Gynaecology flashcards
What is endometriosis?
Tissue from the endometrium on other organs in the body
What is the cause of endometriosis?
Not sure could be retrograde menstruation but not confirmed Sampson’s theory, Extraperitoneal spread embolidsation, Halban’s theory, Meyers theory from metaplasia
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
Chronic pelvic pain usually cyclical also dysmenorhhoea subfertility, pain on passing stool. Endometrioma, pain (cyclical), Infertility, high risk of recurrence impact on fertility and life, deepdysparunia, young low parity
Why does endometriosis regress after the menopause?
It is oestrogen sensitive.
What is the gold standard investigation for Endometriosis?
Diagnostic laproscopy with biopsy,
What are principals of treatment for endometriosis?
Reduce the symptoms from the tissue. Either by removing it or by stopping it bleeding reducing the cyclisity or glandula atropy
What are the medical treatment options?
Can use Nsaids, the pill may help spor HnRH analogues to suppress the ovaries can only take for 6 months due to bone demineralisation, mirena
What are surgical treatment options for endometriosis?
Scisors laser of bipolar diathermy see and treat or disections of adhesions and remocal of endometrioma.
What is the normal orientation of the cervix?
Anteverted in80%
What is the main component of the uterus?
They myometrium a smoothmscle layer
What are the layers of and surrounding the uterus?
Endometrium is glandular epithelium then myometrium and serosa and then peritoneum.
What is the blood supply of the uterus?
The uterine artery which comes from the internal illia artery anastomoses at the superiolateral aspect of the uterus with the ovarian arteries
What blood vessels supply the uterus?
There are spiral and basal arterioles spiral are important in pregnancy for fomation of the placenta
What are fibroids?
They are leiomyomata benign tumours of the myometrium. They occur in 25% of women
What are the risk factors for fibroids?
Nulliparous afro-Carribbean or those who have taken COP and injectable progestrogens
Wha causes fibroid development?
Oestrogen and probably progesterone,
What happens to fibroids in pregnancy?
They may grow shrink or stay the same
What happens to fibroids in menopause?
They usually regress but can calcify
What are the symptoms of fibroids?
Usually asymptomatic, depends on site, some can have menorrhagia, pain dysmenorrhoea, can get urinary frequency or retentio and can reduce fertility
What are the effects of fibroids on pregnancy?
They can cause premature labour malpresentations transverse lie obstructed labour PPH. Can get red degerneration and cauase pain
What is red degeneration of fibroid/
When blood supl is reduced you get pain terine tenderness haemorrhage and necrosis
What are chances of fibroid malignant change?
What are the best investigations for fibroids?
Ultrasound may need MRI to differntiate sometiems