Medicine at school
medicine must be labelled with full details
may be able to change dosing schedule to avoid administration at school
pyrexia and fever
forehead thermometers are not sufficiently accurate to be recommended
pyrexia/fever is caused by
resulting from viral or bacterial infections causing the body to increase the set body temperature
important questions
age we can NOT manage under 3 months
how is the child
what other symptoms present (uti for eg)
treatment and licensing
paracetamol from 2 months for post-immunisation
LICENSED from 3 months for general pyrexia and pain
atopic eczema onset
2-6months of age usually with family history of “atopy” eg eczema, asthma and hayfever
atopic eczema diagnosis
an itchy skin condition in the last 12 months, usually visible flexural eczema
atopic eczema presentation
lesions may be moist or weeping
skin may be thickened lichen field
scratch marks are often evident
atopic children ->prone to infection with herpes simplex
differential diagnosis
seborrhoeic dermatitis
proriasis (adult condition)
contact dermatitis
treatment for atopic eczema
chlorphenamine antihistamine from 1year
e45 cream >1month (as much and as regular as possible)
hydrocortisone 1% cream
apply BD for a MAX of 7 days
avoid triggers
cough and cold preparations for chldren under 12 years preparations
tixylix baby syrup (glycerol)> 3months
calpol saline nasal drops >from birth
from 3 months to 3 years
teething symtoms
swollen gum
red,hot cheeks
excessive dribbling
nappy rash
teething otc tx
1st line treatment: paracetamol suspension >3months
anbesol teething gel (lidocaine) >5 months
abnesol teething gel application
pie-size amount to a clean finger on the affected area, max of 6 times a day. For NO more than 7 days
When do colic occur
from about three weeks to 4 months of life
unknown cause
more common in evenings
colic tx
dentinox colic drops
dimeticone § surface active agent
you add it to babys milk
constipation in children
fairly common in children and often related to changes in diet/hydration
constipation treatment
senna +12 years
glycerol suppositories
diet changes
threadworms transmission
transmission via
- faecal -oral route
-retro infection
threadworms typical presentation
noctural perianal itching
possible observation of worms on the stools
retro infection ->continuous re infection
threadwroms refer
treatment failure
secondary infection
treadworms treatment
mebendazole (ovex) tablets or suspension >2 years
take one tablet chewed or swallowed.
second tablet taken after 2 weeks to avoid reinfection.
nails kept sort and clean
srub nails and hands after each toilet use and before meals
wash bed linen daily if possible
wear underwear under night clothes to prevent scrathcing
head lice
eggs laid at the top of the scalp
treatment encapsulates the lice and sufficates it.
we can NOT penetrate the eggs.
headlice treatment
hedrin 4%
repeat after 7 days to ensure you have killed any eggs that might have been laid. leave it on the head for as long as possible and then wash off.
use detecting comb-> no gaps in the comb
treat only if
itchy head and via seeing live louse
transmission if head lice
transmission via head to head contact
we do NOT have to treat the whole family
impetigo presentation
small red lesions which weep and form yellow yellow crust
touch causes spread of infection
impetigo treatment
hydrogen peroxide 1% cream
apply BD or TDS for 5 days
easy to pass infection
make sure they use own towels and face cloths
keep away from school until rush clears
slapped red syndrome-> viral incfection
Paravirus B19
bright red rask on cheeks
slight fever
runny nose
flu like symptoms
it can clean in 5-7 days
hand, foot and mouth presentation
soar throat
spotting blister or mouth ulcers
self limiting 7-10 days
sraclet fever symptoms
white coating of the tongue
->strawberry tongue
flu like symptoms
high fever
blanching rash appears 12-48hrs after
scarlet fever caused by
streptococcus pyogenes
scarlet fever treatment
REFER for penicillin QDS for 10 days
scarlet fever counselling
if NO antibiotics can spread for 2-3weeks after symptoms onset
dangerous disease but is notifiable disease ->patients can get post measles encepgalopathy
suspected measles
immediate referral REQUIRED
Measles incubation period
7-14 days
what can help with diagnosis?
the patient feels unwell systemically and has kopliks spots in the mouth and body
german measles
not as severe as measles
germal measles incubation period
14-21 days with a prodromal phase of 5 days
chickenpox cause by
varicella zoster virus
incubation period
15-18 days and until rush scabs over is infectious
chickenpox tx
Antihistamines -chlorphenamine >1year
analgesia paracetamol AVOID NSAIDS
calamine lotion or E45 cream
in immunocompromised patients
aciclovir POM
counselling for chickenpox
stay away from school and work until blister becomes scabs
bath with cool water and pat dry
cut nails to stop scratching
drink plenty of fluids
avoid sharing towels
whats shingles
reactivation of the chickenpox virus varicella zoster
shingles counselling
e45 cream or hydromol
paracetamol or ibuprofen
shingles red flags
above 50 years
eyes afffected
meningitis symptoms
severe headache
skiff neck
stomach/joint/muscle pains