page 4 Flashcards
What does ‘Condescending’ mean?
snobby, arrogant, disdainful
What does ‘Contrite’ mean?
regretful, apologetic, repentant
What does ‘Controversial’ mean?
disputed, questionable, at issue
What does ‘Convoluted’ mean?
complicated, intricate, confusing
What does ‘Corrosive’ mean?
rubbing away, consuming, destructive
What does ‘Chronic’ mean?
persistent, lingering, constant
What is ‘Chronology’?
timeline, itinerary, program
What is a ‘Cliché’?
overused phrase, platitude, common saying
What does ‘Clinch’ mean?
secure a goal, decide, confirm
What does ‘Cohesive’ mean?
united, connected, close-knit
What does ‘Colossal’ mean?
very large, enormous, gigantic
What does ‘Concise’ mean?
to the point, succinct, brief
What does ‘Concur’ mean?
agree, approve, assent
What does ‘Copious’ mean?
abundant, extensive, ample
What does ‘Cower’ mean?
hide, crouch, cringe
What does ‘Crucial’ mean?
important, necessary, essential