Paediatrics part 2 Flashcards
What is wheeze?
A physical sign, whistling sounds on expiration and polyphonic
why is a wheeze expiratory?
In intra thoracic pressure to increase and causes the airways to constrict more
Why is a wheeze polyphonic?
Different sized airways are affected
What can cause wheeze in children?
Viral episodic wheeze, asthma, persitent infantile wheeze plus others ( CF, Thracheo-bronchomalacia, Cilliary dyskinesia, GORD, chronic aspiration immune deficiency persistent bacterial bronchitis, Chronic lung disean of the newborn)
What age does asthma usually present from?
From the age of 5
What are the symptoms viral episodic wheeze?
No interval symptoms, no excess of atopy, likely to improve with age. No benefit from inhaled steroids, may use oral steroids
What are the causes of wheeze pathophysiologically?
Inflammation and oedema of the airway, excess mucous, infection
What is acute asthma managment?
Oxygen if needed bronchodilator, Salbutamol maybe nebuliser, atrovent (ipatropium bromide), prednisilone 1mg/kg if asthma maybe Dexamthasone, Maybe IV steroids hydrocortisone, IV salbutamol bolus, Aminophylline MgSO4 salbutamol infusion
What is aminophylline?
Respiratory stimulent and respiratory dilator, low therapeutic idex
What is the principle of steroid drug ?
Minimum oral dose, minimum effective dose
What are reasons for failure of asthma treatment?
Adherence, diagnosis, environment choice of drugs/devices, bad disease
What are the side effects of inhaled steroids?
Adrenal supression - dose relates surpression, only 28 cases of adrenal crisis in children on inhaled steroids high doses have impaired adrenal axis
Growth reduction?- yes over 2 years reduce it by 1cm, affects final growth probably
Bones- dose related reduction in mineralised bone density but unlikely to cause fractures
How to balance risks of ICS?
Minimise dose and maximise targeting, monitor growth and discuss with the family
What are upper resp infections?
rhinitis, otititis media, pharengitis, tonsilitis larygitis
What are lower resp infections?
bronchitis, croupd, epiglottitis, thraceitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia
Which resp infections are mainly viral?
Rhitistis, pharengitis laryngitis croupd bronchiolitis
Which pathology causes tahypnoea?
Ones that affect alveoli or respiratory bronchioles affecting gaseous exchange
What is the most common respiratory virus in children?
Respiratory syncytial virus
How do viral infetions tend to progress?
They begin in mouth or nose and progress down the airways
What can be presentation of respiratory virus?
Croup Pneumonia viral exacerbation of asthma, wheezy bronchitis, bronchiolitis all can present in all ways but certain viruses are more likely to present in certain forms
What can cause acute stridor?
Croup and acut epiglotittis
What are viruses that cause croup?
Usually para flu
What is croup treatment?
Steroids single dose to reduce inflammation
What is the cause and treatment of Acute epiglottitis?
Haemophilus influenzae B usually, try to not upset the child, secure airway, anaesthetist, or ENT surgeon.
What are red flags for epiglottitis?
Stridor, Drooling, no barking cough, might posture to open airway,
What cause bronchitis?
Moroxella cotaris, haemophilus non B type, and pneumococcal they create biofilms, it doesnt cause tachypnoea, chronic cough,
What is the problem with bronchitis?
Chronic can cause bronchiectasis through dammage to the airways
What is treatment for bronchitis?
Augmentin treated for 21 days and let airways heal
What are DSM-V ADHD criteria?
6/9 Inattentive characteristics, 6/9 Hyperactive/Impulsice symptoms present before 12 years developmentally inappropriate several symptoms in 2 or more settings, clear evidence symptoms interfere/reduce quality of social/academic/ occupational function
What are risk factors for ADHD?
Preterm, ODD/CD, mood idosrders faily with ADHD, epilepsy neurodevelmpental conditions aquired brain injury,
What causes ADHD?
Genetics, Environmental factors, CNS insults Neuroanatomic neurochemical
What are the areas ASD can present?
social communication and repetitive braviour and sensory interests
What are ASD communication difficulties?
Strange use f accents, poor non verbal communication gestrure body language, reciprocity, pedantic language very literal dont get idioms and jokes,
What are the ASD social interactions?
no desire to interact with others no understanding of social rules, dont understand interactions
How does rigid thinking with ASD present?
Imagination play cant do , using toys as objects, rules are fixed, dont like change playing the same games
How to differentiate OCD from ASD with fixation?
OCD don’t like the obsesion ASD enjoys it
When is ASD diagnosed?
When it causes a problem in their lives
What causes osteogenesis imperfecta?
Disease of collagen deposition where have the wrong ratio of collagen to minerals
What are the features of Osteogenesis imperfecta?
Collapse of axial skeleton bones, short long bones of the body. brittle bone less bone trabecular bone is compressed, bone fragility bone pain impared mobility poor growth deafness
What are symproms of OI?
vertebral crush fractures long bone fracturs
What are the grades of osteogenesis imperfecta?
Type 1 low grade only get one every year or two
Type 2 lethal
Type 3 proressively deforming
Type 4 moderate
What are causes of osteoporosi in children?
