Carcinoma of the Breast Flashcards
How can breast cancers be separated into groups?
- Can be separated into three major groups defined by the expression of two proteins, ER and HER2
How do the three groups of breast cancer differ from each other?
- Patient characteristics
- Pathologic features
- Treatment responses
- Metastatic patterns
- Time to relapse
- Outcome
When does the incidence of breast cancer start to rise?
- After age 30
Who is at low risk of having breast cancer?
- Women younger than age 25
Who has the highest incidence of breast cancer?
- Women of European descent
What is the average age of onset of breast cancer in women of european descent?
- 63
What is the average age of onset of breast cancer in women of African descent?
- 59
What is the average age of onset of breast cancer in women of Hispanic descent?
- 56
Why has rate of mortality declined in breast cancer?
- Mammographic screening as well as more effective treatment modalities
Why has the rate of mortality not decreased as much in African Americans?
- Partly due to unequal access to healthcare
- Also more likely to be biologically aggressive and fall into molecular subtypes that are difficult to treat
What are some high rate risk factors for breast cancer?
- Female gender
- Increasing age
- Germline mutations of high penetrance
- Strong family history
- Personal history of breast cancer
- High breast density
What are some moderate rate risk factors for breast cancer?
- Germline mutations of moderate penetrance
- High-dose radiation to chest at young age
- Family history
What are some low rate risk factors for breast cancer?
- Early menarche
- Late menopause
- Late first pregnancy
- Nulliparity
- Absence of breastfeeding
- Exogenous hormone therapy
- Postmenopausal obesity
- Physical inactivity
- High alcohol consumption
What is believed to be the cause of 1/3 of breast cancers?
- Inheritance of a susceptibility gene or genes
What is the most common gene that produces TNBCs?
What is the most common gene that produces luminal breast cancers (ER)?
What is the difference between hereditary and familial?
- Hereditary: High penetrance genes
- Familial: Low penetrance genes
What is seen in hereditary cancers?
- Autosomal dominant traits
- Earlier age of onset
- Bilateral or multifocal cancers
- Multiple primary cancers
- Clustering of rare cancers in family members
What is seen in familial cancers?
- No classic features of hereditary cancer syndromes
- Variable age of onset
- More cases of a specific type of cancer in a family than statistically expected and no specific pattern
- May result from chance clustering of sporadic cases
- May result from common genetic background, similar environment, and/or lifestyle
What are the most important high penetrance susceptibility genes for breast cancer?
- BRCA1 and BRCA2
What do BRCA1 and BRCA2 do?
- Produce tumor suppressor proteins that help repair damaged DNA and, therefore, play a role in ensuring the stability of the cell’s genetic material
What happens when either BRCA1 or BRCA2 is damaged?
- The protein product is not made or does not function correctly causing the DNA damage to not be repaired properly
- As a result, cells are more likely to develop additional genetic alterations that can lead to cancer
What are the major risk factors for sporadic breast cancers?
- Hormone exposure
- Gender
- Age at menarche and menopause
- Reproductive history
- Breastfeeding
- Exogenous estrogens
What are some characteristics of the low proliferation ER+, HER2 luminal cancers?
- 40-50%
- Major type in older women and in men
- Many detected at early stage
- Usually low grade with lowest recurrence rate, often cured surgically
- Metastasizes after long period of time and usually to bone
- Responds well to anti estrogenic drugs
What are some characteristics of the high proliferation ER+, HER2 luminal cancers?
- 10%
- Increased nuclear staining for Ki67
- Most common form associated with BRCA2 mutation
- Higher expression of genes related to cellular proliferation
- 10% have complete response to chemotherapy
What is the difference in growth between ER+/PR+ cancers and ER-/PR- cancers?
- ER+/PR+ cancers are usually well differentiated and slow-growing
- ER-/PR- cancers are usually poorly differentiated and have a high proliferative rate
What is HER2?
- Proto-oncogene ERBB2 encodes HER2
- Member of the RTK family (a family of growth factor receptors)
How are HER2 carcinomas diagnosed?
- By detecting HER2 overexpression by immunohistochemistry or HER2 gene amplification by in situ hybridization
What does Herceptin do?
