Neurotransmission and Neuromodulation Flashcards
Structure of a neuron
· Dendrites - recipient of information from other neurons, large receptive field
· Soma (cell body) - contains the machinery that controls processing in the cell and integrates information
· Axon - carries information (action potential) from the soma to the terminal boutons and hence to other cells. Axons can branch to contact multiple neurons
- Terminal Boutons - found at the end of the axon, location of the synapse, communication point with other neuron
neuronal membrane
· Boundary of soma, dendrites, axon and terminal boutons.
· Separates the extracellular environment from the intracellular environment
· Membrane - lipid bilaver (5nm)
· Protein structures:
- Detect substances outside of the cell
- Allow access of certain substances into the cell (gated - chemical or electrical) cytoskeletal
the synapse
· Types of synapse:
1. Electrical synapse:
- very rare in adult mammalian neurons (e.g., found in retina)
- Junction between the neurons is very small (3nm - gap junction)
- Gap is spanned by proteins (connexins) which are used to communicate between the neurons (ions move freely)
2. Chemical synapses:
- Common in adult mammalian neurons
- Junction between the neurons 20-50nm (synaptic cleft)
- Chemicals (neurotransmitters) are released from the presynaptic neuron to communicate with the postsynaptic neurons.
Early experimental evidence for chemical transmission:
· First demonstrated by Loewi in the 1920s
· Application of fluid following vagus nerve stimulation slowed down heart rate
· Substance was ‘sufficient’ to change heart activity
- Acceptance as primary means of communication in the brain in ’60s
Overview of chemical transmission:
- Neurotransmitter (NT) synthesis, transport and storage
- Depolarisation (action potential)
- Open voltage-gated Ca2+ channel
- Ca2+ influx
- Movement and docking of vesicles
- Exocytosis-diffusion
- And 8 interact with receptors
· In/deactivation of NTs
· Chemical that is used to transmit information from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron
· Criteria for neurotransmitter:
1. Chemical synthesised presynaptically
2. Electrical stimulation leads to the release of the chemical
3. Chemical produces physiological effect
4. Terminate activity
Postsynaptic action of the neurotransmitter:
- Neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, which affects the activity of the postsynaptic cell.
- The configuration of the receptors make them specific for different neurotransmitters.
- Ionotropic receptor - opening of an ionic channel (typically)
- Metabotropic receptor - activates an internal 2nd messenger systems that goes on to affect the functioning of the postsynaptic cells.
Action of neurotransmitters at receptors:
- Pharmacology - what transmitter binds to the receptor and how drugs interact
- Receptors vary in their pharmacology:
- Agonist - a drug (or endogenous ligand/neurotransmitter) that can combine with a receptor on a cell to produce a cellular reaction.
- Antagonist - a drug that reduces or completely blocks the activity of the agonist or endogenous ligand, no cellular effect after interacting with receptor.
Actions of neurotransmitters at receptors 2:
· Receptors vary in their:
- Kinetics - rate of transmitter binding and channel gating determine the duration of effects
- Selectivity - what ions are fluxed (Na+, Cl-, K+ and/or Ca2+)
- Conductance - the rate of flux
Ionotropic receptors:
· Fast transmission - ion movement leads to an immediate change in the postsynaptic cell
· Excitatory fast transmission:
- Ion channels opens
- Movement of positive ions into the neurone (Na+)
- E.g., glutamate receptors
- Depolarisation
- Excitatory post synaptic potential (EPSP)
· Inhibitory fast transmission:
- Ion channels opens
- Movement of negative ions into the neurone (Cl-)
- E.g., GABAa receptors
- Hyperpolarisation
- Inhibitory post synaptic potential (IPSP)
Metabotropic receptor:
· Activation of a G-protein coupled receptor:
1. Neurotransmitter binds to receptor and activates the G-protein (exchange GDP for GTP)
2. G protein splits and activates other enzymes
3. The breakdown of GTP turns off G protein activity
4. Series of chemical reactions that leads to an amplification of the signal - second messenger system
- Example of amplification of signal through G-protein coupled receptor activation
Neurotransmitter deactivation:
- Neurotransmitters must be inactivated after use to remove them from the synaptic cleft.
Other ways of regulating synaptic transmission - autoreceptors:
- Located on the presynaptic terminal
- Respond to neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft
- Generally they are G-protein coupled - don’t directly open ion channels
- Regulate internal process controlling the synthesis and release of neurotransmitter
- Negative feedback mechanism
Neurotransmitters :
- Major classes
- Integration of excitatory and inhibitory signals
Fast synaptic transmission:
- Glutamate - ionotropic receptors in general flux Na+ which causes an EPSP (excitatory post synaptic potential) depolarising the postsynaptic neuron - excitatory
- GABA - ionotropic receptors flux Cl-, which causes as IPSP (inhibitory post synaptic potential) hyperpolarising the postsynaptic neuron - inhibitory
- Acetylcholine, serotonin and ATP also activate ionotropic receptors
- Major fast excitatory neurotransmitter in the CNS
- Very widespread through the CNS
- Activates different types of receptors - mGluR, NMDA, AMPA, Kainate
Glutamate synthesis, storage, release and reuptake:
- Synthesised in nerve terminals from glucose or glutamine
- Loaded and stored in vesicles by vesicular glutamate transporters
- Released by exocytosis (Ca2+ dependent mechanism)
- Acts at glutamate receptors on postsynaptic membrane
- Reuptake by excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) in the plasma membrane of presynaptic cell and surrounding glia
Glutamate receptor diversity:
- Based on their pharmacology, three types of ionotropic receptor have been described that respond to glutamate - NMDA, AMPA, and Kainate
- They are named based on the agonists selective for them
AMPA receptor:
- Ionotropic receptor
- Binding of glutamate leads to the opening of a Na+ channel (slight K+ permeability) and hence depolarisation
- Selective agonists - AMPA
- Antagonists - CNQX, DNQX
NMDA receptor:
- Ionotropic receptor
- Permeable to Na+, K+ and Ca2+
- Binding of glutamate - nothing happens
- Voltage dependent blockade:
- At resting membrane potential (-65mV):
- Glutamate binds
- Channel opens
- Blocked by Mg2+
- Depolarised membrane (-30mV):
- Mg2+ pushed out of pore
- Channel is open
- Ion movement
- Further depolarisation
· Different ‘kinetics’ from AMPA receptor (open much longer)
Selectivity and conductance of glutamate receptors:
· AMPA (and kainate) receptors:
- Fast opening channels permeable to Na+ and K+
· NMDA receptors:
1. Slow opening channels - permeable to Ca2+ as well as Na+ and K+
· BUT also
2. Requires glycine as a cofactor (no glycine, no activation)
3. And gated by membrane voltage
· NMDA receptors are only activated in an already depolarised membrane in the presence of glutamate