chap 15: how effective were Paks govt in the final decade of twentieth century Flashcards

benazir bhutto...


background (recap)


1988 zia dismissed junejo as PM and promised elections within 90 days
zia died in Aug 1988
Ghulam Ishaq Khan became president and elections held in oct as per schedule
the elections brought power to PPP led by Benazir

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Benazir Bhutto biography


daughter of former PM Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto who had been arrested in 1977 and executed by zia in 1979
she remained under house arrest
1981: more than 5 months in solitary confinement
1984: exile in London
1985: returned for her bro Shahnawaz funeral but was arrested for participating in anti govt rallies, following her release she went into exile again, returning when zia ended martial law 1986
return greeted w enthusiasm and she began campaigning for zia resignation and for national elections
elected co-chairwoman of PPP along w her mom
when PPP won the 1988 elections, she became first woman to serve as PM in an Islamic country

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BB as PM: political opposition: Mian Muhammmad Nawaz Shariff


in elections PPP gained majority in Sindh only
largest party in NA
President Ishaq Khan asked Bhutto to become PM but to do so she had to form a coalition
made alliance w Muhajir Quami movement (MQM) which represented Muslims who had migrated from India following partition
fierce opposition from Islami Jamhuri Itehad (IJI) led by Nawaz Shariff who controlled provincial govt of Punjab
BB popular cuz of her dad but she also faced opposition from his enemies
major opposition came from Nawaz Shariff who hailed from one of Paks wealthiest families
sm opposition that in oct 1989 (11 months after takin office) the opposition parties organized a no confidence motion in NA, which got 107 votes, 12 short from 119 it needed to force BB to step down

tho she defeated this motion, her govt was srsly damaged by this affair

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differences w president Ishaq


clashes bw BB and Ishaq
major area of disagreement was over appointments to positions in the military and judiciary
Ishaq considered such appointments to be right of president, not PM
He refused to agree to several appointments and dismissals she wanted to make in military = further tension

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policies: inflation, unemployment and drug trafficking


in her first address BB promised to create a Pak which was democratic but guided by Islamic principles
this meant moving away from zia’s pro isl policies , restoring political freedoms and introducing health and social reforms
took some measures eg
ending ban on trade unions, restoring student unions, releasing political prisoners, took first step towards spreading electricity across rural pak
however many promises not fulfilled; no new laws introduced to improve welfare services or help women, hudood and zina ordinances not repealed
BB complained it was difficult to pass legislation bec the senate was dominated by opposition
this plus the short time she was in power made it difficult to concentrate of legislation and reforms
govt lost support due to its inability to deliver its promised employment and economic development programs. inflation and unemployement = high and rapid increase in country population = already overburdened edu and health systems could not cope
govt also failed to deal w country’s growing drug abuse problem

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problems in Sindh


Sindh had been stronghold of Z.A Bhutto but was also an area of growing opposition to rule of PPP
Bhutto had made study of sindhi compulsory in schools and reserved a number of posts in the administration for sindhis
however there was a large number of muhajirs, many of whom were well educated, urdu speakers who opposed special rights for sindhis and supported MQM

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Foreign policy


BB had more success in her foreign policy
she took Pak into the commonwealth and hosted the 4th SAARC summit conference in Dec 1988
as a result of improved relations at the conference, Pak and India were able to sign 3 separate peace agreements
BBs greatest achievement in foreign policy came in June when she made an official visit to USA in 1989 to meet w president Bush and other govt officials. visit = great success and did much to restore good relations bw the two countries

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the govt dismissed


BBs govt had to deal w accusations from its political opponents that it encouraged corruption
BBs husband Asif Ali Zardari accused of taking rake-offs on govt deals
arrested on charge of blackmail and jailed for 2 yrs
PPP believes that these charges were politically motivated and Zardari = innocent
however, tales of corruption further weakened govt
w growing unemployment and strikes, President Ghulam Ishaq Khan used the 8th amendment to dismiss Bhutto govt
he said his actions were justified cuz of corruption, incompetence and inaction

following dismissal of BB, Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi, leader of a coalition of parties opposed to PPP, was asked to form a caretaker govt until elections were held in Oct 1990
BB complained that govt had been stolen from her and the fact that it was a member of the opposition who took power angered her further

Mustafa Jatoi asked to lead an investigation into the alleged corruption
BB asked to give evidence and was charged w corruption, but no further action was taken

in elections, IJI won comf victory
Nawaz Shariff = leader of Pak ML, largest party in alliance, and became PM
widespread accusations of vote rigging to ensure the PPP was defeated
BB became leader of opposition to Shariff govt

