how far did Pak achieve stability following the death of Jinnah? chap 12 Flashcards
biography Khwaja Nazimuddin
14/9/1948 = became new governor general
leader of ML, chief Minister of East Pak
honest and talented politician
realised Liaquat Ali had trust and confidence of ppl of Pak and was a close companion of Jinnah hence he stoof back and allowed Liaquat to run the country
objectives resolution
according to GOIA:
- gg reporting to British ss for India in London. gg advised by an executive council and have wide powers over all aspects of govt in India
- two houses of parliament
- provincial level = provincial governors, assemblies and ministers
after independence –> Indian Independence act (amended ver)
constituent assembly set up to frame new constitution
until then gg would have control over the entire field of govt activity , but under control of cabinet
however it lacked effective cabinet
gg = v imp office (quaid)
constituent assembly = 25 members 1/3 assembly
findings –> objectives resolution passed on 12/3/1949
1. constitution should observe principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, social justice (Islam)
2. Muslims be able to lead their lives according to Isl principles
3. other grps = freely practice religion
4. minorities and poor legally protected from social injustice
5. all fundamental human rights be granted
6. legal system be independent of govt
- several references to Isl (counter critisim from ulama)
formed basis of the draft constitution presented to assembly by basic principles committee on 28/9/1950 (urdu lang official)
EP larger population and resented idea of equal representation in National assembly (urdu < Bengali)
provincial politicians x power given to head of state and federal govt
religious grps = not islamic sufficient
public and representatives officeers disqualification act
passed by govt of Liaqut and Nazimmudin
aimed at curbing corruption and misuse of power by politicians and civil servants
complaints could be made to gg or provincial governors who could order enquiry by judges
anyone found guilty would be debarred from office for a variable period of time
repealed in sept 1954 by assembly of Ghulam Muhammad
apr 1950= liaqut Nehru pact- agreement to stop movement of minorities across Pak-Indian border
both agreed that each country would provide protection to religious minorities
both expected that their minorites would be encouraged to stay back in their native state
movement of minorities still continued for many years as they did not trust any such statement made by govt
hence free passage of refugees across borders restricted and visa system for refugees introduced
hyderabad & Kashmir
17/9/1948 = Indian attack on Hyderabad
5/1/1948 =UNO organized ceasefire bw India and pk in kashmir
Ghulam Muhammad govt
1950: planning commission = economic development
1951: 6 yr plan (agriculture, fuel, industry and mining, transport etc.)
1953: planning board set up to review development draft 5 yr plan
1952: jute processing plant opened at narayanganj
Iskander Mirza 1955-58
one of the 5 members selected for Ghulams cabinet who was not member of assembly
5/1954 = governor of EP
Ghulam retire = iskander acting gg
leader capable of taking decisive action is what Pak needed, and aqs a politician w military background he wasn;t afraid to take it
dismissed Bogra as PM and made him ambassador to the USA again
Finance minister Chaudry Muhammad Ali = PM and pressed him to have a constitution drawn quickly
1956 constitution
29/2/1956: Pak first constitution adopted by the second constituent assembly
formally enforced: 23/3
constitution = compromise bw wishes of the two most imp parties ML and United front and neither was completely satisfied
UF adopted its objections to equal seats in assembly and no longer demanded full provincial autonomy
bengali accepted as official lang in return
was to last only 2 years b4 president Mirza declared martial law and scrapped the new constitution
one unit policy
11/1954: Bogra proposed that the 4 provinces and 10 princely states within Pak be joined tgt to form WP
25/10/1955 Mirza passed an order unifying all of WP in what became known as the one unit policy
he claimed that the unification would:
1. bring about greater efficiency
2. enable more rapid development
3. significant step towards a united country
other rzns for policy:
dominant politicians and administrators from WP (Punjab)
they feared that EP might soon gain influence at their expense
10M more ppl in EP than WP
Pak divided into 2 wings and ensuring equal representation in assembly = the scheme prevented EP gaining a majority in assembly
