Paediatrics Flashcards
What is most common cause of paediatric admission?
Where is commonest infection in children?
Respiritory tract
What group of children are in need of care for infeciton?
Younger ones
What is a challenge with viruses?
They can mimic bacterial infections
What to do with antibiotic decisions?
Assess, give as narrow spectrum as possible, then take samples to help advise in the future.
What are difficulties with Abx in children?
Tollerability, forulation, toxicities and pharmacokinedics dificult and studies are challenging and often done later
What is the problem with chickenpox in children?
Fever get broken skin, and then bacterial infection that can be serious
What kind of infections can happen after chicken pox?
Skin bone joint infections
Kawisaki disease what is the importance?
Most serious disease for complications, most common cause of aquired heart disease in children
What are diagnostic criteria for Kawisaki disease?
4/5 fever 5 days plus red swollen hands, fed swollen fee, rash involving body, red bloodshot eyes stomatitis
What is the link with inflammation and infection?
Infection can cause excessive inflammation and body usually has inflammatory response.
What is can fever indicate in children?
sepsis, bacterial, Immune diseases, inflammatory, travel
What investigations are needed for under 3 months fever?
FBC, Blood culture, CRP, urine culture other investigations
What to do investigated under 1 month with fever?
Lumbarpuncture FBC, bloood cluture CRP urine culture
What are the fauses of meningities or encephalitisi in under 3 months?
ecoli listeria, pneumonococcus, meningococcus
What are the casuitive organisms of meningitis or encephalitis in over 3 months?
Meningococcus pneumococcus haemophilus influenza non b
When is it likely to stop getting meningitis?
After 3 or 4 weeks
What tests do to look at immune competency?
immunoglobulin levels not so much IgG but the other immunoglobulins
What is immune difficicney presentation?
Can be an emergency, infections unusually ones or not clearing, IgG, can be presenstation with abnormal blood count with no infection
What are the types of immune congentitial issues?
Some cant make antibodies some cant make T cells, othere no neutrophils, some can’t make effective neutrophils.
What are most common immune defficienty?
Antibody defiecienceis, combined cellilar and andibodies then others
10 warning signs of immune deffiiceiny?
frequent infection, thrush and family history of it
What is treatment for immune defficeincy?
Prompt treatments, antivitrals and antibacterials
What is pasive immunisation?
Give you immunoglobulins to help fight off but give no memory
What are live vaccines?
MMR BCG nasal flu rotavirus
Look at which viruses are included for children?
7 in 1,
Look at which viruses are included for children?
7 in 1,
Why are vaccines in pregnancy?
for the mother bbut also passes on Immunoglobulines to the child when its been born
What is the impact of covid on vaccinations?
The vaccination rate dropped due to interruption with the process
What are the congenital or perinatal infection?
HIV maternal, Hep B, CMV, Rubella, HSV VZV more
What usually causes cardiorespiratroy arrest in adults?
Primary usually suddene unpredictable, VF or VF success depends on response
What is main cuase of cardiac arrest in children?
Usually hypoxia from respiratory failure, myocardial hypoxia results in bradycardia then asystole, neeed to prevent tis by spotting respiratory. The cardiac causes are primary such as congenital
What is causes for breathing problems?
Oxygenation or breathing
What is respiratory failure?
Mismatch of lung ventilation and perfusion causes reduced oxygenation, inadequate ventilation leads to increase psCO2
What to do for breathing assessment?
effort of breathingResp rate work of breathing extra noises, efficacy of breathing: chest expansion, auscultation, pxygemation, effect of breathing HR skin colour mental status
What is problem with respiratory rate measure?
If distressed, in pain of have fever it can go up
What happens in exhaustion for children breahting?
breathing slows and is pre-terminal sign
What are causes of low HR?
Respiratory depresssion from cerebral proble,s children with neuromuscular conditions that can affect breathing, fatigue
What are signs of increased effort of breathing?
Stridor wheeze, crackles
What is the level of oxygen when you have cyanosis?
less than 70%
What can affect spo2 reading?
High pco2 or movement
What can cause increased HR?
Infection hypoxia hypercarbia
What is Respiratory decompsensation?
Increase in resp rate or sudden fall in resp rate, exhaustion and drops GCS reduced interaction with caregivers
cant remover co2 or get on o2 fast enoug
Assessig circulatory state?
