Pak and foreign relations Flashcards
Early decisions (e or w?)
world after 1947
when Pak achieved independence, international politics dominated by what was later to be called ‘the cold war’
this was struggle bw democratic, capitalist bloc (US) and communist bloc (Soviet Union)
leaders of Pak realized they could not remain neutral in this dispute
Pak = new country and it needed economic and political support to help it become a viable independent country
Pak chose to ally w US cus:
- US most powerful country in world, w most advanced economy
- Pak believed in priv economy (like US) and and had traditional ties w west
- Islamic ideology = anti-communist and SU was a country which considered was considered anti-religion
one of the great communist philosopherss Karl Max had described religion as ‘the opium of masses’
Refugees (I)
large scale population transfers but there were still substantial religious minorities in each country
feelings of hostility bw two communities sm that both countries feared there would be bloody scenes like those in 1947
April 1950: PM Liaqut Ali + Nehru = minorities pact
each country agreed that it would provide protection and and religious freedom for minorities
the hoped that as a result of this there would be a stop to the large wave of refugees
agreement slowed the flow down but did not entirely stop ppl from leaving
did not trust govt policies
realized that minorities would not have same opportunities s majority
unsatisfactory manner in which resources were divided = marked effect on rs bw India and Pak
Indian reluctance to release assets = paki govt sus on India motives
1/4/48: India cut off water supply from all headworks that it controlled
farmers irrigated using the canals running off main rivers
closed= water in rivers ran v low= irrigation difficult
act taken to create difficulties for the new country
IWS 1959
fighting bw India and Pak = Kashmir divided
Pak angry cuz India retained largest area of Kashmir, including capital srinagar
determined to gain control of whole kashmir
most of 4M inhabitants = Muslims and Pak believed that the territory belonged to it
1949: ceasefire line controlled by troops from UN
negotiations thu 1950s but little progress made
1954 and 55: India tried to integrate Indian-occupied Kashmir into India = provoked protests from pakistanis and then from UN after pak appealed to UNSC
1957: UNSC so concerned that India might occupy Kashmir again, declaration reconfirming that the whole of kashmir was a disputed teritorry and its future could only be settled by vote by ppl of Kashmir
such a plebiscite to be supervised by UN
issue ramins unresolved and lack of trust bw countries affected rs in other areas
India concerned abt US military aid to Pak
sense of insecurity in India = friendship pact w China 1954
1962: India and China = war over positioning of border bw the two countries china advanced to where it claimed the border should be before declaring ceasefire
Indian reaction to chinese war: begin re-armament program, accepting aid from west
by 1965, India thought it strong enough to attack Pak
1965 war
6 sept: Indians attacked Pak by crossing border and threatening Lahore
Pak defended
UN intervened and persuaded both sides to stop fighting
Jan 1966, SU arranged ceasefire conference in Tashkent
agreed that the question of Kashmir and all other disputes would be settled by future negotiation
no settlement in Kashmir reached yet
1971 war
India support for Mukti Bahini in EP = Pak India war again 1971
heavy fighting along borders of Kashmir and Punjab
Indian forces entered EP reaching Dhaka
war lasted 13 days and ended on 16/12/71
final settlement (Simla accord) signed 7/72
major step in improving rs
relations after 1971
strained but improved once zia came into power 1977
he began receiving significant aid from USA to oppose SU policy in Afghanistan
Zia’s priority = supporting Afghanis (even th kashmir issue still imp)
early 1980s: Indians faced uprisings by sikh community in Punjab who were demanding seperate homeland
India accused Pak of providing arms and training for sikh insurgent, but was never able to substantiate these accusations
oct 1984: Mrs Gandhi assassinated by sikhs
her son, Rajiv, took over as PM and openly accused Pak of having a role in the sikh separatist movement and thus, indirectly, assassination of his mom
ill feeling rose despite zia declaring a day of national mourning for mrs gandhi in pak
1987: relations deteriorated to the point where the two countries were close to war
Late jan: Indian army began ‘exercises’ in rajasthan desert
these were designed to intimidate Pakis
zia flew to India, supposedly to watch a cricket match bw India and Pak in Jaipur
while there, he met indian leaders including Rajiv Gandhi and managed to cool situation down
exercise called off
war had been avoided but there were still many problems
situation in kashmir far from solved
both countries developed nucleur weapons and conventional weapons in case of future warfare
Pakistan- a nuclear power
focusing on nuclear powers in jan 1972, a month after loss of EP
in that year, opened KANUPP
Pak concerned abt India’s development of nuclear weapons and India’s superiority in conventional forces
PM ZA Bhutto felt that nuclear programme was needed to ensure Paki survival
one of the reasons Pak did not sign 1970 Nuclear non-proliferation treaty
1974: India carried out nuclear tests which caused concerns in Pak = it stepped up its own development program by founding the engineering research laboratories in Kahuta near Isl
it is believed that scientists in Pak had produced their own nuclear bomb by beginning of 1985 , but no official announcement made till 1988
perhaps this was cuz USA said it wouldnt provide aid if pak was developing nuclear weapons
As Pak India rs further deteriorated, both countries stepped up their nuclear development programs
May 1988: India shocked world by testing 5 nuclear devices
few weeks later, Pak detonated its own nuclear devices in Ras Koh hills
in announcing the tests, PM NS declared ‘today we have settled the score.’
