Paediatric surgery Flashcards
what is the equation to work out a childs weight?
2 x (age + 4)
how do you determine the normal value of a childs systolic BP?
80 + (2 x age)
what is the volume of insensible fluid loses in children?
how do you determine a childs blood volume?
what is the normal urine output in a child?
what is the trend in heart rate from neonates to older children?
neonates have a HR about 110-160
decreases as you age
reaches 60-100bpm about 10 yrs old
what is the trend in systolic BP from neonates to older children?
neonates have a systolic BP from 70-90
increases as you age until it reaches about 100-120 at 10yrs old
what is the trend in respiratory rate from neonates to older children?
neonates have a high respiratory rate about 30-40
starts to decrease until it reaches 15-20 at about 10yrs old
what does of paracetamol do you give a child?
20mg/kg 4-6 hourly
what dose of ibuprofen do you give a child?
10mg/kg 8 hourly
at what age are weak opioids allowed in children?
> 12 years
what fluid type and volume is given for resuscitation in children?
20ml/kg bolus 0.9% NaCl
what volume of fluid do you give children for maintenance?
4ml/kg 1st 10kg
2ml/kg 2nd 10kg
1ml/kg every other kg thereafter
a 4 year old boy requires maintenance fluids.
what is his average weight?
what volume of maintenance fluids would you give?
approx 16kg
40+6= 48ml/hour
how do you assess a childs response to fluids you have just given?
assess heart rate and blood pressure