Learning and memory Flashcards
What do we learn?:
- Remembering learning to ride a bike.
- Remembering the dinner bell makes you hungry.
- What are the molecular and cellular processes to account for learning and memory?
- Learning - the response of the brain to environmental events and involves adaptive changes in synaptic connectivity which will in turn alter behaviour.
- Donald Hebb (1949) - suggested a hypothesis for how, through neuronal networks, the brain can process and store information:
- “When an axon of cell A is near enough to excite a cell B and repeatedly or persistently takes part in firing it, some growth process or metabolic change takes place in one or both cells such that A’s efficiency, as one of the cells firing B, is increased”
· “Cells that fire together wire together”
· Strengthening and weakening synaptic connections in the brain provides a means by which learning occurs and memories can be formed.
Sensory inputs from Grandma:
· Sensory inputs from Grandma processed and converge on a cell in the hippocampus - converge on the hippocampus
· Cell A - sensory input for sight of Grandma
· Cell B - sensory input for smell of perfume
· Initially an individual input might not be sufficient to stimulate the hippocampal neuron.
· The EPSP is not great enough to fire an action potential.
· If this association is made repeatedly, the synapses of A and B onto the hippocampal neuron will be strengthened, so that the individual inputs are sufficiently strong to fire the hippocampal neuron, and just the smell or a picture of Grandma is sufficient to recall a complete memory.
Long term potentiation:
· Long term potentiation (LTP) - mechanism underlying synaptic strengthening
· Hippocampus - shape and anatomy means pathways can be easily distinguished and recorded from electrophysiologically.
· LTP has now been studied in most other brain areas too.
· Record from cells within the dentate gyrus - subsequent perforant pathway stimulation results in increase in EPSP amplitude (size).
· High frequency electrical stimulation (HFS) of the perforant pathway.
· One HFS - LTP lasts hours
Multiple HFS - LTP lasts days/months
The hippocampus:
· Most talked about in learning and memory
· Where memory is easy to study, the hippocampus is seen to be involved
· Spatial memory is based on the hippocampus
· Memories that are used to study learning and memory are often based in hippocampus
Long term potentiation (LTP) 2:
· Properties:
- Temporal - summation of inputs reaches a stimulus threshold that leads to the induction of LTP e.g., repetitive stimulation (HFS)
- Input specific - LTP at one synapse is not propagated to adjacent synapses (input specific).
- Associative - simultaneous stimulation of a strong and weak pathway will induce LTP at both pathways (Spatial summation)
- Coincidence detection
LTP and learning:
· Is LTP is the mechanism underlying learning?
· Hippocampal involvement?
Animal experiments - Morris water maze:
· Parameters:
- Escape latency (training)
- Time in quadrant (probe trial)
- Annulus crossings (probe trial)
Lesion studies - hippocampus:
· The hippocampus is essential for spatial memory and learning
· The LTP experiments were in the right place
Probe trials:
· Across trials it gets faster and faster until its plateaus swimming straight to the platform and a hippocampal lesion rat stays bobbing around in the water trying to find the platform for longer.
· Looking at acquisition across trials
· Control rat is spending significantly more time in the target quadrant than the other ones
· Whereas the hippocampal lesion track is spending an equal amount of time, not focusing on a specific quadrant
Glutamate at its receptors - Neuronal transmission:
· Glutamate is released from a presynaptic terminal, lands on different types of glutamate receptor in the postsynaptic terminal.
· There’s AMPA and NMDA receptors
· AMPA channel open and sodium travels through
· NMDA has magnesium sitting inside the channel blocking movement of ions
· NMDA does not activate but AMPA does, so only EPSP is coming through AMPA
Glutamate at its receptors - postsynaptic membrane in excited state:
· The resting membrane potential is going to shot up
· The membrane is going to be depolarised - so magnesium gets ejected out of NMDA receptor
· Channel is now open
· Much bigger EPSP when you have transmission through both receptors
Role of NMDA in LTP and learning:
· Morris water maze task:
- NMDA antagonist (AP5) - no evidence of learning or LTP
What’s happening at the synapse?:
· Glutamate release onto inactive cell (membrane at resting potential):
- AMPA receptor activated to create EPSP
- NMDA receptor blocked by Mg2+ ion
- depolarisation from AMPA activation not sufficient to expel Mg2+
· Glutamate release onto an active cell (membrane depolarised):
- AMPA receptor activated
- Mg2+ block on NMDA receptor relieved
- Na+ through AMPA and NMDA channels
- Ca2+ through NMDA channel
What’s happening at the synapse? 2:
· Ca2+ entry through the NMDA receptor leads to activation of calcium calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 2 (CaMK2)
1. Phosphorylates existing AMPA receptors increasing their effectiveness
2. Stimulates the insertion of new AMPA receptors into the membrane
· Before - few AMPA receptors, small EPSPs
· After - more AMPA receptors working more effectively, larger EPSPs, LTP