considerable concern in world that two great rivals now both had nuclear capabilties
UN secretary general asked both India and Pak to sign the comprehensive test treaty ban
India refused and so did Pak
late 1998: both countries announced they were stopping nuclear testing
siachen glacier
area of kashmir where there is constant conflict bw Ind and Pak where the border has never been properly drawn
1981: Pak concerned that India might try to take possession of the area and sent troops to prevent this
surprised to discover there ere already 300 Indian troops encamped in the mountains
Pak troops also dug in
though the region is desolate and infertile, such is its symbolic importance that both ind and pak have kept troops in the area and are believed to have spent more than 500 million USD each year in preventing occupation by enemy forces
regular fighting = 5k soldier’s lives
Kargil conflict
1999: Kashmiri freedom fighters crossed into Indian controlled area of Kashmir
India sent 2 fighter planes to attack them but they were shot down after they crossed into Pak air space
major concern in international community that two countries with nuclear capabilities might go to war
US president Bill Clinton finally intervened and both sides agreed to stop fighting
kashmir problem still unsolved
Pak and USA
after independence Pak decided to ally w USA
at this time however americans were working towards an anti communist alliance w India and it was some time before they embraced alliance w Pak w any enthusiasm
during Independence struggle , americans often talked abt need for unity bw M and H
M disturbed by this as they were trying to establish separate homeland
USA took several years before it sent ambassadors to Pak
Liaqut Ali frustrated by coolness of americans towards alliance w Pak and in 1949 accepted an offer to visit SU
if his intention was to force americans into a closer alliance, he succeeded cuz the invitation to visit USA arrived almost immediately
Liaqut Ali made the visit in 1950 and arranged for a Pak embassy to be established in USA
americans continued to persuade India to join anti communist pact w them, India reluctant but Pak was prepared to join in return for military and economic aid
1954: americans had decided that Pak + Iran and Turkey = ideal countries to counter the growth of Soviet influence
agreement signed and americans began to flow into Pak
1954-55, Pak signed 3 agreements that established it as pro-west and anti-communist
1. May 1954 Pak and USA signed Mutual Defence Assistance Agreement
2. sept 1954: SEATO set up. members: USA, UK, France, Philippines, Thailand, NZ, Australia
Pak joined but decision faced opposition by pak govt = treaty not ratified till 1955
treaty stated that if any member was attacked, it could appeal to other members for support, but the problem was that it only applied to help against communist aggression
hence pak received no support in its wars against India and no help to prevent separation of EP
Pak hoped to persuade SEATO to set up a permanent military force to protect all member countries against any attack.
