Floor of the mouth and tongue Flashcards
what is the anterior boundary of the oral cavity?
alveolar and dental arches of the mandible and maxilla
what is the posterior boundary of the oral cavity?
oropharyngeal isthmus
what is the oropharyngeal isthmus?
space between the oral cavity and the oropharynx behind
what forms the roof of the oral cavity?
hard and soft palate
what forms the floor of the oral cavity?
muscles of the floor of the mouth
the buccinator is lined internally with what?
buccal mucosa
the palate is lined by what?
palatal mucoperiosteum as mucosa has close relationship with periosteum of maxilla and palatine bones
name the mucosa that lines the tongue
lingual mucosa
name this mucosa
upper labial alveolar mucosa
continuous with upper labial mucosa
name these structures
labial frenula (single = frenulum)
what are labial frenula?
connective tissue bands that anchor the mucosa to the bone
name this part of the gingiva
free gingiva
name this part of the gingiva
attached gingiva
name this structure
mucogingival junction
the area at the base of a gingival pocket is called?
gingival sulcus
name this mucosa
buccal alveolar mucosa
continuous with buccal mucosa
name this mucosa
lower labial alveolar mucosa
continuous with lower labial mucosa
name this mucosa
buccal alveolar mucosa
continuous with buccal mucosa
why can you see the underlying vasculature of mucosa?
name this embryological structure of the tongue
fimbriated folds
name this structure that attaches the tongue to the floor of the mouth
frenulum of tongue
name this structure which is the deepest part of the floor of the mouth
lingual sulcus
name this structure
sublingual folds
openings for ducts of sublingual gland
name this mucosa
mucosa of the floor of the mouth
the mucosa of the floor of the mouth is very thin, how is this beneficial medically?
administration of lipid soluble drugs
name this structure
sublingual papilla
openings for submandibular gland duct
name this gingiva
lingual gingiva
name this mucosa
lingual alveolar mucosa
continuous with mucosa of floor of the mouth
name this vein
deep lingual vein
name this muscle
anterior belly of digastric
name this artery
facial artery
name this structure
submandibular gland
superficial part
name these muscles and what joins them
mylohyoid muscles
midline raphe
name this structure on the mandible
left digastric fossa
what innervates the anterior belly of digastric?
CNV3 nerve to mylohyoid
name this muscle
right and left geniohyoid muscle
what are the attachments of the geniohyoid muscle?
genial tubercles of mandible
hyoid bone
name this structure
sublingual gland
does the sublingual gland sit above or below the mylohyoid muscle?
above the mylohyoid
does the submandibular gland sit below or above the mylohyoid muscle?
deep part of submandibular gland sits above the mylohyoid
superficial part sits below the mylohyoid
name this reflected muscle
name this structure
deep part of submandibular gland
the submandibular duct and lingual nerve cross over in the floor of the mouth, which one goes over the other?
submandibular duct crosses over the lingual nerve
explain the innervation to the submandibular and sublingual glands
- CNVII branch chorda tympani
- Presynaptic parasympathetic fibres
- Hitches a ride with lingual nerve
- Submandibular ganglion
- Postsynaptic parasympathetic fibres to glands
explain the innervation to the anterior 2/3 of tongue
- Special sensory fibres
- Lingual nerve
- Chorda tympani branch of CNVII
- Central nervous system
the tongue is divided into what
anterior 2/3
posterior 1/3
what divides the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of tongue?
terminal sulcus
what is the foramen caecum?
the middle point of the terminal sulcus
formed during embryological development from the thyroid descending
name this structure
terminal sulcus
name this structure
foramen caecum
general and taste sensation of the posterior 1/3 of tongue is supplied by what nerve?
in the posterior 1/3 of tongue what is located under the mucosa?
lingual tonsil
what nerve supplies the general sensation of the anterior 2/3 of tongue?
CNV3 lingual nerve
what nerve supplies the taste sensation of the anterior 2/3 of tongue?
chorda tympani
lingual nerve
name these taste buds
vallate papillae
what nerve supplies the vallate papillae?
name these taste buds
foliate papillae
what nerve supplies the foliate papillae?
CNVII via chorda tympani
name these taste buds
fungiform papillae
what nerve supplies the fungiform papillae?
CNVII via chorda tympani
name these structures that have touch sensitivity
filiform papillae
what nerve innervates the filiform papillae?
CNV3 as sense of touch
describe the rout of CNXII to tongue
- Passes between the internal carotid artery and internal jugular vein
- Passes deep to posterior belly of digastric
- Into submandibular region
- Passes lateral to hyoglossus muscle
- Above/deep to mylohyoid to tongue
where do the intrinsic muscle of the tongue originate and insert?
within the tongue
where do the extrinsic muscles of the tongue originate and insert?
originate outwith the tongue
insert into the tongue
what is the tongue?
a mass of skeletal muscle covered by mucosa
what do the intrinsic muscles of the tongue do?
alter the shape of the tongue
longitudinal muscles make it short and thick
transverse and vertical muscles make it long and narrow
name this extrinsic muscle of the tongue
what nerve innervates palatoglossus?
name this extrinsic muscle of the tongue
what nerve innervates styloglossus?
name this extrinsic muscle of the tongue
what nerve innervates genioglossus?
name this extrinsic muscle of the tongue
what nerve innervates hyoglossus?
the extrinsic muscles of the tongue are innervated by what nerve?
except palatoglossus is CNX
what are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue responsible for?
sticking the tongue out
name this muscle
intrinsic muscles of the tongue
name this muscle
name this muscle
name this muscle
how is CNXII clinically tested?
ask patient to stick tongue straight out
if one of the CNXII nerves is damaged the tongue tip will point towards the side of the injured nerve