Paediatric - Haematology Flashcards
WHO defines anaemia as…
- Haemoglobin (Hb) <130g/L in men aged 15 years and older
- Haemoglobin (Hb) <120g/L in non-pregnant women aged 15 years and older
Most common cause of anaemia worldwide?
Iron deficiency
Name 3 causes of iron-deficiency anaemia
Excessive blood loss (menorrhagia/gastric ulceration/angiodysplasia); Diet; Failure of Fe absorption (tetracyclines/antacids/PPIs/Calcium/Coeliac); Excessive requirement for Fe (pregnancy/rapid growth in children)
Name 3 symptoms of iron-deficiency anaemia
Fatigue, SOB on exertion, Palpitations, Headache, Tinnitus, Angina, Taste disturbance, Changes in hair/hair loss
Name 3 signs of iron-deficiency anaemia
Pallor, Koilonychia, Angular cheilitis, Atrophic glossitis,
What 3 investigations confirm Dx of iron-deficiency anaemia?
FBC (hypochromia = low MCH, microcytosis = low MCV); Serum Ferritin (12-15mcg/L confirms Dx); Blood film (anisocytosis + poikilocytosis)
Name 3 possible ways of treating iron-deficiency anaemia
Iron salts, Iron-rich foods (green vegetables, meat, apricots, prunes), Iron tablets (Ferrous sulphate)
Name 3 side-effects of iron supplementation
Constipation, Black stool, Diarrhoea, Heartburn, Nausea, Abdominal/epigastric pain
Where in the body does vitamin B12 absorption take place? (and what protein is required?)
Terminal Ileus and Intrinsic Factor (required for transport across intestinal mucosa)
What type of cell secretes Intrinsic Factor?
gastric mucosal (parietal) cells
Name 3 foods that contain Vitamin B12
meat, fish, dairy products
Name 3 causes of Pernicious Anaemia
Gastric causes (gastrectomy, gastric resection, atrophic gastritis, H. pylori infection or IF deficiency); Intestinal causes (malabsorption, ileal resection, Crohn’s disease); Diet (vegan); Drugs (colchicine, neomycin, metformin, anticonvulsants, long-term PPI use)
Incidence of Pernicious Anaemia in UK population per 100,000 per annum?
1-5/100,000 per annum
What is the most common cause of B12 deficiency and megaloblastic anaemia and what age range does it most commonly occur in?
Pernicious Anaemia and 40-70 years old
Name 3 symptoms of Pernicious Anaemia
fatigue, dyspnoea, faintness, palpitations and headache, neurological Sx (paraesthesia, neuropathy), neuropsychiatric Sx (irritability, depression, psychosis), Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord (impairment of pain, temperature and touch sensations)
Name an antibody screening test which could help determine the aetiology of vitamin B12 deficiency
Autoantibody screen, Intrinsic Factor Antibody, Gastric anti-parietal cell antibodies
Name an investigation which helps confirm a diagnosis of pernicious anaemia
Serum B12, FBC (^MCV,↓WCC+platelets), gastroscopy/gastric secretions, bone marrow aspiration, Schilling test
Name one disease associated with pernicious anaemia (ie. patients at higher risk of developing this disease)
Gastric cancer, primary hypothyroidism, thyrotoxicosis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Addison’s disease, type 1 diabetes, hypoparathyroidism, vitiligo
Suggest a treatment for Pernicious Anaemia
Hydroxocobalamin 1mg IM or oral B12
Name one example for each anaemia: a) Microcytic hypo chromic b) normocytic normochromic c) Macrocytic
a) Thalassaemia/iron deficiency b) Haemolytic/marrow infiltration c) Folate deficiency/B12 deficiency (pernicious)
Where in the body is Folate absorbed?
upper third of the small intestine
Why does folate play a part in mental development and what can be caused by lack of folate in pregnancy?
Folate plays an important role in the production of red blood cells and helps your baby’s neural tube develop into their brain and spinal cord (neural tube defect)
Name 3 causes of folate deficiency
Diet (malabsorption/coeliac,malnutrition,alcohol excess); Excessive requirement (pregnancy, malignancy,anaemia, inflammation); Excessive urinary excretion; Antifolate drugs (Trimethoprim,anticonvulsants); Genetic disorders (SLC46A1)
Name a symptom of folate deficiency
Glossitis, Paraesthesia, numbness, visual disturbance, cognitive changes
Name a blood test (other than serum folate) for folate deficiency and the result
FBC (^MCV); Blood film (leukopenia,thrombocytopenia,microcytes with hypersegmented polymorphs);
Suggest a prescription for an otherwise healthy adult with folate deficiency
5mg of folic acid daily
What is Haemolysis?
Premature breakdown of RBCs