by 1972 it decided that membership of SEATO was of limited value and Bhutto withdrew Pak from organization
3. 1955: Baghdad pact w Iran and Turkey, establishing anti-communist alliance against SU
later in year: Britain, Pak and Iran joined pact
all members Muslim except UK
pact renamed CENTO when Iran left in 1959 because of a revolution
despite regular meetings, grp never developed a permanent structure or a system for raising troops for mutual defence
by 1979, organisation had quietly dissolved
USA supported CENTO but never joined
relations after 1959
1962: China India war
China communist = USA sent military aid to India
this move offended Pak govt, which argued that it should have at least been consulted before India was given aid
Pak leaders also argued that america should have forced Indians to accept arbitration on Kashmir issue as price for receiving aid
though americans promises to consult Pak in future, in practice they were pleased to get the large non communist state into agreement
after 1962: both China and SU seemed keener to have Pak as an ally than the US
1962, Ayub visited china and 1965 the SU . these visits displeased USA
during 1965 war bw Ind and Pak, USA joined UK in an arms embargo on both countries
as Pak army was almost entirely supplied and trained by USA, the embargo was far more damaging to it than to India
1971: USA did not help Pak during civil war in EP and took few measures to help in war against India (tho it did send fleet to warn India to not attack Pak)
Ayub had offended americans by visiting China and SU, but he was considered architect of good rs bw the USA and Pak
allowed americans to build air bases in Pak and remained loyal to USA even during highly embarassing U2 incident when an american spy plane had taken off from Peshawar and been shot down over Soviet territory
Ayub replaced by Bhutto = USA concerned that he was not as pro-american
Bhutto even accused americans of organizing the opposition against him in 1977
rs reached rock bottom when zia came in 1977
americans did not approve of military regimes and did not want to form alliance w zia
nov 1979: US embassy Isl burnt down
USA accused zia of complicity in the attack and recalled many of its senior officials
all aid programs cancelled
Afghan miracle
Dec 1979:
SU invaded Afghanistan
Pak suddenly on the frontline in the war against communism
attitude of USA towards zia’s govt changed overnight
reservations abt his domestic policies were quickly put aside
what was more imp to USA was to have Zia’s support to oppose SU in Afghanistan
in return for supporting Afghan rebels against SU, USA offered zia substantial economic and military aid
zia made the most out of America’s need
1980: turned down their first offer of aid as insufficient
1981: Americans had agreed to a $1.6B aid package over 5 yrs and a further 1.5 billion pound loan at low rates of interest to enable Pak to buy modern US weapons
aid enabled Pak to enjoy rapid economic development and to become a leading military nation in the region
India objected strongly to the american aid program, but Pak was too valuable an ally to US to offend
1986: further aid program providing $4.2 billion worth military and economic aid was signed
after Israel and Egypt, Pak was third largest recipient of American aid
1988: Afghanistan and SU signed agreement to end their war
almost overnight, Pak lost its strategic imp to the USA and aid was reduced dramatically
impact of loss of american aid was a srs problem to the new govt of BB
in her first address as PM she had promised better rs w USA, Russia, China
this was a change in her thinking as she criticised zia’s close rs w USA
however she realized vital imp of american aid to Pak and June 1989 visited USA
Nuclear issue
americans particularly concerned abt Pak’s nuclear program and in 1980 tried to get it to sign Nuclear non-proliferation treaty
BB made speech in US congress saying that her country didnt have nuclear weapons but had a right to continue its nuclear program to ensure that it can defend itself
she said Pak was willing to declare that the subcontinent is nuclear free if India did the same
BB had to work to maintain her rs w USA as american officials refused to believe that Pak had no nuclear weapons
1985: Pressier Amendment: USA could only give aid to a country after the american president declared that country had no nuclear weapons and was not developing them