highly unpopular in EP and opposed in individual provinces of WP
Mirza had to dismiss the chief minister of Sindh and dissolve state assemblies of Bahawalpur and Khairpur provinces
WP formally came into being as a united province on 14/10/1955
other policies
Iskander Mirza’s govt programme initiated an industialzation and rural development programme
karachi airport completed 1955
modernaization of railway continued
telephone system expanded
Mirza publicised govt provision in health and education services
natural discontent of ppl made worse by food shortages and other problems caused by severe flooding thru 1955
Chaudry Muhammad Ali resigned as PM on 12/9/1956
Mirza replaced him w Hussein Shaheed Suhrawardy (politician from EP) and hoped this would win his govt some support from EP
Suhrawardy = 1 yr bec he didn’t wanna be puppet PM and pressed Mirza to allow him to have a meaningful degree of authority
dismissed in 10/1957
suhrawardy showed what a shrewd politician he was by asking Mirza to put his popularity to the test by holding a vote in the assembly but Mirza refused as he knew Suhrawardy would probs win
18/10/1957 Mirza appointed Ibrahim Ismail Chundrigar to replace Suhrawardy
his govt = collection of politicians who couldt agree even on major issues eg one unit scheme
Feroz Khan Noon = Mirza’s next choice
Noon’s govt = members from a number of political parties and was even more divided that than of chundrigar
forced to appoint a large cabinet (26/80 in assembly) in the hope that this would bring all shades of opinions into govt and create unity (did not)
Mirza rule = increasingly unpopular and the 1956b elections had been introduced w the promise of elections in 1957 but Mirza didn’t call these as he knew he’d lose
7/10/1958: Mirza used the constant disagreements in the govt as his excuse, proclaimed martial law w himself as president
he had lost the support of many leading politicians and was surprised by a plan by suhrawardy to unite the political leadership of Bengal and Punjab against him
thus he turned to the military, asked Commander in Chief Ayub Khan to take charge as Chief Martial law administrator
24/10 he appointed Ayub Khan as PM
AK had declined an offer from Ghulam Muhammad to run the country of several occasions but now came to believe that it was necessary
27/10 he forced Mirza to resign and he was exiled to london
pak began its first period of military rule
declaration of Martial law oct 1958
the constitution of 23/3/1956 will be abrogated
govt will be dismissed w immediate effect
national and provincial assemblies will be dissolved
all political parties be abolished
until alternative arrangements pak will remain under Martial law
Ayub Khan
hoped that a period of military rule would settle pak
since the death of quaid and liaqut ali it had been difficult to develop industries, support agriculture and maintain basic level of social welfare
one there was stability ayub Khan said that the govt would provide a new constitution that would combine democracy w discipline
1959 basic democracies
first step of constitutional reforms = intro of basic democracies order on 26/10/59
4 tier system in which ordinary ppl elected union council members who in turn elected district and divisional members
1962 constitution: 80k elected basic democrats would also form the electoral college for the election of the president and members of the central and provincial legislatures
end of 1959: Ayub asked the basic democrats for a vote of confidence
95% declared confidence
17/2/60 he was confirmed as president
announced the creation of a constitution commission to make recs for a new constitution
rawalpindi conspiracy
jan 1951: gren gracey replaced by gen ayub
most officers pakistani
many officers still unhappy and organized coup against govt 3.1951 (fail)
arrest of 15 officers and punishment
16/10/1951 = Liaqut Ali shot dead, rawalpindi
Ghulam Muhammad
became third gg
had been finance minister in cabinet
persuaded Khwaja Nazimuddin to become pm
was the first of a number of major political figures in Pak who ad risen from amongst the civil service to high office
problems of Ghulam Muhammad govt/economy
1951-53 severe drought = food shortage = rioting
govt not well placed to deal w shortage
korean war = increased demand for jute , war over = decline in demand = less money
April: USA donated million tons of wheat
ulama campaign against ahmedis
dismissed from office including Zafarullah Khan
martial law = numerous arrests
constitutional matters
(revised ver of objectives resolution?)