Inherited/congenital: Osteogenesis imperfecta Inborn errors eg galactosemia Hematological problems Idiopathic Acquired: Drug-induced - especially steroids Major endocrinopathies Malabsorption Immobilisation Inflammation
Who is involved in management of Osteogenesis imperfecta?
physition bone targeting drugs, pain associated medical problems, Surgeon long bones spine skull base hearing teeth, therapists muscle strength/mobility social and education
What are the main treatments for OI?
Bisphosphonate, work well in kids to help increase bone mass but isnt better bone quality
What are the effects of Bisphosphonates on outcomes?
Reduced fracture frequency, Increased vertebral height, supressed bone markers, reduced pain, increased overal mobility, no aderse effect on growth
What is rickets?
Deficiency in Vitamin D from lack of sunlight and poor nutrition.
What is the process of activation of vitamin D?
D3 cholecaliferol is converted to 25OH vit D in liver then 1,25(OH)2 vit D in kidney
What does vitamin D do?
Makes calcium more available, increases absorption from the guy increases calcium release from bone. It as a role in immune function and tolerance
What are ideal levels of Vit D?
75 nmol/L but not clear how much this is true
What is presentation of rickets in early life?
What are presentation of low vitamin D?
Bowed legs, hypocalcaemic convulsions, gross motor delay, incidnctal x ray findings swollen ankle carpo,pedal spasm
What are the dangers of severe vit D deficiency?
Cardiomyopatht, hypocalceamic convulsions
What is the pinna made from embryology?
6 Hillocks of his mesoderm 1st and 2nd branchial arches
What is emryolocically important about tympanic membrane?
Made of all 3 laters
What is microtia?
Poorly formedd ear
What are congenital problems with ear?
Absence of auricle/ microtia
Atresia of outer ear canal
Pre auricular sinus
Accessory auricles
Prominent ears
Outer ear abnormalities may herald middle ear problems
Inner ear develops earlier than middle/outer ear
What is important about outer ear problems?
Might have a middle ear problem but unlikelly to have inner ear problem
What are the syndrome with ear pits?
branchio- oto- renal syndrome
What are the middle ear issues?
Abnormal ossibles disrupts conduction, craniofacial syndromes
What are risk factors for earing problems?
Maternal drugs, family history, Prematurity Jaundice Anatomical abnormalities
What is otitis externa?
Painful inflammed EAM Pinna treat with microsucction topical antibiotics
What is otitis media?
Glue ear infection eustatacian tube dusfunction, fluid in middle ear can be painless self limiting but risks of complications mastoiditis,
What could happen with chromic ititis media?
What is treatment for otitis media?
Conservatice do nothing eustachian tube autoinflation, ventilation tubes Grommit, hearing aids alternative to surgical intervention where it is
What is cause of cronically discharging ear?
Perforation, retraction pockets, chronic supparative otitis media, cholesteatoma
What is a cholesteatoma?
Chronic infections, repeated infections offensive discharge can see perforation, causes chronic discharge
What are the structture of the ear drum?
Mesoderm is missing from top section making it weaker
Why are cholesteatomas important?
Damage to middle ear inner ear structures, ossicles and facial nerve
How do you treat choleseatoma?
Dry safe ear, perforation close it, remove it if you can preserve it
What is acute mastoiditis?
Boggy swelling behind ear, acute mastoiditis is a paediatric emergency, itsan abscess
What are ear foreign bodies treatment?
Try to get it out if you can then call ent if not possible
What are nasal problems in babies?
They are obligate nasal breathers so they need it to be patent
What is choanal atresia?
blockage at the back of the nose septim not working
What can cause craniofacial abnormalities?
syndromic, down apert pfeiffer crouzon treacher collins, May have problems with airway, OSA midfacial hypoplasia,
What is signs and symptoms of nasal foreing body?
Single sided foul discharge or blood
What is treatment of nose bleeds?
Stop nose picking, cut nails, remove antimicrobials, topical naseptin silver nitrate cutery surgical treatment electrocautery
What is an issue with unilateral heavy nosebleeds in boys unprovoked?
Nasopharengel angiofibroma
What is asscoiated with natal polyps?
Cystic fibrosis
What is the smallest part of child throat?
Subglottis so can get stuck below the vocal chords
What is laryngomalacia?
stridor worse on feeding and exertion worse when supine only if failure to thrive and increased WOB
What is sleep apneoa in kids?
Not to do with obesity, tensils and adenoids Obstructive sleep apneoa
What is hostory of sleep apnoea?
Snoring with period breaks
What are common asthma triggers?
Common cold, exercise, emotions stress smoking, pollution, pet/animal allergy, pilen house dust mite, weather changes moulds perfumes aerosols
What age do you do lung function test for asthma?
After 5 years
What is complete control of asthma?
No need for relieve, no datime symptoms no night awakening no exacerbations nolimitations on life
When do you use a spacer?
Always in children
What colours of spacers are there and who are they form?
Orange premature babies, yellow 1 to 4 years, 4 and above Volumatic spacer clear or green
What is the complication of malrotation?
bowel ischaemia,
What colour vomiting is pyloric stenosis?
Milky as bile cant get past it
What is bilestained vomiting?
Green vomiting
When is pyloric stenosis most likely to occur?
4 weeks
When is malrotation likely to present?
in the first 24 hours
What can cause bile vomitting?
Sepsis and malroation
What is gold standard investigation for malrotation?
NG upper GI with contrast xray
What is examination findings in pyloric stenosis?
feeling olive sized lump that is the sphincter, abdominal distension may see peristalsis