partners or sexual partner who has multiple sexual partners
- Young age at first intercourse or pregnancy
- Smoking
- Organ transplant
- Diethylstilbestrol exposure
- Infrequent or absent pap screening tests
- High parity
- Lower socioeconomic status
How often are pap smears done? What is management?
- Every 5 years
- Based on what the 5 year risk of developing CIN 3
When is the youngest age of someone who needs HPV screening?
- At least 21
What are the screening guidelines for someone 21-29?
- Cytology alone every 3 years
What are the screen guidelines for someone 30-65?
- HPV and cytology “cotesting” every 5 years
What are the screening guidelines for someone 65 and older?
- No screening following adequate negative
What is the specimen type for the bethesda system?
- Conventional or liquid based
What are the general categorization for the bethesda system?
- Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy
- Epithelial cell abnormality: see interpretation/result
- Other: see interpretation/result (endometrial cells in a woman older than 40 years of age)
What organisms could be seen causing an abnormal screen?
- Trichomonas
- Candida
- Shift in bacterial flora suggestive of bacterial vaginosis
- Bacterial morphologically consistent with actinomyces
- Cellular changes consistent with HSV
What are some other non-neoplastic findings on an abnormal screen?
- Reactive cellular changes associated with inflammation, radiation, intrauterine contraceptive device
- Glandular cells status post hysterectomy
- Atrophy