PAGs Flashcards
Errors in PAG 1.1 Composition of copper carbonate
Where you collect gas in a measuring cylinder
Some CO2 may have escaped before the bung is inserted.
Some copper carbonate may not react (so mix the carbonate flask to ensure the reaction goes to completion)
CO2 may dissolve in the water (use a gas syringe)
Some Copper carbonate may remain in the weighing boat meaning it wasn’t transferred to the conical flask (use another weighing method)
Method for determination of the relative atomic mass of magnesium
- Set up a conical flask with 10cm3 of sulphuric acid
- Weigh 0.15g if magnesium. Add it to the acid and place the bung on
- Record the final volume of gas collected
- Weigh a clean evaporating basin.
- Pour the solution in the basin.
- Rinse the conical flask with some distilled water and add the washings to the basin
- Evaporate the solution until a dry solution is left (using heat)
- The mass of magnesium sulfate is the difference between the final and initial mass of the empty basin
Determining the concentration of HCl
What are the 2 main parts?
- making a 0.10 moldm-3 standard solution of NaHCO3
2. Finding the concentration of HCl by titration
How to make a standard solution?
- weigh a specific amount into a weighing boat and then transfer into a beaker
- Add a small volume of distilled water to the beaker and stir until the solid completely
dissolves (using a stirring rod). - Reweigh the boat. The difference of the 2 readings is the mass used up.
- Transfer the solution to a 250 cm3 volumetric flask using a filter funnel.
- Rinse the beaker and the glass rod with distilled water, adding the washings to the
volumetric flask. - Fill the volumetric flask till it’s nearly to the graduation line.
- Then, using a pipette, fill the the rest, till the bottom of the meniscus sits on the graduation line.
- Stopper the flask and invert a several times to mix the solution.
Second part of Determining the concentration of HCl
- Use a pipette and pipette filler to transfer 25 cm3 of the standard NaHCO3 solution to a 250
cm3 conical flask. - Add two or three drops of methyl orange to the flask.
- Fill the burette with hydrochloric acid (ensuring there is no air bubble) and record the initial
burette reading - Add the hydrochloric acid from the burette to the conical flask until the end point is reached.
At the end point, the solution will be orange in colour. - Record the final burette reading. The volume of HCl added is the difference between the
initial and final readings. - Repeat until two concordant results are obtained.
Errors in Determining the concentration of HCl
Some of the NaHCO3 may not transfer from the weighing boat.
Take care not to spil any solid or solution (use a conical flask rather than a beaker)
During the titration, make sure to swirl to ensure that the reactants are mixed well together
The colour change may not be obvious (place a white tile)
Determining the enthalpy change of neutralisation
Measure 25 cm3 hydrochloric acid using a measuring cylinder and add it to a polystyrene
2. Place the cup in a 250 cm3 glass beaker.
3. Construct a suitable table to record the temperature of the acid at minute intervals for up to
10 minutes
4. Measure 25 cm3 of sodium hydroxide into a measuring cylinder.
5. Start the timer and record the initial temperature of the hydrochloric acid in the cup.
6. Continue to record the temperature each minute for three minutes.
7. At the fourth minute, add the sodium hydroxide to the cup. Do not record the temperature.
8. At the fifth minute, continue recording the temperature up until 10 minutes. Stir the solution
in the cup each time the temperature is recorded.
Errors during the determination of enthalpy change of neutralisation
Heat may transfer to surroundings (use an insulator)
Use an electric thermometer.
Preparation of cyclohexene part 1
Pour 10 cm3 of cyclohexanol into a 50 cm3 round-bottomed flask
2. Using a plastic graduated dropping pipette, carefully add approximately 4.0 cm3 of
concentrated phosphoric acid to the flask.
3. Add a few anti bumping granules to the flask and then assemble the reflux apparatus as
shown in the diagram
4. Heat the flask gently at about 70℃ for 15 -20 minutes
ensuring that all the condensation happens in the lower
half of the condenser.
5. Stop the heating and allow the apparatus to cool before
assembling for distillation as shown in the diagram.
6. Slowly heat the flask, collecting any liquid which boils
between 70℃ and 90℃.
Preparation of cyclohexene part 2
- Pour the distillate into a separating funnel and add an equal amount of saturated sodium
chloride solution. - Shake the separating funnel then allow the two layers to separate.
- Carefully run off the lower aqueous layer into a beaker. Collect the upper layer, containing
the crude cyclohexene, in a small conical flask. - Add a few lumps of anhydrous calcium chloride to the crude cyclohexene to remove any
traces of water. - Stopper the flask, shake the contents and allow this to stand until the solid settles.
- Weigh a sample container then decant the liquid into this container.
- Reweigh the container. Calculate the mass of dry cyclohexene produced and determine the
percentage yield of the product. - Test the distillate using bromine water, to confirm that it contains an alkene. If an alkene is
present, the bromine water will be decolourised.
Key points to consider when the making of cyclohexene
Use a water bath or electric heater if there are flammable substances.
Electrochemical cells
- Clean a piece of copper and a piece of carbon using emery paper or fine grade sandpaper.
Rinse the copper and carbon with distilled water then dry them. - Place the copper into a 100 cm3 beaker with about 50 cm3 of 0.1 mol dm-3 CuSO4 solution.
- Using a crocodile clip, connect the copper electrode to the negative terminal of the
voltmeter. - Place the carbon electrode into a beaker containing about 50cm3 of a mixture of aqueous
ammonium iron (II) sulfate: iron (III) chloride (1:5 ratio). - Using a crocodile clip, connect the carbon electrode to the positive terminal of the
voltmeter. - Make a salt bridge by soaking a piece of filter paper in saturated potassium nitrate solution.