unpopular = objectives resolution withdrawn
two yrs later 22/12/1952 = revised report presented by pm Nazimuddin and altered 1950 proposals by suggesting:
1. head of state = Muslim
2. house of units 60 members EP 60 WP. House of ppl 400 members 200 each
3. religious minorities = representatives at national and provincial levels
4. cabinet responsible for national assembly
5. head of state = committee of Islamic specialists to ensure that all legislation conformed to isl law
6. official lang settled by assembly
proposals met w criticism = firter discussion
constitution not settled till 1956
17/4/1953 Ghulam Muhammad dismissed Khwaja and 3 members of cabinet , blaming them for not controlling economy and riots resulting from food shortages
did this despite the fact they received vote of confidence from assembly
nazimmudin angered = no resistance bec disagreement = disastrous for the country
new cabinet: 8 old 3 new including pm Muhammad Ali Bogra (ating ambassador to USA)
Bogra = much foreign aid as possible to boost Paks economy
april 1953: US Canada Australia = million tons fo wheat to pak
bogra set up plannin board to produce 5 yr plan
regional agreement CENTO (western aid for pak)
1954/55 constitutional crisis
Ghulam Muhammad’s desire to maintain power of position of GG = little progress in getting agreement on the new constitution
dominate Bogra to maintain his own power
Bogra not compliant
21/9/1954: Ghulam Muhammad out of country
Bogra persuade assembly to pass laws which limited power of GG by saying:
- all his ministers including PM must be members of the assembly
- assembly had to approve of cabinet
- GG had to take advice of ministers
this was attempt of assembly to weaken gg power and increase its own power
assembly repealed PRODA (GG could remove ministers of national and provincial govts for up to 5 yrs if the abused public office)
Bogra out of country = Ghulam declared a state of emergency and dissolved the assembly, saying that the assembly had lost the confidence of the people and can no longer function. until elections held administrations of country will be carried ut by reconstituted cabinet
new cabinet chosen
reappointed Bogra as PM
5 members of the cabinet who weren’t members of assembly (included General Ayub Khan)
Maulvi Tamizudddin, speaker of dissolved assembly contested the dissolution in the Sindh high court (illegal and non assembly members couldn’t be appointed in cabinet)
2/1955: court ruled in favor of him
Ghulam appealed to the federal court against this judgement
10/5/1955 = higher court ruled that Ghulam had the authority to dismiss assembly if he was satisfied that the situation demanded it
21/6.55 = elections for new constituent assembly
7/7/55 met for first time
Ghulam fell ill in aug and had to resign = replaced by General Iskander Mirza
1962 constitution
announced on 1/5/62
‘combining democracy w discipline’– presidential form of govt
- the president could not be removed unless impeached
- the president nominated the cabinet from members of the national assembly
- the president nominated the heads of judiciary and the provincial governors (who then nominated their cabinets)
- the national legislature could not pass a law w out the approval of the president
new constitution introduced w out any debate
Ayub brought Martial law to an end soon afterwards
new national assembly met for first time 8/6/62
first acts = remove the ban on political parties
seemed that pak was nearing to democratic system, but actually Ayubs reforms had increased powers of the ruling elite
major landlords dominated elections to the basic democracies and often used coercion or bribery to influence the results
constitution = further upset ppl of EP
felt they would have little part in governing pak
coming to the realization that pak govt was in hands of military and civil officials from WP
various steps taken to calm them
- Urdu and Bengali recognized as two of the national langs
- NA session to be held in both Dhaka and Isl
- if president were from WP, speaker of NA was to be from EP
despite this they still believed that pak was govt of EP by WP = feeling of unease in EP
1/1965 = elections for presidency
Ayub nominated by a new party, the convention ML , which he had helped form
believed that opposition parties were too divided to put up a credible opponent in the elections
he was wrong
opposition parties all agreed to support Jinnah sister
Ayub = 64% votes
Miss Jinnah = 36% votes
a decade of development
