Labour ward Flashcards
What is the role of a midwife?
Midwives are involved during pregnancy and for the birth. They assess the situation to work out if further help is required
What is a “normal” birth?
One which occurs spontaneously low risk at the start and throughout The vertex position betweek 27 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. After the birth the mother are in good condition.
What are the names of the stages of labour?
Latent , 1st, 2nd, 3rd stages
What is the latent phase of labour?
When you are having contraction that are irregular still and not organised the cervix is not usually very dialated at this stage
How long is the latent phase usually?
For a first pregnancy it can be 2-3 days. it tends to be shorter in 2nd or 3rd time mothers.
Where is it advised that the latent phase happens?
Can be at home until labour is established if you are a low risk pregnancy.
What is the latent phase of labour dilation size?
What happens in the 1st stage of labou?
The cervic effaces and dilates up to 10cm which is full dilation. The contractions are regular at this point and should be 3-10 minutes they also get stronger.
What is the normal progression of dilation in first stage of labour?
0.5cm per hour
When is the second stage of labour?
From full dilatation 10 cm up until the birth of the baby
How long does the first stage of labour last?
8-18 hours for first time women or 5-12 if nor first time
How long is the 2nd stage usually?
2-3 hours or could be 5 minutes. Sometimes labour will stop and pause for an hour at this stage.
What is the third stage of the birth?
After the baby is born to the expulsion of the placenta.
What are the options for the third stage of labour?
can have an injection to speed it up or can just go ahead and have the baby.
What is the role of Oxytocin?
a sue in levesls at the oneet of labour initiates and continues the contractions of the uterus
What is the role of adrenaline in birht?
a surge is released right before birth to help give extra energu for a push