during afgan crisis, the rule was conviniently ignored
but when war ended, President George H.W Bush refused to declare Pak was nuclear free and blocked aid to country
he also stopped sale of 28 F-16 jets which pak had ordered and paid for
the withdrawal of US aid = series blow to VV govt as a major refurbishment of military forces was underway
Pak 3rd largest recipient of US military aid the refurbishment was due to be financed from a $4M economic development program due to run till 1993
deterioration in rs
Pak complained bitterly that the amendment applied to Pak only and not India which wasnt fair
US complained that Pak was becoming major centre for distribution of illegal drugs and home produced weapons
these weapons were falling into hands of terrorists who were using them against USA
1992: USA came close to declaring Pak as a state sponsor of terrorism and placed economic sanctions on the country
the Thaw
President clinton (1993) wanted to restore rs
agreed that pressler amendment led to unfair treatment and suggested that if Pak stopped producing weapon-grade uranium he would agree to the sale of F-16s
Jan 1995: Defence secretary William Perry visited Pak and declared that the amendment had been a mistake
BB visited USA in 1996 and following that visit, Brown amendment authorised US govt to reimburse Pak for F-16 payments and provide $388M in military equipment
BB delighted and said ‘passing of brown amendment has vindicated Pak’s principled case and goes a long way towards restoring the warmth, which in the past characterized the rs bw US and Pak’
thaw in rs was further highlighted when first lady Hillary Clinton and her daughter, Chelsea, visited Pak in 1996
Pak and SU
though SU was only a short distance from Pak’s northern border, Pak chose to ally w the west rather than w communist
USA more interested in alliance w India
this encourage SU to invite Liaquat to Moscow
invitation alarmed USA and they offered Liaquat a visit to washington
Liaquat went and this snubbed rs bw Pak and moscow and it suffered
1950: SU clearly backinng India over Kashmir and now maintaining a neutral stance as it had done so after partition
when Pak joined SEATO and CENTO in mid 1950s, SU took this as a firm declaration in favor of USA
SU told pak govt that it was allowing itself to be used as a base for american imperialism
1955: SU officially backed India in Kashmir and SU leaders visited India
they declared who hearted supported for Indian claim to Kashmir and began to give India economical and technical assistance
however, SU also made it clear that it wanted to have good rs w Pak
it offered pak govt aid (eg 1956, offered to build a steel mill) if it broke off its allliance w USA
Pak refused to do this
May1960: rs reached low point when spy plane from US base in Peshawar shot down over SU
Pak denied any knowledge of American spying, but SU refused to believe this
as rs w USA deteriorated 1960s and 70s, there was an improvement in those bw Pak and SU
1961: Soviets, as a gesture of goodwill, agreed to begin exploring for oil in Pak
when India accepted USA help in 1962 in its war w China, it began to draw Pak and SU closer
when china began to give Pak aid in 1963, SU decided to take even more decisive steps to ally w Pak
1963: loaned Pak 11M pounds and shifted from its support for India over Kashmir to neutral stance
April 1965: Ayub paid official visit to SU and further agreements on trade and oil exploration were reached
Jan 1966: SU hosted peace conference bw India and Pak at tashkent. pak representatives impressed w the organisation of the conference and SU success in holding the conference increased its prestige in Asia
1968: americans decided to close their airbase in Peshawar. SU began supplying arms to Pak and Pak was now getting military aid from USA, SU, and China
at this point rs w the SU worsened. SU not happy that Pak was accepting aid from all 3 countries
When Pak helped to arrange China-US agreement 1971, SU annoyed as it implied a special rs bw China, US and Pak. hence SU signed treaty w India, guaranteeing SU help if India went to war w Pak
this was low point of rs w SU and coincided w the civil war and break away from EP
1972: Bhutto visited SU and began to build friendly rs again. it was at this meeting that the SU agreed to build a steel mill in Pak
however, improved rs were short lived.