agricultural reforms:
ayubs advisors wanted to bring reforms to agriculture to make it more productive
1. many small farms could never be efficient = law passed saying no farm could be smaller than 12.5 acres or larger than 500 acres (irrigated) or 1k acres (unirrigated)
smaller farms = land redistributed
larger farms = no steady rise in food output and the big landowners were forced to find tenants for parts of tgeir land which also increased producitvity as the tenants and small farms were often more efficient than the poorly run large farms
2. 3 major dams built to help irrigation
3. farmers loaned money to build wells to reduce the need for canal irrigation
Ayub said they had brought about a green revolution
4. much of the increased productivity was due to the mechanization which could generally be only afforded by big landowners
Industrial reforms:
ayubs advisors pressed for more industrial development
carried out w the help of loans from more industrialized western countries (USA, Germany and UK)
1962: Oil refinery in Karachi and Mineral Development corporation for exploration of mineral deposits
1964: economic union formed w Iran and Turkey, Regional Cooperation for development (RCD) in which the three countries agreed to develop ties in trade, commerce and industry
export bonus scheme set up offering incentives to industrialists who increased exports
result: economic growth rose sharply
average economic rate by which economy grew in the 1960s = 7% which was three times that of India
though Pak economy improved significantly, the wealth created did little to benefit the large number of Pakistanis living near pverty line
1968: revealed that j 22 famililies controlled 66% of Paks industrial assets and these same fams also controlled 80% of Paks banking and insurance companies
hence a small elite grp of wealthy pakistanis had almost complete controls of Pakistan’s wealth
it did not go unnoticed by EP that almost all these fams were in WP
while industry was improving rapidly, Pak was increasingly dependant of foreign aid
social and educational reforms:
1. ayubs advisors drew up new curricula for schools and suggested that new textbooks be published
govt = extensive literacy program
a new capital
karachi = capital, Ayub govt decided to have new capital
1959: Islamabad
construction began Oct 1961
26/10/1966 = first office building of Isl occupied
1967 = officially capital
till mid 1970s work continued
city divided into 8 largely self contained zones, each w its own shopping area and park
political unrest
1965: Pak India went to war over Kashmir
neither side won but pak put up a v good defense to repulse Indian invasion which aimed to capture lahore and break ak = defence day on 6.09
Jan 1966 peace talks tashkent = agreement that Indian and Pakistani armies should return to the positions they held b4 war
Ayub Khan policies succeeded in uniting the various parties that opposed him
Jan 1969, 8 of em formed the democratic action committee
wanter proper elections, lifting og emergency powers and autonomy for EP
Ayub tried to calm it and on 17.2.1969 he withdrew emergency powers and released many political prisoners and began negotiating w the opposition but did too little too late
even his cherished basic democracies scheme began to unravel as basic democrats resigned in large numbers
opposition rapidly gained support
March: realization
25.3.69 he resigned but instead of calling elections to choose another president, he handed power over to the army = 2nd time martial law
general yahya khan 1969-71
appointed chief martial law administrator and took over as president
announced that:
1. basic democracies = unsuccessful
2. there would be a properly elected govt
3. the one unit scheme had not worked hence there would be a return to provincial govt
he was military commander but determined on bringing democracy to pak based on ‘one man, one vote’
one unit plan and 1962 constitution = annulled and paks 4 provinces were re established
jan 1970: political activity resumed
various parties began to elect a national assembly of 300 members
assembly = 120 days tp draw up a new constitution and 3 days after national assembly elections there would be provincial elections
elections: oct 1970 but postponed due to flooding in EP = chaos = voting impossible
elections hence held on 7 dec 1970 and for the first time they were held on the principle of ‘one man one vote’
results = shock = constitutional crisis in pak = pak split into 2 countries