Place the ends of the filter paper into the solutions in the beakers. - Measure and record the voltmeter readings in a suitable format.
- Repeat the experiment with a different ratio of aqueous ammonium iron (II) sulfate: iron (III)
Making a haloalkane part 1
- Pour about 6.5 cm3 of 2-methylpropan-2-ol into a 10 cm3 measuring cylinder then weigh the
measuring cylinder and its contents. - Pour the 2-methylpropan-2-ol into a 50 cm3 separating funnel.
- Reweigh the empty measuring cylinder to deduce the mass of 2-methylpropan-2-ol used in
the reaction. - Measure 20 cm3 of concentrated hydrochloric acid and gradually add the acid to the
separating funnel. - Place the stopper on the separating funnel and shake it vigorously for 20 minutes, releasing
the pressure when required.
Making a haloalkane part 2
- Allow the mixture to separate.
- Once separated, remove the stopper and open the
tap to collect the bottom aqueous layer. - One all the aqueous layer has been removed, close
the tap and add 10 cm3 of 5% sodium
hydrogencarbonate to the organic layer in the
separating funnel. - Shake the mixture in the funnel gently, releasing the
pressure when required. - Allow the mixture to separate and remove the
bottom aqueous layer. - Repeat steps 3 to 5 until there is no pressure build
up in the separating funnel. - Collect the organic layer into a 100 cm3 conical flask.
- Add anhydrous magnesium sulfate slowly while swirling the conical flask, until the
magnesium sulfate stops clumping.
Making a haloalkane part 3
Weigh an empty sample tube.
2. Set up the apparatus as shown in the
3. Add the organic sample from the conical
flask to the round bottom flask and add
some anti bumping granules.
4. Collect the liquid impurities that come
through the condenser below 48°C in a
small beaker.
5. When the temperature reaches 48℃, collect the
liquid from the condenser in the weighted sample tube until no more liquid comes through
the condenser.
6. Weigh the sample tube and calculate the mass of the product.
Rate of reaction between magnesium and HCl
- Add 50cm3 of HCl to the conical flask add a 6cm strip of magnesium to the conical flask and
immediately insert the bung. Start the timer. - Record the volume of gas at 15 second time intervals for 2.5 minutes.
- Repeat for different concentrations of HCl as advised by your teach
Errors in the rate of reaction between magnesium and HCl
Some gas may have escaped before putting the bung on.
Comparing Thermal Stabilities of calcium carbonate and strontium.
heating carbonate and bubbling gas into limewater / measuring volume of gas / measuring mass loss. equal amounts/number of moles of each carbonate heated. using the same Bunsen flame AW. the first to go cloudy has the lower thermal stability (or alternative methods based on amounts of cloudiness in certain time etc). Co2 is given off is shown by the lime-water becoming cloudy.
Manganate (VII) Titrations
- entire procedure
A standard solution of potassium magnate is added to the Burkett.
2. Using a pipettes, add a measured volume of the solution being analysed to the conical flask. An excess of dilute sulphuric acid is also added (to provide the H+ ions).
3. During the titration, the manganate solution reacts and is decolourised as it is being added.
The end point is a permanent pink colour.
4. Repeat the titration you obtain concordant results. .
Manganate titration
They may be read from the top as it is hard to see the bottom of the meniscus due to the dark purple hue.
How to calibrate a pH meter
Place the bulb of the pH meter into distilled water and allow the reading to settle. Adjust the reading on the pH meter so that it reads 7.0. Repeat these steps with a standard solution of ph 4 and 10, making sure to rinse the probe with distilled water between each reading.
Where can iodine/ thiosulfate titration be used to determine
ClO- content in copper 2+ analysis in household bleach
Cu 2+ content in copper compounds
Cu content in copper alloys
Procedure for analysis of oxidising agents
- Add a standard solution of Na2S2O3 to the burette.
- Prepare a solution of the oxidinsg agent to be analysed. Using a pipette, add this solution to a conical flask. Then, add an excess of potassium iodide. The oxidising agent reacts with iodine ions to produce iodine, which turns the solution a yellow- brown colour.
- Titrate this solution with the Na2S2O3. During the titration, the iodine is reduced back to I- ions, and the brown colour fades slowly. When the end point is being approached, the iodine will change to a pale straw colour.
- So then, add starch. It should change from a deep blue-black colour to colourless at the end point.
Procedure for the analysis of household bleach
- Using a pipette, add 10cm3 of the bleach into a 250cm3 volumetric flask. Add water to prepare 250cm3 of this solution.
- Using a pipette, measure 25cm3 of this solution dn add to a conical flask. Then add 10cm3 of KI and 1 molar HCl to acidify the solution.
- Using a burette, titrate this solution using a standard 0.05 molar solution of nA2s2o3.
- Repeat this titration to obtain concordant results.
- Finally, analyse your results to determine the concentration of chlorate (1) ions in the bleach.
Measuring standard cell potentials
- Prepare for the correct half cell.
- Connect the metal electrodes of the half cells to a voltmeter using wires.
- Prepare a salt bridge by soaking a strip of filter paper in saturated aq. solution of KNO3.
- Connect the 2 solutions of the half cells with the bridge.
- Record the standard cell potential from the voltmeter.
How can you measure the standard cell potentials of a metal/ metal ion half cell?
The metal ion must have a concentration of 1.
Temperature of 298K.
How can you measure the standard cell potentials of a ion/ ion half cell?
Both metal ions present in the solution must have the same concentration. There must be an inert electrode, such as Pt.
Temperature of 298K.
How can you measure the standard cell potentials of a half cell containing a gas?
The gas must be at 100kPa, in contact with a solution with an ionic concentration of 1, and there must be an inert electrode.
Temperature of 298K.