SU occupation of Afghanistan in 1979 = open rift when Pak accepted american aid to support mujahideen rebels
though zia visited moscow 1984 for funeral of Andropov, he got a cold reception
later that year, the SU which also disapproved of Pak’s nuclear program, began bombing raids on pak
hostile rs till 1988 when soviets finally withdrew from Afghanistan
Pak and China
when pak gained independence, china was locked in a civil war bw national govt and communist rebels
war ended oct 1949, w a victory for the communist led by Mao Zedong
at this time Pak was trying to establish itself as an independent country
India enthusiastically recognized the new govt in beijing and supported its request to take up the chinese seat in the UN security council
Despite Pak officially recognizing communist regime in Jan 1950, it seemed that India’s positive attitude, combined w Pak’s acceptance of aid from non-communist western powers = pak and china destined not to be close allies
1960s: rs improved as a result of a dispute bw India and China
1962: China went to war w India over border dispute
chinese quicly advanced to where they considered the border should be and claimed the newly acquired land
India unable to prevent this = soured rs bw India and China
USA keen to support India in any stand it made against communist china, pushing China and Pak into closer understanding
March 1962: began talks to settle their own border dispute
these were successfully completed by March 1963
in the settlement the chinese made more concessions than Pak as they were keen to win Pak friendship to counter declining rs w India and SU
talks followed by other agreements:
Early 1963: Pak and China announced a series of trade agreements
China granted Pak $60M interest free loan and soon became world’s largest consumer of Pakistani cotton
Pak also claimed that China had agreed to come to Pak aid in any war w India
Aug 1963: PIA regular flights to China = increased trade and movement bw two countries, PIA first international carrier ever to operate in certain chinese cities
1964: China made statement supporting Pak’s policy in Kashmir. in return Pak supported China entry into UN
at this time USA supporting Taiwan as lawful ruler of China cuz it was nationalist and thus opposed communalism
during 1965 war w India, China supplied military aid to Pak and applied diplomatic pressure on India to prevent it attacking Pakistani positions.
chinese support alost certainly helped Pak obtain better term in the ceasefire
1971: it was unable to offer as much support as SU had promised India that it would take steps to deal w any chinese support for Pak
consequently, chinese could not take steps as this world risk war w SU
immediately after war, however, china was able to demonstrate its support once more
feb 1972: Bhutto visited China and it was agreed that many of loans previously made by China to Pak should become grants
China also agreed to supply military aircraft and tanks
friendly rs bw 2 countries was hihlighted in 1978 when KKH opened
this road had been under construction since 1966 and was first major road built bw two countries
largely financed by China money and built by chinese engineers
terrain of road so dangerous that it is believed that for every 1 km of the road, one construction worker lost his life
highway follows the old silk road through which chinese goods had originally come to rest of Asia
cordial rs emphasised in 1986 when zia chose china as one of the first countries to visit after taking power
1986: China and Pak signed a nuclear cooperation treat, an indication that the two countries were on excellent terms
Pak, Britain and the commonwealth
since independence, Pak has had a complicated rs w the British
as it was a british colony till 1947, it is not surprising that Pak was determined to break as many links as possible w its old colonial master
extremely critical of British decisions to appoint the last viceroy of India, Mountbatten, as India’s first gg
on the other hand, British provided Jinnah w help at the top lvls of both military and civil service
it would have been difficult for Pak to begin life as an independent country w out assistance and expertise
Britain also gave financial and technical aid and service
however, many Pakis felt that if their country had been treated more fairly at partition, there would have not been as much need of either
throughout first 40 yrs of Pak existence, Pak remained on good terms w British
Pak chose to remain a member of commonwealth. it was now a British dominion
1956: Pak declared itseld republic. this meant that british monarch no longer had any say in how Pak was governed, but Pak continued as a member of commonwealth