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NS economic policy


shortly after taking power, he announced that his govt would carry out a national reconstruction program to industrialize Pak
he believed that unemployment = Paks greatest problem and that only industrial growth could solve it
modernize country by making effective use of its natural resources and best use of its plentiful manpower
wanted to follow a policy of privatisation of the industries which had been nationalized under Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
believed that partnership bw govt and priv sector = boost economy

a number of imp industries (shipping, electricity supply, airlines and TC) opened up to priv sector
introduced several large scale projects to stimulate economy eg Barotha Hydro Power Project and Gwadar miniport in Balochistan
tried to solve the unemployment problem by importing thousands of taxis and providing cheap loans to buy them
many young men were employed but few loans were repayed

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motorway project


one of NS major projects
building a fast transportation network to the central asian region where countries had gained independence from Russia and needed access to seaports
would also join major cities, stimulate economies and provide an alternative to the existing overburdened roads
estimated cost in the region: $989,000,000,000

although Paks first motorway (M2) was completed in Nov 1997 and was the first motorway to be built in South Asia, the project suffered from continual delays esp after General Musharraf called a temporary stop to the program in 1999

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Loss of US aid


NS policies were undermined by lack of capital for investment
there was influx of foreign capital when he loosened foreign exchange restrictions and opened Pak’s stock market to foreign capital , but the govt remained short of funds for investment
USA had provided significant economic support during Soveit-Afghan war, but when the war ended that support was reduced
during the dispute over Paks nucleur weapons policy, the financial support almost dried up as the USA put pressure on Pak to end the program

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the BCCI scandal


reduction in overseas aid, high govt spending and decrease in remittances from overseas workers in ME = severe pressure on Paks finances
further harmed when one of the major banks operating in Pak, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) collapsed in 1991
Bank had been founded by Agha Hasan Abedi in 1972 and within 10 yrs = worlds 7th largest bank concerns abt the banks lending practices = investigation by a British team of accountants in 1991 = BCCI engaged in widespread fraud and manipulation.
following this report, the bank closed and had to pay huge fines. Investors lost huge sums

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cooperative societies scandal


cooperative societies: organisations which accept deposits from the members . they can use this money to make loans to members for purposes that are to benefit the society and its members
however, mismanagement of these societies = many pakis lost their savings when the states cooperative societies went bankrupt
investigation = some members of the national and local govt had not acted wisely in their rs w the cooperative societies and may have been granted loans incorrectly
result: some pakis blamed the govt for the collapse of the cooperative societies
loans were repaid but the scandal led to a decline in the PMs popularity

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The Kalashnikov culture


the support for afghan warlords fighting the soviet union had an unfortunate effect on Pak
in some of the border tribal lands, gun carrying = part of the culture
this was reinforced during the war by the easy availability of weapons made in towns eg sialkot where russian kalashnikov guns were copied and sold cheaply

the govt had to deal w rampant crime and terrorism (a cause of alarm for the country particularly in Sindh)
kidnappings, bombings and murders = common, even though the police and the military worked hard to stop them
the flood of available automatic weapons fuelled the long standing ethnic and political rivalries
police increasingly outgunned and even foreigners were not immune from attacks
these problems also spread into some of major towns of pak as refugees from war flooded in and as drug addiction spiralled
estimated that by 1999 Pak may have had as many as 4M heroin addicts

situation became so bad that in 1991 NS had to cancel an imp trip to Japan to try to deal w violence at home
in an effort to stem violence, the govt ordered pakis to turn in their weapons, but few of em did
the govt also passed the 12th amendment to the constitution which provided for speedy trial courts to dispense summary justice
the opposition however, critisized the law as suppressing fundamental rights

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shariat bill


as a senior member of zia’s govt, NS was strong supporter of Islam
May 1991, Shariat Bill passed, making the Quran and Sunnah law of the land as long as this did not challenge ‘the exisitng system of govt’

law not popular. opponents disliked the increased role of Islam in the govt and the fundamental Muslims in the alliance were disappointed that it did not go further
little was done to enforce the law
eg when federal shariat court asked for measures to be taken against payment of interest, no action was taken by the govt

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relations w the president


by early 1993, NS govt was in srs difficulties
1990, he had been elected w the support if the president and also other parties in the IJI. however by 1993, this support was crumbling.
he came into open conflict w president Ishaq Khan
after the sudden death of army chief staff general asif nawaz janjua in Jan 1993, he wanted to place his own candidate in the vacant position against the wishes of both the army and the president
instead Ishaq Khan appointed General Abdul Waheed Kakar
it was said that he was told abt the new appointment js a few mins b4 announcement

