PAFP proceedings I: History Flashcards
WHO expert committee on prof and technical educ and med auxiliary personnel met in Geneva to talk about the need to train family doctors
1962 Folsom Committee Report
Every individual should have a personal physician who is a
central point for integration and continuity of all medical and
medically related services to his patient
1966 Millis Commission Report
Need for specialty board, certification examination and diplomate status for primary physicians
1966 Willard Report
Specialty board certification is a must
WONCA means
World Organization of National Colleges, Academies and Academic Associations of General Practitioners/Family Physicians
WONCA formally inaugurated at the 5th World Conference in Melbourne, Australia
During the Regional Conference held in Manila, WONCA defined Family Medicine
Definition of Family Medicine (WONCA, 1979)
Family medicine is a discipline of Meicine with distinct core knowledge and
characteristics of care,
w/c refers to individuals,
family and community,
and functions within economic, cultural and social environments and resources
Characteristics of care given by FM: (4)
- Primary (1st contact, ER/home)
- Continuing (chronologically, geographically, interdisciplinary, interpersonal)
- Comprehensive (ecological factors: social, cultural, economic, educational)
- Aspects of care (prevention, curative, rehabilitative)
Philippine Academy of General Practitioners was organized
Recognition as a Specialty Society by PMA
Changed name to PAFP
Vision of PAFP
aiming to provode every Filipino a family physician to attain optimum family health
Mission of PAFP
optimum family health and quality of life through Family Wellness Program
1st 3-year residency training program
1st specialty board qualifying exam
DOH recognition as a specialty
Research contest started
An accredited 3-year residency training program was established in Santo Tomas Univ Hospital
Recognition of PSTFM as an aced society of APMC
Recognition by PMA as mother specialty society in the field of Family and Comm Medicine