Metal Toxicology Flashcards
Name the 11 metals of concern
Lead, Tin, Aluminum, Mercury, Arsenic, Copper, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel, Silver, Zinc,
What is the issue with Aluminum and acid precip?
Acid precip lowers the pH to the point that dissolved Al in the water can become toxic
Minamata disease occurs from bioaccumulation of _______
Density - high or low?
Ions formed in solution - positive or negative?
React by giving up ______.
Chemical activity - reactive or non-reactive?
High density
Positive ions formed in sol’n
React by giving up electrons
Chemically reactive
“Heavy” metal is any metal w/ an atomic weight > than that of _____ (__._)
sodium (22.9)
This metal has been used as a medicine since ancient times
Arsenic inhibits enzymes in __________
This metal impairs tissue respiration and ATP activity, and is carcinogenic
This metal is an essential nutrient, but interferes w/ membranes, altering the permeability of diff essential ions; it also binds to gills and its most toxic form is the free metal ion and mono hydroxide form
This metal was used in electroplating, galvanization, paint pigment, and batteries; it’s found in cigarettes, can have negative pulmonary impacts, and can concentrate in liver and viscera
This metal is an essential nutrient, a mutagen, teratogen, and a carcinogen
Which form of Chromium is more toxic; trivalent or hexavalent?
True or false: lead is an essential nutrient
The non-essential nutrient that is liquid at room temp, is found in fluorescent lights; affects the CNS, is highly soluble; strongly binds to and mimics proteins
Essential nutrient; necessary for normal growth; carcinogenic