PAHs Flashcards
Name the two types of PAHs
Pyrogenic and Petrogenic
This type of PAH is formed from incomplete combustion @ high temp’s
This type of PAH is formed @ relatively low temp’s over geologic time scales; likely to be alkylated
PAHs always occur as _____
What is Narcosis?
Dramatic slowing of all resp & cardiovascular activity
What does FATS stand for?
Fish Aquatic Toxicity Syndrome
Does narcosis produce a chemical or physical change?
Narcosis is correlated with _______
PAHs are type ___ narcotic chemicals
Type I
What is the Ferguson principle?
equal potency results when an equil exists b/w the biophase (biological organism/cellular membranes) and the environment and the agents have equal conc’s @ the site of action rather than when the agents have equal envir concentrations;
According to the Ferguson principle, what is the rate-limiting step of narcosis?
The ability of the agent to reach the site of action
What does QSAR stand for and what is its significance?
Quantitative Structure Activity Relationships - if we know the toxicity of a chem w/ a given stxr, we should be able to predict the toxicity of chem’s w/ a similar or related structure