Palate anatomy and innervation Flashcards
what is the palate?
the tissue that forms the roof of the mouth
what are the two divisions of the palate? which is anterior?
hard palate anterior
soft palate
what is the soft tissue in the soft palate?
mucosa thats overlying musculature
what are the 4 bones of the hard palate?
right and left maxilla
right and left palatine bone
what part of the maxilla forms the hard palate?
palatine process
what part of the palatine bones form the palate?
horizontal plates
name this bone and the particular part of the bone
palatine process of maxillae
name this foramen?
incisive canal
name this foraminae and what passes through it
greater and lesser palatine foramen for CNV2 branches and vessels
name this bone and the particular part of the bone
horizontal plates of palatine bone
name this part of the palatine bone
pyramidal process
name this bone and these parts
sphenoid bone
lateral and medial pterygoid plates
name this part of the maxilla
maxillary tuberosity
name this suture
median palatine suture
what is the epithelium of the hard palate?
keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
what is the epithelium of the soft palate?
non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
what does raphe mean in anatomy?
when a right and left structure is zipped together
name this structure
incisive papilla
name this ridge like structure
palatal rugae
name this structure
palatine raphe
what are these holes?
duct opening for palatine salivary glands
what are these structures called
minor salivary glands in the palatal mucosa
what causes a cleft palate?
failure of the lateral palatine processes to meet and fuse
what is an aponeurosis?
attaches muscles to bones
the nasoplatine nerve of CNV2 exits where in the palate?
incisive canal
the greater and lesser palatine nerves exit where in the palate?
greater and lesser palatine foramen
name this nerve
nasopalatine nerve
branch of CNV2
name these arteries
greater and lesser palatine arteries
name this structure
flattened tendon -> aponeurosis
name this boney structure
pterygoid hamalus
name these nerves
greater and lesser palatine nerves branches of CNV2
where do the greater palatine nerves supply?
supply the hard palate
where do the lesser palatine nerves supply?
soft palate
where do the greater palatine arteries supply?
hard palate
where do the lesser palatine arteries supply?
the soft palate
name this structure
pterygopalatine ganglion
name these nerves and arteries
lesser palatine arteries and nerves
name these arteries and nerves
greater palatine arteries and nerves
the greater and lesser palatine nerves and nasopalatine nerve are branches of what?
maxillary division of trigeminal nerve
what does the nasopalatine nerve supply?
palatal gingivae of anterior teeth and mucosa of anterior palate
what nerve supplies the hard palate?
greater palatine nerve and nasopalatine nerve
what supplies this part of the palate?
incisive branch of nasopalatine nerve
what supplies this part of the palate?
greater palatine nerves
what supplies this part of the palate?
lesser palatine nerves
where does lymph from the anterior part of the hard palate drain?
submandibular nodes then to the deep cervical lymph nodes
where does lymph from the soft palate and the posterior part of the hard palate drain?
straight to the deep cervical lymph nodes
retropharyngeal nodes then deep cervical lymph nodes
name this structure
palatopharyngeal arch
name this structure
palatoglossal arch
name this structure
palatine tonsil
name this structure
name this structure
posterior wall of oropharynx
what are the 5 pairs of muscles of the soft palate?
levator veli palatini
tensor veli palatini
musculus uvulae
name this muscle
levator veli palatini
name this muscle
tensor veli palatini
name this muscle
musculus uvulae
name this muscle
name this muscle
what doe levator veli palatini do?
elevates the palate
what does tensor veli palatini do?
tenses the palate
the skeletal muscles of the soft palate are all supplied by what nerves?
CN X and CN XI
except tensor veli palatini which is CNV3
the tensor veli palatini attaches superiorly where?
to the sphenoid bone
where does the tendon of tensor veli palatini turn medially and enter the soft palate?
at the pterygoid hamalus
what forms the palatine aponeurosis?
the tendons from the tensor veli palatini of each side flatten out and join in the soft palate
name this structure
pterygoid hamalus
levator veli palatini attaches superiorly where?
petrous part of temporal bone
which is more anterior, levator veli palatini or tensor veli palatini?
tensor vali palatini
name this muscle
tensor veli palatini
name this structure
pterygoid hamalus
name this muscle
levator veli palatini
how is CN X clinically tested?
ask patient to say ahh, if nerves functioning normally then uvula will lift straight up in the midline
if there is unilateral pathology the uvula will pull away from the non-functioning side
functions of the soft palate 3
stop food entering nose
directs air
close off the entrance into the oropharynx during gag reflex
what causes this ridge?
tensor veli palatini
what is this space?
opening of eustachian tubes
what causes this ridge?
levator veli palatini
what causes this ridge?
name this muscle
tensor veli palatini
name this muscle
levator veli palatini
name this muscle
name this muscle
superior constrictor muscle
name this muscle
name this muscle
middle constrictor muscle
name this space
tonsillar crypt
name this muscle