Pain and Inflammation Cards Flashcards
Used to relieve pain without significantly disturbing consciousness or altering actions of sensory nerves.
Used to reduce fever.
What is the role of opiods?
To bind with opiate receptors in the brain and spinal column to inhibit tramsmission of pain impulses.
What are endogenous opiods?
All have analgesia roles, some are released from the hypothalamus and brainstem while others are release into circulation from he pituitary, various receptors widely distributed throughout CNS, play roles in sexual behavior, euhoria, appetite, stress response, depression.
What are the uses of morphine?
Management of all types of moderate to severe pain. Derivatives are used for cough inhibition, treatment of GI pain, relieving pain of myocardial infarction.
What are some common and serious adverse effects of opioids?
Common: nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, constipation, itching, sedation. Serious: respiratory depression, confusion, hallucinations. Physical and psychological dependence may also occur.
What is Methadone and what is it used for?
Is a synthetic opioid analgesic used for relief of moderate to severe pain. Is also used for heroin addicts and decreases heroin withdrawal symptoms and blocks euphoria effect.
What is the role of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)?
To relieve pain associated with acutely painful conditions such as arthritis or injury/sprain, dysmenorrhea, headaches and fever.
What is the mechanism of action of NSAIDs?
Blocks prostaglandin synthesis by inhibiting cyclooxygenase enzymes (Cox 1 and Cox 2 enzymes)
What are the adverse effects of NSAIDs?
Dyspepsia, nausea/vomiting, ulcers, easy bruising, occult bleeding, renal adverse drug reactions, hypertension, edema, negative effects on fetus in 3rd trimester.
What is the mechanism of action of acetamipnophen?
Little anti inflammatory activity. Has no anti platelet activity (little bleeding side effects). Inhibits priostaglandin synthesis, but also affects cannabinoid receptor systems (appetite, pain-sensation, mood and memory).
What are the uses of acetaminophen?
Treatment of musculoskeletal pain, headache, dysmenorrhea, myalgias neuralgias, arthritic and rheumatic conditions, reducing fever and discomfort of the common cold and viral infections. May caused LV and KD toxicity problems.
What do pyrogens and prostaglandins affect?
Pyrogens induce prostaglandin release. PGE2 releases in the hypothalamus neurons to increase body temperature. There is an increase in sympathetic output, the thyroid hormone thermostat adjustment, perception of temperature changes and heat seeking behaviour begins, muscle tone induces shivering, vasoconstriction. NSAIDs and Acetominophen and COX2 inhibitors inhibit PGE2 synthesis to decrease fever.
What are bradykinins?
Are peptide precursors in plasma and tissues which are activated by enzyme systems released by tissue damage.
What are the effects of bradykinin?
Is a potent vasodilator (hypotension), increases vascular permiability, increased cardiac contractility, increases contraction of non vascular smooth muscle and bronchoconstriction.