Pages 140-143 Flashcards
The four functions of the digestive system
Ingestion, digestion, absorption and elimination
Gastrointestinal tract
Begins with the mouth where food enters and ends with the anus
Complex food material taken into the mouth
Broken down, mechanically and chemically as it travels through the gastrointestinal tract
Digestive enzymes
Speed up chemical reactions in aid the breakdown of complex nutrients
Amino acids
Complex proteins are digested to simple
Sugars are reduced to simple sugars
Fatty acid’s. And triglycerides
Three-part fatty acid
Form the walls of the oval shaped oral cavity
Sure around the opening to the cavity
Hard palate
Forms the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth in the muscular soft palate
Soft palate
Lies posterior to the hard palate
Irregular ridges in the mucous membrane covering the anterior portion of the hard palate
A small soft tissue projection hangs from the soft palate
Extends across the floor of the oral cavity and muscles that attach it to the lower jaw bone
Mastication and deglutition
Small raised areas on the tongue containing taste buds that are sensitive to the chemical nature of food and allow discrimination of different tastes as food moves across the town
Masses of lymphatic tissue located in depressions of the mucous membranes Lie on both sides of the oropharynx they are filters to protect the body from the invasion of micro organisms and produce lymphocytes, disease fighting white blood cells
Fleshy tissue surrounding the sockets of the teeth
Shows about the gum line
Protects the tooth
The main substance of the tooth lies been easy email mall and extends throughout the crown
Covers, protects, and supports the dentin in the root
Periodontal membrane
Surrounds the cementum him and holds the two’s in place in the tooth socket
Lies underneath the dentin
Pharynx or throat
Muscular tube about 5 inches long line with a mucous membrane it serves as a passageway both war air traveling from the nose to the windpipe