page 10 Flashcards
What is the meaning of hypocrisy?
deceitfulness, deception, insincerity
What does hysterical mean?
very upset, agitated, frantic
What is the definition of immune?
invulnerable, resistant, unaffected
What does impartial mean?
fair, unprejudiced, detached
What is the meaning of impertinent?
bold, arrogant, disrespectful
What does imprudent mean?
thoughtless, foolish, reckless
What is the definition of inept?
clumsy, unskilled, incompetent
What does incentive mean?
inducement, enticement, motivation
What is the meaning of incite?
encourage, provoke, agitate
What does indescribable mean?
beyond words, unspeakable, sublime
What is the definition of indigenous?
native, inborn, homegrown
What does inference mean?
conclusion, deduction, reasoning
What is the meaning of initial?
beginning, primary, basic
What does innate mean?
native, inborn, intrinsic
What is the definition of insolent?
disrespectful, discourteous, contemptuous
What does instigate mean?
provoke, incite, initiate