page 13 Flashcards
What is the meaning of Nostalgia?
longing, remorse, sentimentality
What does Novel mean (not the book!)?
new, original, unique
Define Nuance.
slight difference, implication, distinction
What does Neutral mean?
indifferent, noncommittal, undecided
What is a Nuisance?
annoyance, irritant, problem
What does Obedience refer to?
submissiveness, compliance, good behavior
Define Obdurate.
stubborn, callous, inflexible
What does Obsolete mean?
outdated, ancient, antique
What is the meaning of Obstinate?
stubborn, determined, headstrong
Define Omnivore.
consumer, devourer, diner
What does Ornate mean?
fancy, elaborate, elegant
What is the meaning of Opaque?
cloudy, murky, hazy
What does Pacify mean?
appease, placate, smooth over
Define Palpate.
touch, massage, examine
What is a Paradox?
contradiction, absurdity, inconsistency
What does Parasite refer to?
hanger-on, barnacle, leech