membership gave Pak political and economic support
at a commonwealth meeting colombo 1950: ‘colombo plan’ set up to provide aid for Pak
more than 1M pound given towards sui gas project and some of the wealthy commonwealth nations made individual contributions eg Canada gave $40M towards development of railways
Pak however has not always had the political support it hoped for (Kashmir) and commonwealth members have often argued against the policy of military rule
equally, there were times when Pak failed to support Britain
Britian and Pak worked tgt as memvers of both CENTO & SEATO
this however did not stop Pak critisizing Britain over invasion of suez canal 1956, nor did it mean British support in the wars w India
1965: British played major part in bringing war bw pak and India to end . final agreement was signed at the commonwealth conference in London June 1965
Britain remained neutral thru Bangladesh crisis, abstaining in the UN when a vote was taken on whether Bangladesh should be recognized as an independent country, saying it was for Pak and Bangladesh to sort out. When Britain recognizzed Bangladesh as an Independent state on 2/2/71, Pak left commonwealth in protest
During Afghan crisis Britain supported Pak and Margaret Thatcher, British PM, was the first western leader to visit Pak after occupation of Afghanistan. as a staunch Ally of USA, Britain fully supported role of Pak in the Afghan struggle against SU
Britain gave political support as well as 30M pounds aid to Pak for welfare of Afghan refugees that streamed across the border as well as 16M pounds more to help refugees in Balochistan and KPK (NWFP)
198-s: Britain remained highly imp trading partner w Pak, w an estimated 376M pound worth of trade occuring bw the two countries by 1986
Pak returned to commonwealth in 1989
Afghan situation had improved rs w west and Pak also saw commonwealth meetings as a v useful platform to put pressure on India over Kashmir
prev attempts to join commonwealth had been blocked by India who argued that Pak was under military rule and only democratic countries could be members
death of zia ended military rule and there objections were no longer valid
Pak and Bangladesh
after 1971 = remained strained
during civil war there had been fierce fighting in EP which had left a legacy of anger and distrust bw the two countries
problem of reallocating assets that had to be shared
problem of ppl in each country who wished to settle in the other
early 1974: PM of Bangladesh Sheikh Mujeeb was invited to a meeting of organization of Isl countries (OIC) in Lahore
highly imp point in rs bw two countries as Bangladesh recognized for the first time by Pak
two countries agreed to view eo as Muslim friends and try to resolve their differences
June 1974: Bhutto visited Bangladesh
during this visit, division of assets discussed
Bangladesh asked for over half the assets of that Pak had owned in 1971 , but Bhutto rejected it as unrealistic
Mujeeb also insisted that Pak take all non Bengalis from Bangladesh whether they wished to leave or not, Bhutto also rejected this as unreasonable
2 countries had agreed to establish friendly rs
1975: Mujib died
tho Khondekar Mushtaq, new leader of Bangladesh, did not withdraw claims over assets and repatriation, he realized that they shld not act as barriers to better rs
the two countries exchanged ambassadors and reached an agreement to cooperate on trade, tourism and media
by 1986, trade goods moving bw two countries had reached value of $40M
1985 and 1988: Bangladesh hit by such severe weather that foreign aid urgently needed
on both occasions, Pak was first country to contribute
despite wounds incurred 1971, Pak had not forgotten abt strong ties it had w Muslim brothers in EP
Pak and Afghanistan
neighbor + Muslim fellow
establishment of border of India and Pak = border dispute bw Pak and Afghanistan
Afghans laid claim to parts of NWF of this area which voted in favor of joining Pak
Afghan govt remained hostile to Pak and was the only state to vote against Pak joining UN in a vote taken on 30/9/47
Afghanistan refused to join RCD cuz Pak was a member
though majority of Afghans supported Pak in the war against India 1965, Afghan govt chose to stay neutral
when Bhutto came to power, he emphasised an ‘Islamic’ foreign policy and rs w Afghanistan began to improve
Bhutto visited Kabul shortly after taking power
1973 Sardar Daud who had been PM of aghanistan and v hostile to Pak, overthrew monarchy and set himself up as PM
Bhutto continued to work to improve rs
access to India thru Pak granted to Afghan traders and Pak made generous contributions to fund to deal w consequences of earthquake in Afghanistan 1976
