page 11 Flashcards
What does ‘inundate’ mean?
drown, overwhelm, engulf
What does ‘intimidate’ mean?
alarm, frighten, threaten
What does ‘intricate’ mean?
complicated, elaborate, complex
What does ‘introspection’ mean?
self-analysis, contemplation, reflection
What does ‘irate’ mean?
very annoyed, angry, furious
What does ‘jeer’ mean?
ridicule, scoff, sneer
What does ‘jocular’ mean?
funny, cheerful, playful
What does ‘jovial’ mean?
happy, lighthearted, cheerful
What does ‘keen’ mean?
piercing, eager, intense
What does ‘kinship’ mean?
family, kindred, relation
What does ‘labyrinth’ mean?
tangle, maze, complication
What does ‘lackluster’ mean?
dull, lifeless, boring
What does ‘laconic’ mean?
brief, terse, to the point
What does ‘languid’ mean?
drooping, dull, lethargic
What does ‘lament’ mean?
mourn, grieve, regret
What does ‘lavish’ mean?
splendid, bountiful, generous