NS also came into conflict w president regarding 8th amendment which gave the president the power to dismiss the govt and elected assemblies
Ishaq believed that the 8th amendment was an imp check on the PMs powers and was not ready to revoke it

April 19: Ishaq used 8th amendment to dismiss NS and his govt
declared that his govt was guilty of corruption and mismanagement of economy (identical to charges made against BB in 1990)

the Supreme court however declared Ishaqs action as unconstitutional and Sharif was restored
though it might seem like a victory for the elected PM over the autocratic President, in practice it meant that the effective govt could not continue w the PM and president at loggerheads
after weeks of negotiation, they failed to reach agreement and both resigned as the fear grew that the army might take over
Ishaq replaced by chairman of senate Wasim Sajjad who functioned as actin president till elections and Moeenuddin Ahmad Qureshi became caretaker PM

elections were called for Oct 1933. Qureshi published a list of all individuals who had unpaid loans from state banks and barred them from running for office till these loans were repaid
total sum owed was over a billion


BB as PM of Pak 93-96


in 1933 elections brought return of BB as PM
the Islamic democratic party had broken up and NS campaigned as leader of the ML
MQM boycotted elections

by entering into a coalition w independetn parties the PPP was able to form a new govt under the leadership of BB
it had also done well in provincial elections in all 4 provinces

nov 1933, Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari was elected president
he was member of PPP and it was hoped that w the PM and president coming from the same party, it would be possible for there to be smoother rs than bw Ishaq and Shairf
In his first speech Leghari said that he would revoke 8th amendment, though he was unable to do so
he promised to reduce power of religious courts and increase woman rights


policies of BB 93-96


PPP had campaigned in 1933 for an agenda of change and was keen to bring about improvement in social services
BB spoke abt her concern for woman’s social and health issues including issue of discrimination against women
announced plans to establish women’s police stations, courts and development banks, but she did not introduce any legislation to bring these measures into being

her govt found it difficult to act effectively against opposition of NS and PML
they worked tirelessly to undermine her govt
1994: NS began a train march taking hi from Karachi to Peshawar during which huge crowds listened to his critical speeches
he played a major part in organizing strikes throughout Pak in sept and oct 94
BB responded by arresting several opposition leaders who had taken part in the strikes, but this increased opposition

economic probems:
BB was economist and took charge of economic policy herself
she faced direct criticism when the country’s economic problems increased
during this time there was a 30% decrease in value of rs compared to US $
BBs privatisation policy was obstructed by govt officials who had personal interest in nationalized industries

although more than 40M rs were raised from sale of nationalized corporations and industries, the country’s economy suffered greatly from the effects of US financial and military embargoes imposed as a result of Pak’s nucleur program

as against an avg growth rate of 6% in 1980s, Pak GDP growth slowed to 4% at this time
large scale manufacturing growth slowed from 8% to 2.3%


the end of BB govt


in addition to economic difficulties and opposition from NS, the govt wasnt united. BB had disagreements w her mom Nusrat and her bro Mir Murtaza, both of whom disagreed w the significant part played in her govt by her husband Asif Ali Zardari

Nov 1996 President Leghari decided that economic difficulties and supposed inefficiency of her govt meant it shld be replaced
he also claimed that the human and legal rights of Pak had not been maintained under BBs govt
5/11/96 Leghari used his powers under 8th amendment to dismiss BB

following this, Malik Meraj Khalid became caretaker PM. elections held in feb 1997
ML won overwhelmin victory and NS resumed power


NS as PM 1997-99


one of the first acts of NS was to introduce 13th amendment giving PM the authority to revoke the authority of President to dismiss PM and NA
president also lost powers to appoint the three chief of staffs of the armed forces and provincial governors. presidency now became a ceremonial position
this measure was supported by all political parties as the 8th amendment has greatly undermined political stability in the country
though this appeared to make Pak more democratic, events of 1999 show that it actually created dangers for democracy

NS also took measures to stop politicians switching parties in order to help form coalitions to oppose or even form govts
such a practice invited inducements to persuade politicians to switch parties or even to prevent them changing and many posts in govt or cheap loans had been granted as a result of this practice
the anti defection bill (14th amendment) prevented such switching

however NS measures were accompanied by increasing repression
journalists who wrote critical articles abt him were arrested and unexpected tax inspections of the affars of newspaper editors were carried out
in May 1997 his secret police attacked the home of a leading critic of the govt, Najam Sethi and kidnapped hi
he was released only after international protest


Sajjad Ali Shah