1976: Daud and Bhutto visited eo countries several times on the encouragement of Shah of Iran, who wanted these two countries on his borders to be on good terms
when zia came to power 1977 he continued to pursue friendly rs
1980: a year after war broke out in Afghanistan, over 3M refugees fled to pak. Pak praised for its humane treatment of these refugees
zia remained determined in his support for mujahideen
14/4/88, pressure from Pak and Afghanistan = soviets withdrawing their army
zia hero to many Muslims and west
NS tried to bring fighting to an end in Afghanistan by inviting the leaders of the various factions to talks
BB decided that Pak’s best interest lay in supporting the Taliban in Afghanistan, as she said this was the only force strong enough to establish stability and allow Pak to trade in central asian republics
her govt provided military and financial support for the Taliban and even sent a small army unit to help them
Pak and Iran
consistently good since independence
tgt w Turkey, Iran worked to push Pak’s interests in the international community
both countries joined Baghdad pact 1955 (feb 1955) set up by Iraq and Turkey
designed to stop soviet expansion in ME
UK joined in April, Pak sept, Iran Nov. all members except UK = Muslim
pact renamed CENTO
despite regular meetings, the grp mever developed a permanent structure or a system for raising troops for mutual defence
1959: Iraq left
1979: organization had quietly dissolved by now
21/67/1964: largely as result of Ayub work, Turkey Iran and Pak set up RCD
this encouraged the 3 countries to develop closer trade links and help eo w industrial projects such as setting up mills and factories
agreement lapsed 1979 but reestablished by zia 1985
Ayub keen to draw Afghanistan into RCD but could not persuade afghans to join
Iran along w turkey tried to persuade other countries to send aid to Pak during 1965 war against India but was not successful
despite this, Pak appreciated efforts of the two countries
Iran did send help to Pak govt to put down uprising in Balochistan 1973
however in 1979, Islamic revolution in Iran and Shah was overthrown
though Pak was one of first countries to officially recognize and support new govt, rs bw two countries deteriorated
new Islamic govt was sus of Pak cuz it had been such an enthusiastic supporter of Shah
new Iranian govt was fiercely anti american whereas from 1979 Pak was receiving large amounts of aid from USA
from 1980 Iran was at was w Iraq and consequently had lil concern for its rs w Pak
Pak and Muslim countries
though these various countries have common islamic ideology, they someones dont agree on political matters
eg egypt and ksa did not like pak signing Baghdad pact
egypt annoyed that pak didnt support it duing suez crisis 1956 and also objected to pak close rs w USA. It was american support which enabled the hated Israel to survive against Arab opposition
Pak has remained keen supporter of Palestinian cause
1969: Pak joined w 24 other Muslim natons to form OIC. first meeting of this organisaition = morocco
it was decided to set up permanent headquarters in Jeddah until Jerusalem was liberated from Israeli control
1971, one of OIC meetings was held in karaci and an Isl summit was held in Lahore in Feb 1974
as a member of OIC, Pak supports the agreement that Palestinian problem is a matter of concern for all Islamic countries. Israel occupation of Palestinian’s land condemned on many occasions by OIC
after 1971 war, Bhutto toured many Isl countries to make sure rs stayed cordial
his tour covered western asia, Muslim Africa, gulf states and his Isl neighbors
Pak had failed to defeat India in the war but Bhutto wanted to demonstrate that his country was still a major power in the Isl world
1973 Arab-Israeli war led to an Islamic summit hosted by pak in Lahore 22-24 sept 1974
heads of 35 Muslim countries attended, as well as the leader of the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO)
summit showed that Pak had many Muslim friends all over world
one result of talk: Bhutto received offers of aid from many wealthy countries that attended the summit
within 2 yrs Pak was receiving more aid frm fellow Isl countries than from West eg Iran gave to loans totalling $730M, UAE 100M pounds and Libya $80M
Gulf states
w large revenues from their oil sales, Muslim states from gulf were able to finance industrial development in Pak
Libya, Qatar and UAE all invested heavily in boosting the Paki economy in areas such as oil refining, shipping and banking
KSA among first countries to recognize Pak as independent. as it grew richer, it sent more aid to Pak and also invested in Paki industry.
