Paeds Flashcards
What should be used to treat children with pneumonia if mycoplasma is suspected
A macrolide e.g. erythromicin
Features of Roseola infantum
high fever: lasting a few days, followed later by a
maculopapular rash
febrile seizures common
diarrhoea and cough are commonly seen
most likely causative agent of a bacterial pneumonia in children
Streptococcus pneumoniae
What does otorrhoea in a child with acute otitis media indicate
perforation of the tympanic membrane
Common cause of bacterial otitis media
- Streptococcus pneumonaie
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Moraxella catarrhalis
When should children presenting with glue ear be referred to ENT
background of Down’s syndrome or cleft palate
What type of hearing loss occurs in glue ear
conductive hearing loss
What imaging should be done for suspected infantile spasms
EEG - hypsarrhythmia is commonly found
Management of a child < 3 years presenting with an acute limp
Urgent assessment
When is suboptimal SpO2 readings expected from a healthy neonate
In first 10 minutes of life
Triad of haemolytic uraemic disease
thrombocytopenia normocytic anaemia
What would arterial blood gas show in a child with severe diarrhoea or vomiting
metabolic alkalosis
Features of Infectious mononucleosis
- sore throat
- fevers
- lymphadenopathy
Give 2 recognised areas which are protected from chemotherapeutic agents
Testes and CNS
Treatment of sick cell anaemia
- prophylactic
penicillin - Hydroxycarbamide - prevent vaso-occlusive complications
- Blood
transfusions - Stem cell transplantation