page 2 Flashcards
What is the meaning of ‘Ailment’?
illness, disease, sickness
What does ‘Alleviate’ mean?
relieve, lessen, ease
Define ‘Aloof’.
standoffish, detached, haughty
What does ‘Ambiguous’ refer to?
unclear, vague, obscure
What is ‘Ambivalence’?
doubt, hesitation, uncertainty
What does ‘Amiable’ mean?
friendly, pleasant, agreeable
Define ‘Ample’.
abundant, plentiful, sufficient
What does ‘Animosity’ mean?
extreme dislike, hatred, hostility
What is the meaning of ‘Anomalous’?
unusual, atypical, unnatural
What does ‘Anonymous’ mean?
nameless, unknown, unidentified
Define ‘Antagonist’.
enemy, opponent, competitor
What does ‘Appease’ mean?
satisfy, pacify, calm
What is the meaning of ‘Arduous’?
difficult, hard to endure, exhausting
Define ‘Arid’.
dry, parched, moistureless
What does ‘Aspire’ mean?
aim, hope, strive
What is the meaning of ‘Barren’?
desolate, empty, unproductive