Pulse heart rate, Perfusions central peripheral target organ perfusion, blood pressure preload, urine output
Where to assess pulse in baby?
In femoral brachial more than radial or carotid
What can affect heartrate artifactually?
Fever pain anxiety anxiety and shock
What is most common heart arrhythmia in children?
What is normal cap refill time?
less than 2 sec
What are erly signs of cerebral hypoperfusion?
loss of interest in surroundings, irritablility agitation, late signs drowsiness loss of consciousness hypotonia
How to assess urine output in childerne?
Ask about changing nappy or use urinary catheter
What is compensated shock?
The arterial blood pressure is mainteanes
What is decompensated shock?
When blood pressure drops
What is AVPU?
alert voice response to pain or unresponsive
What is decorticate posturing?
Arms drawn to chest feed togetger
What is decerebrate posturing?
Exetended arms internal rotated legs
What is lowest GCS?
What is each section out of for GCS?
M1-6 E1-4 V1-5
What represents a sever neurological drop in GCS?
1 or 2 points can be a lot
What to look for in exposure of ABCDE assessment?
Respect dignity, rashes, injuries, environment temperature, equipment.
Ho to describe status fo child?
stable in failure decompensated or compensated
What is management of compensated respiratory failure?
Child friendly approach in parents arms, O2 therapy monitoring, specifica therapy reassess seek senior help
What to do in decompensated resp failure?
ABCDE approach open maintain airway,o2 15l/min bag mask ventilation, assess adequacy of centilation, reassess and monitor HR Pulse oximetry RR
What to do in compensated circulatory failure? assess airway oxygen, monitorpulse oximetry HR, RR and BP,
assess airway oxygen, monitorpulse oximetry HR, RR and BP, IV or IO access IO if cant get IV, Fluid bolus20ml/kg plasmalyte or o.9% NaCl, Reassess after any intervention,
What is probelem with giving fluid bolus sometimes?
Heart conditions that could cause overload as might need ionotropes instead
What proportion of baby is water?
75% preterm 90%
What is different about babys body to do with water?
Lose fluid faster, lowr response to thirst independance and glomerular filtration, increased surgface mass metabolism respiratory rate.
What categoris can causes of dehydration come into?
Decreased intake or absorption, Increased losses
What are the signs of dehydrateion?
Mild 5% thirst dry lips restlessness, irritibility, moderate, sunken yeses reduced turgor decreased urine output, severe cold mottled peropheries, hypotension, anuria, reduced consciousness
What is chronic fluid deprevation?
Falure to thrive malnutriotion, constipation, urinart tract infectiosn
What are best ways to replace fluids in less than 6 months?
Mothers milk, or formulas
What are the infant formula?
Hungry baby to reduce hunger, antireflux tickend fluids, lactose free, Cows milk protein allergty formula so can have hydrolyed fluids amino acid based, goat milk formula or soy formula from 6months
What are non oral types of nutrition?
Nasogastric orogastric, nasoduodenal and oriduodenal or can do Percutantiosu endoscopic gastrostomy, gastrostomy, jejunostomy
What is solution for malabsorption if GI tract isnt happened?
Central access
When to use fluids in children?
not dehydrates for surgery give maintenance, if they are mildly dehuydrated, maintenance plus deficit, FOr very sick maintenance defecit and bolus
What type of fluid do you use in neonates?
10% glucose in neonates.
What happens to fluid diven in neonates?
Increase almost every day
What to do to check not dilutiong blood?
Monitor electrolyes every day
How to estimate child weight?
(Age+4)*2 = Weight
What fluid do we do for children?
0.9% sodium chloride+5% glucose(+/- KCl 10-20mmol/500ml)
Why don’t start Potassium for children?
Need to know if they are in defecite and if they are urinating
What is the volume and rate for a child?
first 10 kg give 100ml/kg/24hr
next 10kg 50ml/kg
every other Kg 20ml/kg
What is easy way to remember fluids?
1L for first 10kg, .5L for second 10 kg plus 20ml* rest of weight
How to correct fluid deficit?
Mild dont correct, mild 5 percent, severe 10%.
Use deficit(%)10weight in Kg In litres
this is to add to the rate
When do you use fluid bolus?
When it’s an emergency
What fluid to use for fluid bolud?
Normal saline 0.9%
What is volume rule for bolus?
What to monitor in children on IV fluids?
RR and O2 sats, HR and BP, Temperature, Neurological status, Fluid balance, U&E
What type of diabetes do children often have?
