Pain Flashcards
What is pain?:
“An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage.”
Why is pain important?:
- it promotes of avoidance of situations which may decrease biological fitness
- it promotes resting behaviour that either enhances recovery following injury, or modifies behaviour so that further injury or death become less likely.
Detect pain:
- Activate sensory receptors and nociceptors
Pain detectors:
- Specialised neurons - nociceptors:
- Sensory neurons (specific to pain)
- Free nerve endings
- Synapse in spinal cord to ascending neurons to brain
Spinal reflex:
Withdrawing from painful stimuli
· Polymodal - respond to multiple stimuli
· Free nerve endings contain receptors sensitive to noxious stimuli:
· Intense pressure stretching, striking, pinching
- High threshold mechanoreceptors
· Heat, acids (damage) and capsaicin (chilli pepper)
- Vanilloid receptor, TRP channels (temperature-gated channels)
· Damage (ATP release)
- Purinergic receptors
- Channels open, neuron depolarises, fires action potentials
Nociceptors conduct electrical signal to spinal cord:
· Primary afferents - two types
· A fibres:
- Lightly myelinated
- Medium diameter
- First pain - fast localisation of painful stimulus
· C fibres:
- Unmyelinated
- Small diameter
- Second pain - provide the continuing dull ache, poorly localised
· Compare with A(alpha) and A(beta) fibres (normal propioreceptors)
- Myelinated, large diameter
Two paths into the brain:
- To somatosensory cortex via the thalamus
· Encode the sensory components- Sensory discrimination
- Tell you “where” it hurts
2. To ‘emotional’ cortex (insula and cingulate) via the thalamus
· Encode the emotional components - Unpleasantness
- Negative effect
Thank about how you respond to an acute injury?:
Pain is an alerting signal that something is wrong
What happens if you have caused real damage?:
· Pain can be protective to allow you to heal
· Pain sensitisation processes
· Hyperalgesia - noxious stimuli produce exaggerated pain sensation
· Allodynia - non-noxious stimuli produce pain sensation (e.g., touching sun-burnt skin)
· Peripheral sensitisation - inflammatory response in and around injured tissue
· Central sensitisation - neuroplastic changes at synapse in spinal cord
Peripheral sensitisation:
· Chemicals released:
- As a result of tissue damage (e.g., ATP, H+)
- From nociceptors
- As part of the inflammatory response
· Directly activate and/or modulate ion channels in nociceptor terminals
Inflammatory response:
· Neuropeptides - substance P and CGRP (calcitonin gene related peptide), released from nociceptor neurons
· Trigger:
- Vasodilation,
- Plasma extraversion - leakage of proteins an fluid from capillaries
- Activation of Mast cells and neutrophils
The “inflammatory soup”:
· Histamine (mast cells)
· Nerve growth factor (mast cells)
· Serotonin (platelets)
· Proteases:
- Cleave extracellular peptide to bradykinin
· COX enzymes (cyclo-oxygenase):
- Convert arachidonic acid (lipid) to prostaglandin
Modulation of the nociceptor activation:
· Components of the inflammatory soup, Bradykinin, NGF and Prostaglandin feedback back to their own metabotropic receptors on the nociceptor neurons
· VR1 receptor is phosphorylated and threshold changes so opens at lower temperatures
· A sensory nerve specific (SNS) Na+ channel is phosphorylated so threshold voltage for firing is decreased, making the nociceptor more excitable
· Nociceptors become hypersensitive to stimulation - peripheral sensitisation
Peripheral sensitisation 2:
- lower thresholds of thermoreceptors
- Na+ channels more excitable
Why increase pain sensitivity?:
· “good pain”
· Reminds you that you have hurt yourself
· Protecting injured area for recovery without further damage
· Congenital disorders where people have no pain perception
- No signals to indicate to avoid painful stimulus
- Low life expectancy
An SCN9A channelopathy causes congenital inability to experience pain:
- no Na+ channel on nociceptors