after SU invasion of Afghanistan, it sent aid to help afghan rebels and refugees
it is estimated that Pak’s second largest source of foreign exchange in early 1980s aid was money remitted by the three million Pak workers in ME
friendship w other islamic nations also provided pak w opporutnity to export its military expertise
Pak provided military expertise for many gulf states and had 50k military personnel operating in other countries
military agreements signed w Muslim states in 1970s
Pak joined International coalition which sought to end the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait during the 1990-1 gulf war
some elements in Pak, esp JUI opposed this policy as they feared that a defeat of Iraq would lead to increase in strength of Shi’ite govt in iran
Turkey = ally of Iran = friendly rs w Pak
did not forget Khilafat movement 1918
Pak and Turkey shared religious and cultural heritage = mutual support natural
Feb 1955: Turkery and Iran first to sign baghdad pact which pak joined later
Turkey part of RCD
Turkey supported Pak in wars against India but was unsuccessful in gaining aid for Pak from other countries. the only Muslim country to favor India in these wars was malaysia
the UN organisation
UN formed Oct 1945
aims set out in UN charter:
- to save world from future war
- ensure that all ppl have basic human rights
- establish equal rights bw large and small nations
- ensure all countries respect international law and obey treaties
- to work for higher standards of living and social progress
headed by UN secretary general
two main bodies: General assembly of delegates from all countries and security council mae up of 5 permanent members (USA, Britain, China, Russia, France) and 10 non permanent members chosen by assembly to serve for 2 yrs
UN can order military action if it decides itis necessary, though it requires agreement of all 5 members of secuirty council
recent yrs such action has been taken in Yugoslavia, in Serbia and against Iraq 1990
league also has many organisations and agencies which work for improvement in living standards of all citizens across the globe
International court of Justice
this is a court of 15 judges drawn from various member states
based in Holland and settles disputes bw states when both parties agree to use court to resolve their disagreements
economic and social council
body consists of 54 states elected for 3 yrs
its work is to coordinate the work of three other UN organisations
-UN educational, scientific and cultural organisation (UNESCO)
body aims to promote internatinal cooperatiion by promoting agreement and the exchange ideas in edu , science and arts
-International Labor Organisation (ILO)
body founded 1919 as a part of league of nations and seeks to provide social justice by ensuring adequate working conditions for employees aross world.
holds regular conferences and sets minimum labor standards which all members shld meet
‘the attainment by all ppl of highest possible lvl of health’ (objective)
organises international cooperation bw health specialists to promote health in a number of ways
teams of medical experts are sent to areas where natural disasters have occured, conferences are held where experts exchange ideas, research and dissemination of medical knowledge is carried out and programs are set up to promote medical health, particularly in developing countries
1967: WHO launched campaign to wipe smallpox off face of earth
1979: able to claim that its program of inoculation had rid the world of the disease
UN children’s Fund (UNICEF)
organisation originally set up to meet emergency needs of children in post-war europe and china
1950 its mandate was changed to include the needs of children in all developing countries and in 193 general assembly decided that it shld continue as a permanent body working to improve conditions of children everywhere
it now plays a major role in providing community based programs in teaching and child related health care eg as midwifery and sanitation
most of its work is undertaken in developing countries and in matters relating to children under 5
promotes implementation of the convention on rights of child, which came into force in 1990
World Food Program
sept up in 1963
UNs frontline agency in fighting hunger across globe
specializes in providing food for world refugees and internally displaced ppl
International monetary fund (IMF) and World Bank (IBRD)
these 2 organisations are the financial agencies on the UN
provide loan to developing countries who are members of UN
there has been some criticism of the agencies’ work as the loans are often accompanied w conditions, laying down economic policies to be carried out by recipients
developing countries often feel that their economic independence and the control of their own financial policies are made weaked by there conditions
Pak and UN
joined 30/9/47
participated in debates, contributed soldiers to peacekeeping forces and had members elected to the security council thrice
committed towards working for international cooperation to maintain peace in the world to establish respect for human rights and liberties
eg spoke up against occupation of Indonesia by Holland and in favor of freedom movements in a number of countries eg morocco and Algiers. has also taken up palestinian issue in UN in opposition to illegal occupation by Israel. Pak contributed regularly to UN peacekeeping missions in areas of conflict
Pak has benefited greatly from this membership
acknowledged as imp member of world community and received number of loans from WB to assist in economic development
WFP played significant role in helping provide Afghan refugees after outbreak out war against SU
WFP also provided food and healthcare for women and girls to promote primary edu in Paks rural areas
1947: Indian govt referred Kashmir issue to UN, which organized ceasefire, leaving Kashmir divided bw India and Pak. under pressure from mountbatten, India agreed there shld be plebiscite to determine wishes of Kashmiri ppl
despite constant demands by Pak in UN for the plebiscite to take place, it did not. Hyderabad complaint abt being dismembered by India 1948 still before security council
Kasmir issue = war 1965
Un = ceasefire
Tashkent declaration jan 1966
civil war 1971 = war w India. Bhutto sent to UN to plead pak case. unhappy when UN considered its role to bring an end to fighting rather than accept justice of Pak case
Canal water dispute
president of WB recommendation that it shld provide financial and technical support to resolve disagreement
IWS 1959