Type 1 or genetic types
What are the 4 main symptoms of diabetes type 1?
Toilet thirsty, tired and thinner
Why is glycosuria bad?
Have a very high level of glucose in the blood if have in the urine
What is normal blood glucose?
fasting 3.5-5.6 postprandial <7.8 random glucose >11.1 if symptomatic or 22.2 if asymptomatic.
Fasting over>7.0*2, OGTT Peak>11.1 two hours after 75g oral glucose
What is normal ketones level?
above 0.6 is worrying
What are 3 things for Diabetic ketoacidosis?
Acidotic ketotic and hyperglycaemia
What leads to DKA?
Cells don’t get the glucose from insufficient or absent glucose, then break down fats and protein and this causes ketones. and glucacon is secreted so get more release of glucsoe as cells are in low
What happens in DKA physiologically symptoms and sings?
Insuling def and glugagon excess causes increase ketones and blood glucoses leading ot osmotic diuresis vomiting and fluid electrolyte deplletion that can case cellular dysfunction, cerebreal oedema and shock
What is management of DKA?
Fluids(be careful with fluid shifts), Insulin, Monitor glucose hourly, Monitor electrolytes, especially K+ and ketones-2-4 hourly, Very strict fluid balance hourly I/O hourly neruo obs.
How long to leave giving insulin in DKA and why?
1-2 hours and because causes more of a fluid shift
What are in new diagnosis bloods?
Antibodies, and other autoimmune disease and bloods
What are serious complications of DKA?
Cerebral oedema, Shock, hypokalaemia, aspiration, thrombus
What is normal DMT1 treatment?
basal bolus, so take long acting once a day and then bolus before they eat carbohydrates.
What is classed as hypoglycaemia in diabetic children?
What are symptoms of hypoglycaemia?
Irritable hungry nauseous shaky anxious sweaty palpitations pallor neuroglycopenic, confused drowsy heartn cisula problems headache slurred speech.
Hypomanagement diabetes?
Fast acting sugars glucose tablets glucose gel glucose containt food or drink, not chocolate
follow up wiht longer acting carbohydrate
How long should hypo correct?
15 mins
What is emergency treatment for hypoglycaemia?
How often if checkup for diabetes?
every 3 months
What to check for regular diabetes?
annual eye screen, feet, urine BP, Injection site and Annual bloods to screen for any other conditions
When should transition from paediatrics diabetes to adult?
from 12 when appropriate for them
Why are things different for adult diabetes?
More new things to deal with live living alone or other substances
Why are things different for adult diabetes?
More new things to deal with live living alone or other substances
What are the symptoms of juvenile idiopathic arthritis?
swollen stiff painful joint for 6 weeks or more and all other causes are ruled out
What do you need to rule out JIA?
Infection septic arthritis and malignancy
What is initial treatment for JIA?
Steroids injection of IV or oral
What is used for long term treatment of JIA?
What other medications are used for treatment resistant JIA?
Biological therapies, newer therapies, repeat steroids,
What are the complications of JIA?
Uveitis mechanical damage, side effects of MTX nausea lowered immunity
What can the effects of chronic illness be spit into?
Biological( delayed growth/ puberty), psycholgical ( sick role regression mental health vody image), social ( decreased independence, failure of peer relationships , poor school attendand and family dynamics)
What is important for JIA in teenagers?
Need to support transition to adult services and increased independance in care for own disease
What is a structure to ask people with JIA or any adolescent with chronic disease?
Drugs and alcohol
Depression and Suicide
Sexual health
What are implacations of children being small?
High surface area/volume ratio, so if we bring a small baby for a study room has to be bigger. smaller equipment needed, fit torso on a small plate,
What is a challenge with cooperation for radiology?
Hard to get children to stay still or cooperate with the scan. they are more scared for interventions. can’t do aspirates as easily.
What is play therapy for in radiology?
Try to let children get used to te idea of the scanner and help them do it
What is difference to anatomy in children?
Smaller, some bones are not ossified, growth plates,
What is the effect if growth plate is damaged?
The growth will slow or stop in that area.
What is a n apophysis?
An extra growth plates of bone for tendons to attach to with a muscle
What is the difference in bone structure in children?
The bones are flexible and plastic. so can get greenstick fractures that adults dont get
What is the use of fontanells in immaging?
They allow the ultrasound imaging of the brain.