- MoAb that binds and inhibits HER2
- Not all HER2+ carcinomas respond to targeted therapy
How do TNBCs arise?
- Through an estrogen independent pathway that is not associated with HER2 gene amplification
What are some characteristics of TNBCs?
- Have a “basal-like” gene expression profile, so-called because many of the genes that comprise this signature are normally expressed in basally located myoepithelial cells
- Almost all tumors are poorly differentiated and several typical histological patterns are recognized
Who is most likely to have TNBCs?
- Young premenopausal women
- African Americans
- Hispanics
How does a TNBCs usually present?
- As a palpable mass in the interval between mammogram screenings because they grow at such a fast rate
What are all breast cancers?
- Adenocarcinomas
What do the terms ductal and lobular describe?
- Subsets of both in situ and invasive carcinomas
What was carcinoma in situ originally classified as?
- Ductal carcinoma in situ or lobular carcinoma in situ depending on the resemblance of the involved spaces
What does lobular refer to?
- Invasive carcinomas that are biologically related to LCIS
What does ductal refer to?
- Used more generally for adenocarcinomas that cannot be classified as a special histologic type
What is seen in LCIS and DCIS?
- No extension beyond basement membrane
- Myoepithelial cells preserved
- Detected mammographically as micro Ca++ can present as a mass if periductal fibrosis or in some subtypes as nipple discharge
What is the best treatment for DCIS?
- Not 100% sure, could be lumpectomy or mastectomy, + chemo
- Post op radiation + Tamoxifen
What can help decide the treatment in DCIS?
- Nuclear grade and necrosis
- Extent of disease
- Positive surgical margins
What is Paget disease of the nipple?
- Rare manifestation of breast cancer that usually presents as a unilateral erythematous eruption with a scale crust
What is common in Paget disease of the nipple?
- Pruritus is common
- Lesion may be mistaken for eczema
What occurs in Paget disease of the nipple?
- Malignant cells extend from DCIS within the ductal system via the lactiferous sinuses into nipple skin without crossing the basement membrane
- Tumor cells disrupt the normal epithelial barrier, allowing extracellular fluid to seep out onto the nipple surface
Is there a palpable mass in Paget disease of the nipple?
- Yes
What is the genetic makeup of Paget disease?
- ER- and overexpress HER2
What is LCIS?
- Clonal proliferation of cells that grow in a discohesive fashion due to mutation of CDH1 that leads to loss of tumor suppressor adhesion protein (E-cadherin negative)
How does LCIS present?
- Always an incidental finding
- BIlateral in 20-40% of cases
- What is LCIS a risk factor for?
- Invasive lobular carcinoma (either breast)
What does LCIS express?
- Always expresses ER and PR
- Overexpression of HER2 is not observed
What are some subtypes that are recognized with distinctive morphologies?
- Lobular carcinoma
- Carcinoma with medullary pattern
- Mucinous carcinoma
- Inflammatory
What is lobular carcinoma?
- Biallelic loss of CDH1 so loss of E-cadherin
- Most common type of breast cancer to present as an occult primary
What are some characteristics of metastasis of lobular carcinoma?
- Peritoneum and retroperitoneum
- Leptomeninges
- GI tract
- Ovaries (Krukenberg) and uterus
What is interesting about carcinomas with medullary pattern?
- Over half of BRCA1 associated carcinomas have this appearance
- Although the majority of carcinomas with medullary pattern are not assoicated with germline BRCA1 mutations, hypermethylation of the BRCA1 promoter leading to downregulation of BRCA1 expression is observed in 67% of tumors
What is seen in carcinomas with medullary pattern?
- These tumors have a better prognosis than other poorly differentiated carcinomas
- Have unusually high number of infiltrating T lymphocytes, suggesting that improved outcomes may be related to a host immune response to tumor antigens
What is inflammatory carcinoma?
- Only 3% of breast cancers
- Higher incidence in African Americans
- Very poor prognosis
What is a big clinical sign in inflammatory carcinoma? What causes it?
- Peau d’orange
- Due to extensive plugging of lymphovascular spaces of the dermis with carcinoma cells
What does the outcome of the breast cancer depend on?
- Biologic features of the carcinoma
- Extent to which the cancer has spread at the time of diagnosis